What. The . Fuck

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Mariah pov
January 7th

" ms.simson" the doctor said walking in I nodded " ok hey I'm miss.veins imma be your doctor through out this whole stage do you know how many weeks you are " I shook my head no " ok sit back and imma do the ultrasound" she said I sat back and she rubbed the gel on my stomach

" okay it looks her you will be 5 weeks tomorrow and the babies are healthy " she said I smiled then it dropped

" you said babies " I said she nodded

" yes mamas your having twins" she said

" dang" i said

"Ok hers their heart beats" she said the sound of it made me cry " okay here's baby A and there's baby B" she said

" why they so small" I said

" they have to develop first " she said I nodded " do you mind me asking where's their father" she said

" I can da haven't told him about the babies he thinks it's somebody's else" i said

"Well Mariah their gonna need their father at one point so don't keep them away so it you're upon but I think you should tell him" she said I sighed

At the studio

" 8 figures rich nigga that's my type " i said on live " aye Kevin play bald head hoe" he nodded this is all song ive recorded yesterday just haven't dropped them the door opened travis Scott and the gang walked in I mugged "aye Kevin turn it off " i da giving Travis a hug then sky

" hey girl" she said

" why all them here" I said

" they followed me" she said

" oh Kevin play the beat for love glory " i da he nodded I walked in the booth with Travis I looked at the live before singing

Sky pov

" dang babydaddy didn't put one he put two" I mumble looking at Mariah ultrasound picture

" dang Mariah having twins " kd said looking over my shoulder I pushed his head

" move bitch " i said

" sky let me talk to you " Ben said I nodded we walked to he hall

" yes bae" i said

" you know who Mariah babydaddy is" he said I didn't say nothing " come on tell meΒ  This is killing kentrell he don took about 6 percs and is on his 7th cup of lean" I thought about it

" finnnne but when she starts yelling I didn't tell you shit" I said he nodded " kentrell" I mumble he nodded I pulled my AirPod to act like I went to go get them

Kentrell pov

I watched as Ben and sky came back in Ben sat next to me

" you the father of her kids" he said I looked at him then at Mariah I popped two percs on my mouth and drunk some more lean she finally got done with her song she walked out the booth and I stood up

" Mariah let me talk to you real quick " i said everybody looked at me

" I'm goo- it wasn't in option bring yo ass" i said interrupting she said and walked to the door we walked out and I went into another room

"Yes kentrell" she said

" imma ask you this on me time and one time only is that my kid growing in you " I said she didn't say nothing I grabbed her tightly " i know yo ass can hear so answer me" i said sternly

" kentrell you hurting me " she said tryna move my grip got tighter I backed her up to the wall

" answer me " i said a tear dropped from her eyes she nodded I let her go looked up before smacking her she fell to the floor and cried I looked at her " we getting a dna test tomorrow " i said before walking out " y'all let's go " I said

Mariah pov

I laid there crying not knowing what to do this nigga really don slap the shit out me I got up wiped my face walking out the room the all was walking out

"Y'all leaving " I said sky hugged me

" when you flight leave" she said

"Right after this doctor appointment I have" I said thinking about the dna test Kentrell looked at me

" bye girl imma call you" she said I nodded

" imma pick yo ass up at 6 be ready and if this kids mines lord knows " he said the walked out I grabbed my stuff and walked to my car

Tomorrow's gonna be a long day

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