.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 28 .+.

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"ESPRESSO!!" I flinched lightly, thought I didn't turn around to face them. I didn't need to. "Espresso! What..." Latte's voice trailed off. Latte went completely silent. I stared at Madeleine as he began to wake up.

"...Espresso..?" He whispered, his voice weaker than normal. He squinted his eyes at me before opening them completely. His eyes lost its sparkle he usually had when he was extremely happy. God, sometimes I miss that side of him.

"Madeleine.. what have they done..?" He gave me a sad smile and closed his eyes. "..They're.. getting rid of me today." My heart sank. No. Nonononononononononononononono. They can't be doing this to me. To him. Why..?

I could hear Almond shouting at Dark Enchantress but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I gave Madeleine a tight hug, not wanting to let him go. He hugged me back weakly.

"I love you, Espresso. Please remember that." He whispered to me. I let out a shaky sigh and whispered back, "Butter Madeleine, don't leave me again..."

He gave me a kiss on my forehead before pulling away from me. "I'm sorry, Espresso. I don't have a choice.." This was probably the last time I'd see him.

Why's life so unfair? I hate it. "Put your hands up, you sick bastard!" Almond shouted. Dark Enchantress chuckled, bursting out into an evil laughter.

"You really think you can stop me?" Dark Enchantress snapped her fingers and suddenly, Madeleine disappeared from in front of me. He fell onto the floor, whining out in pain.

I snapped my head towards Dark Enchantress. She had her heels and her staff on top of Madeleine. I began to panic. If I knew one thing about Dark Enchantress, it was that her staff was extremely sharp at the ends.

Latte attempted to run towards her but was immediately held back by Pomegranate and Licorice. Trying to wiggle herself out of their grip, "LET GO OF ME!" She growled. The two glared at each other as they held her back.

Poison Mushroom approached Almond and held out a purple mushroom. "Want a shroooomie?" They waved the mushroom around. Dark Enchantress turned around to face me with a wicked smile.

Tears ran down my cheeks, but I was too stressed to even care. "Why... Why are you doing this to me?! What have I ever done do you?" I shouted in a slightly shaky voice.

She laughed, "My dear, you know that whatever makes you happy doesn't last forever." I stayed silent. Her words stabbed me painfully like a sword though the chest. I knew what she said was true, but I didn't want to believe it.

"Any last words?" Dark Enchantress poked Madeleine at the back of his neck with her staff. Madeleine looked back at me and smiled softly, "Until we meet again, Espresso.."

He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, ready to accept his own fate. "Madeleine!" I screamed, crying streams of tears. This was painful. His words were painful. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to see him ever again hurt me so bad.

Dark Enchantress raised her staff high, targeting its sharp end towards Madeleine. With full force, she stabbed Madeleine right through his chest, blood spilling everywhere.

Madeleine stopped moving ever since. Latte gasped and turned her head away from the scene. I stared, wide-eyed, at the now dead paladin. Almond attempted to use his handcuffs against Dark Enchantress but was held back by Red Velvet.

"So, now that that's over with," Dark Enchantress started. "Would you like to stay with us, my dear?" I glanced at Latte.

I chuckled out of anger. "..Stay? With you? Is this some sort of joke?" I glared at Dark Enchantress, wiping my tears as they fell. "Why the fuck would I stay with someone so sick? Someone who took my own happiness away from me? Bullshit. I would never come back to you. You manipulated me and treated me like shit."

 I stood up and walked out of the cage, back towards Latte and Almond, shooting coffee beans straight at Dark Enchantress. Pomegranate, Licorice, and Red Velvet let go of Latte and Almond, quickly making their way to Dark Enchantress.

I began shooting flames at them and took the two towards the exit. "I hope you and your shitty crew die a horrible death." I yelled at them as I left the castle.

As soon as I walked out, I immediately began to cry again. "Ess! Hey.." Latte hugged me and tried to comfort me to the best of her abilities. "I'm sorry for your loss." Almond put a hand on my shoulder.

I realized I was hyperventilating and tried to calm myself down. "C'mon, let's get you home. You need to rest. I'll be by your side to help you through." