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โ•‘๏ผด๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ’๏ฝ„ ๏ผฐ๏ผฏ๏ผถโ•‘

After some time and the three leave Dracula's room, he eventually takes the two humans over to a spare hotel room where no monsters were staying. The hotel room was simple, not too big, and not too small for the two humans, it was like the room they first went in but with two beds.

The two humans said their goodbyes to Dracula until later that night for the party. Dracula had told the two to rest before the party so when they leave the hotel they won't be tired.

Johnny went over and set his big backpack over by his bedside on the left, he had claimed the bed that was closest to the door and also the bathroom. Ella didn't mind his choices because that left her with the right side room where it had the big window, showing an amazing view of the hotel side.

Ella set her backpack on the foot of her bed, then she sat down on the bed while looking over at Johnny. His attention was to his backpack, he was currently checking all his belongings to make sure everything was there.

Inside Ella's mind, she was fighting herself, she didn't know whether to tell Johnny what happened with her and Markus and her feelings on leaving him. Altho it looked like she was staring at Johnny she was really just gazing off to the distance, her eyes held conflict.

Johnny eventually looked up from his backpack towards Ella, meaning to ask her something but instantly stopped after seeing her face.

"Yo, Ella you okay?" Johnny asked concerned while slowly getting up from the floor near his backpack and walked closer towards her. Her attention snapped after hearing him and she looked towards him.

"What? Oh yeah sorry I guess I am just tired that's all." Ella said quickly while shaking her head, hoping to convince Johnny that she was just tired. Her hands went up to her face, both covering her eyes while she thought.

Johnny knew his best friend like the back of his hand, sure he was not the smartest person ever, but when it comes to someone he cares about he would know for sure. Johnny, once close enough to Ella's bed, jumped and sat to the left of her. Johnny reached out to Ella and gently touched her left shoulder.

"Come on Ella. How long have we known each other?" Johnny said in a hush and gentle tone. The room was quiet and Ella didn't respond at first, but Johnny didn't mind. He waited for her to answer, he knew that she needed time and he's willing to wait.

Eventually, the hands that were covering her face slowly dropped, her gaze moved to the left and landed on Johnny. His hand was still resting on her shoulder while he waited patiently for her response, a small smile on his face.

" Well for what I remember you are 121 and I am 120 so for about a good few decades," Ella said jokingly trying to lighten the mood. Johnny also gets the reference she had made and joined Ella in laughing.

"Well then you should already know that I can tell when you are not okay," Johnny brought back his hand from her shoulder and rested it on his lap.

"You're right. Sorry Johnny I don't mean to hide anything," Ella said with a sigh while looking to the side away from Johnny. "I was thinking back to when Dracula told us how we had to leave the Hotel. We won't ever be able to return, will we?" She finished while looking back at him.

She didn't need to be told that Johnny was also feeling bummed about the fact they have to leave. Johnny is also going through the same thing; he has grown a liking to the hotel, Mavis, and the monsters. It's a place he could really be himself.

"Yeah. You are right. Once we leave Dracula won't allow us to come back. Also, we promised him we wouldn't." Johnny answered.

"Yes, I know. It wouldn't be fair to go back on our word and stay. Johnny..." Ella was hesitant at first but she knows she has to get it off her chest.

"While I was looking for you after you fell through the roof I was joined by Markus. During our talk he told me this thing about a 'Zing' " Ella said knowing she probably has to explain to him what that is.

"A 'Zing'?" Johnny questions right on cue.

" Markus said it was like a soulmate for vampires. They would only have a 'Zing' once. And..." Ella continued to speak until Johnny interrupted her knowing what she was getting at.

"He said you were his 'Zing', didn't he?" Johnny said with a smile. She would only nod while looking at her fidgeting hands on her lap.

"Look E, I know it's something that shouldn't be mentioned but if you really think you can't leave Markus then maybe we can try talking to Dracula about the 'Zing' I am sure he didn't know that before he told us to leave. Or maybe ask Markus to leave with you" Johnny suggested.

"What! I couldn't possibly ask Markus to leave his family for me. What would he do..." Ella suddenly said in surprise while standing up off the bed and walking around the room in a panic.

"Hey, it was just a suggestion. If you think about it, maybe it's good to leave so as to protect him and everyone else from other humans." Johnny got up and walked over to Ella to stop her from walking around the room aimlessly.

The two talk a few more minutes longer about their opinions and plan on leaving. Eventually, the two grew tired and headed off to bed before the party that would be happening that coming night. Once Johnny's head hit the pillow of his bed passed out and was now sleeping soundly.

