✨ Trouble?✨

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"So, what's on your plan for tomorrow, 누나?" Jungwoo inquired as they reconvened in the practice room after departing from the stadium. Nara's parents had returned to their hotel and apartment, while Nara, NCT, and Nathan had headed back to the company, leaving little Jisung asleep on the couch, snug in his blanket.

"Ask Nathan," she deflected, directing attention away from herself and towards the elder Yang. "Also, do I have anything? Mark invited me to bring Mama and Papa for some sightseeing." Taeyong sensed a tinge of jealousy but managed to keep his composure. Nathan consulted her schedule on his phone, shaking his head and she nodded before pulling out her phone to call the ex-boyfriend. She walked out of the room when he answered, while the others engaged in their own conversations and activities in the room.

"Nara doesn't have any physical promotions scheduled because she's only meant for visual promotion, remember?" Nathan reminded the members, who had momentarily forgotten, prompting them to nod in recollection of the contractual agreement.

"형... Do you think they'll get back together?" Taeyong suddenly voiced his concern. Nathan sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not sure, Tae. They've been friends since middle school and dated for seven years. They decided to remain friends after the breakup. So... I can't say for certain if they'll reconcile," Nathan responded to the leader. "But don't lose hope just yet. You might still have a chance." He gave Taeyong's shoulder a reassuring pat and a smile.

"I doubt it," Taeyong muttered, recalling how Nara interacted with Changkyun, leaving Nathan to question why. "Changkyun likes her too. They've been spending more time together ever since they met. They were each other's fans before they even met in person." Taeyong expressed his frustration, running his hands through his hair.

"Don't overthink it, Tae. Nana isn't ready for another relationship, and they're just friends. Nothing more," Nathan replied, defending his sister and friend. "Taeyong... You need to stop obsessing over whether they'll date or are dating. I know you like my sister, but fixating on her interactions with her ex or with a friend she's known for a short time, or anyone else for that matter, won't make you feel any better. Your behaviour is starting to concern me; it's almost as if you're obsessed with her. It's normal to feel jealous, but this is unhealthy when you don’t want anyone else to get close to her. You need to change your mind-set about this, or I'll consider pulling Nara out of SM for her own safety. I'm serious," Nathan said firmly before exiting the room to inform Nara that they were leaving.

Nara returned to retrieve her bag and gave her boys a warm hug after informing them of her departure, completely unaware of the conversation that had taken place while she was outside. By then, everyone had heard what Nathan had said to Taeyong and how serious he sounded about wanting Nara to leave SM permanently.

“형... Please do what Nathan 형 said, or we won't forgive you if he does terminate her contract because of you," Mark spoke up in a serious tone, and the younger members concurred before departing.

"Hey... Is what Nathan 형 said about me true? About not wanting Nara to be with other guys and being obsessed with her?" Taeyong asked the members, expressing concern. The only ones left in the practice room were the 형 line, after Jaemin returned to fetch the sleeping Little Jisung with Renjun. (They forgot about the baby mid way to the main entrance)

"I can't confirm whether Nathan was right or wrong, but..." Taeil interjected before Johnny continued, "Honestly, I have to agree with Nathan형. Think about it, Taeyong. You get anxious every time Nara is with another guy or has a close male friend, regardless of whether you know anything about them or not."

"You've really changed 형, ever since Nara broke up," Doyoung confessed, and the others nodded in agreement. "You get upset or irrational whenever Nara interacts with or hugs another guy," Ten added. "Remember when you reacted strongly just because Nathan 형mentioned Changkyun or his members as her boyfriend, only to find out she's not dating any of them?" Kun elaborated, and they all nodded.

"You seemed happy when you went out with her last week, but then you became upset after seeing her Instagram post about having dinner with Changkyun after her rehearsal. You also seemed uncomfortable when Mark 선배님hugged her on stage," Jaehyun said. "Why are you behaving like this, Taeyong형? What caused this change?" Winwin asked with concern.

"And do you think 누나 hasn't noticed? She knows," Jungwon said, causing Taeyong's eyes to widen, along with the others. "She told me about her concerns regarding you 2 months ago. She said, 'Have you noticed that Taeyong has been acting strangely lately? He always asks me if I'm dating someone or seeing someone, even after I've told him I'm not ready for another relationship. It's like he's constantly checking to make sure I'm not dating or going to date someone. I'm starting to feel scared of him because he asks too many questions.'"

"I may not know much about dating, but the longer you continue like this, the farther Nara will drift from you, and Nathan may end her contract for her safety," Yuta concluded, patting his friend's shoulder as the others nodded. Hearing his members' observations about his recent behaviour, Taeyong sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "We all know you have feelings for her. But constantly questioning her about her dating life every time someone gets close to her is like putting a tracker on her," Taeil remarked.

"Don't even think about it. Nathan would not hesitate to end you," Kun warned sternly. "Try to take a moment to appreciate life's simple pleasures."

"Rediscover your old self—the caring, shy, respectful, and funny Taeyong," Johnny encouraged, echoed by the others. "Not the erratic, obsessive, and possessive Taeyong," Doyoung added.

"And learn to accept that someday, if Nara decides to start a relationship that isn't with you, it might not be your fate to be with her," Yuta advised. "Like us. We know we don't stand a chance with her, so we've come to terms with it," he gestured to himself, Johnny, Doyoung, and Kun.

"I actually confessed to her after she returned from L.A. for the two-month hiatus, when I was upset about her potential marriage to Mark. But Nara forgave me, and we remained friends, which I'm content with," Johnny revealed, surprising Taeyong. "Listen, Tae. You can change your behaviour by simply accepting that Nara might end up with someone other than you. Be happy for her when she finds someone to spend her life with, even if it's not you. Her happiness should be your priority," he advised.

Taeyong pondered his members' words, reminiscing about his demeanour before the breakup, before finally nodding in agreement. The members cheered and offered their support, leaving the leader grateful for their presence.
"Let's get you into therapy," Yuta suggested, patting his friend's shoulder, making the other chuckled and agreed too.

Yeay for double updates!!! 👏🏻👏🏻

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