Ella, whose head was still not calm with all her conflict, stayed up a little longer. Her body was now by the window of the room where there was a window seat. She gazed through the window, there she saw the landscape around the hotel.

โ•‘๏ผฅ๏ฝŒ๏ฝŒ๏ฝ ๏ผฐ๏ผฏ๏ผถโ•‘

As I sat upon the window seat and watched outside the window, I couldn't help but think back on the memories Johnny and I made throughout our years of knowing each other.

I first met Johnny, his full name Jonathan Loughran in 6th grade of middle school in our hometown of California, Santa Cruz. I was new to that middle school and it was currently the middle of the year. My parents decided to stop homeschooling me up to 6th grade and enroll me in public school. Of course, that being my first time ever being in public school led me to be very shy on my first day and not making any friends. On the next day, a little energetic redhead boy came up to me during lunch and asked if he could sit with me.

During our lunchtime, we really clicked and instantly became friends. At first, Johnny did all the talking while I pitched in a few sentences, but over the years I got comfortable with him and started coming out of my shell. Johnny helped me when I was young. The little shy, meep girl who wouldn't raise her hand in class was now confident and outgoing while also somehow being dumb with my choices. Even though I had good grades throughout my education.

From that lunch day forward, Johnny and I never separated. We became closer and saw each other as family. Everywhere we went the two of us would go. His family really liked me, saying I was a good influence on him and I kept him out of trouble while my family liked Johnny because he helps me become more confident and social. We balance each other out.

Throughout Johnny's and I's years in Santa Cruz middle school, we stayed friends through High School. Sure we disagreed with one another at some points in life but eventually, we would get over it and move on with our lives.

High school years were fun and chaotic, but those years went by fast, and eventually, we had to graduate. The Loughran's family altho nice and friendly were also strict with schooling. Johnny's family was big and each member was pretty successful in graduating college so they only assumed that Johnny also would go to College. He grew up as one of eight siblings and despite loving them, they didn't usually get along, and at some point left home to travel around the world to find a place to fit in.

From the moment Johnny and I became friends, I told myself that I would always stay with Johnny and support him because back then. In 6th grade, Johnny was someone who saved me from loneliness. So when he decided to leave our hometown and set off to travel I jumped at the opportunity to join him.

My family at first went against the choice, saying it was a waste of my smarts to not go straight into college after high school. Eventually, after a few months of not changing my mind they reluctantly agreed, it put their mind at ease a little that Johnny would be with me. His family also agreed because I would be with him to keep him out of trouble.

My mother Catherin Smith is a kind soul, a shy and introverted woman who never judges a book by its cover. She was the one between my father and her to oppose my travels with Johnny. She thought it was dangerous and she would hate for me to get hurt.

My father Noah Smith is the opposite of my mother. He is the kind of guy who's the life of the party. He's very optimistic and fun. Always knowing how to make someone smile. An extrovert who likes to take care and watch out for others. He's the one who convinced my mother to let me travel with Johnny.

I am sure if they met Markus they would instantly love him, he would fit well within my family but...Making Markus stay with my family and never seeing him again is not a fair trade.

If I suddenly ask Markus to run away with me...would he?

No. I can't be selfish, he has his only family here. His devoted father that sacrificed a lot, his sister that without him would become lonely within this castle. If he suddenly does, Dracula would have the idea that all humans are evil again because of me taking away Markus.

A long sigh escaped my mouth as my mind finally came up with a solution. I can't stay, and I can't force Markus to choose between me and his family. I also don't want to leave him feeling sad because of me. So maybe if I get him to hate me, then he would eventually forget about me. Then maybe the both of us can move on. I would rather have him hate me than his family lost him.

Slowly I got up from the window seat and took a few steps towards the bed that was closest to the window. I didn't feel like changing my clothing into P.J so I slipped myself right into the sheets and slowly but surely fell deeper into sleep. The long day we had, made it too easy to fall asleep.

โ•‘๏ผด๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ’๏ฝ„ ๏ผฐ๏ผฏ๏ผถโ•‘

The long-awaited night arrived as monsters around the hotel got ready. Everyone and anyone got a wake-up call from Dracula so that no one was left behind for the party. Everyone within the hotel was excited and anticipated the grand party for the two twin bats that are turning 118. Some more than others.

On one side of the hotel where the two only humans are, Ella and Johnny were getting packed and ready to leave once the party was over. They needed to sneak out so being already packed was needed. Ella after contemplating her choices a couple of hours ago decided to keep her distance from Markus, her idea was told to Johnny and he supported her choice.

In another room of the hotel, lots of werewolves were sleeping on a bed. One side held Wanda who was sleeping soundly while her husband Wayne was still wide awake. His eyes were red and all he did was stare out into the void. Who wouldn't blame him? He hasn't been able to get a wink of sleep because all of their kids were sleeping on his side. A few on his head, all or most on his stomach, and a couple down at his feed. One was even hanging on the frame of the bed.



Slowly Wayne's eyes started to close, the deprived sleep finally got to him and he was now drifting to sleep. Only for a second did he get his eyes close, then out of nowhere, the phone on his left started going off, like an alarm. Once the phone went off so did his kids and one by one each of them started howling. Wayde reached over and answered the phone, his tone wasn't pleasant. The kids all scattered off him and started running around the room in excitement.

"I didn't order a wake-up call," Wayne said, his eyes still red from the lack of sleep. His wife on the other hand got up with a smile. Her feeling refreshed from the great sleep slowly got up in an upright sitting position.

" Count Dracula arranged it for all the rooms," a musty tone voice responded back to him over the phone. All Wayne did was groan and set the phone back down, hanging up. Then after a few seconds, the phone alarm went off again. Wade angrily slammed the phone to shut up but it kept yelling.


"Where's the snooze button?" Wayne yelled.


"There will be no snoozing. The party's today." the phone responded back. Wayne hunched over and tried to cover his ears from the constant screaming of the skeleton telephone. His wife on the other hand got out of bed and started getting ready.


In a few rooms over Griffin, the invisible man was in the shower. He had gotten up early and was taking a shower to also prepare for the party. Also talking to himself gives him confidence while shaving and powdering his butt.

Mavis was in her room wide awake and running around her room. She was very excited and nervous about the party because unlike the other parties she has had, there will be someone she needs to impress this time. Her brother sat on her bed watching her fly from one side to another. By her request she wanted his opinion of clothing to see what she should pick.

"You woke me up for this?" Markus said while letting out a small yarn.

"Holy Rabies! The party is tonight! I don't know what to pick. What do you think would look nice?" Mavis said, scrambling over to her closet where all her clothing hung. Markus let out a sigh while watching his beloved sister freak out over this small matter.

"Anything would look great my dear sister," Markus said, sounding a little uninterested.

"But what dress? This one or this one?" Mavis grabbed two black dresses and showed them to her brother on her bed. The two dresses looked the same as the one she was wearing.



He gave her a confused and nervous look while hesitant to respond. Should he tell her that they look the same and there wasn't any difference? But again, girls usually hate when you say that.

"Ummm... Why don't you try making something else to go with your outfit? Something new that you haven't worn before?" Markus suggested.

Mavis's face lit up from the great idea and instantly started getting to work. She grabbed all her dresses in the closet and gathered them over to the spacious area on the floor.

"Great idea Markus!" Mavis yelled as she flew around the room and grabbed all the necessary items. There were scissors, paper, pencil, needle, thread, etc.

"Why aren't you nervous about the party? Isn't Ella going to be there?" Mavis asked as she continued to cut her clothing.

Markus's attention snapped over to Mavis when the mention of Ella's name was said. He thought about the question for a bit, yes he wants to look good at the party but he already knows she likes him. So there aren't any nervous feelings about that. He hasn't told Mavis about his confession to Ella yet, he wanted to surprise her after the party and wait for when she's ready to tell her confession to Johnny.

The two twins tell each other everything so it's no surprise when they told each other the possible 'Zings' they had with the two newcomers.

At first, they were surprised but then excited for each other. Markus likes Johnny and thinks that he wouldn't hurt his sister so he's okay with them getting together one day. He has gotten Mavis's opinion on Ella and they were all good ones. So they both agree on one another love choices and can't wait to be with them for the rest of their lives.

" Yes, She will be there but what's there to get ready for when I am just already built handsome?" Markus said jokingly while running his right hand through his hair. Making it a little messy. "She will fall for me instantly"

Mavis looked over at her brother and rolled her eyes, then she started to laugh. Markus eventually joins her while getting off the bed and walking over to her on the floor.

"I can't believe I am the youngest, you act so much like a child," Mavis said in a humorous tone. She started to sew her outfit together.

"Hey! Being 5 minutes older is a big deal," Markus said in a childish wine while helping Mavis sew other parts of her outfit together.

After a couple of minutes, the two get done cleaning the mess they made from making Mavis's outfit, they decide to leave her room and head over to the party.

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ใ€๏ปฟ๏ผก๏ผ๏ผฎ๏ผšใ€‘ Hey guys. So I wanted to add a back story between Ella and Johnny to really build character for the two. So it made the chapter longer. I hope you guys don't mind. Thanks for sticking around!

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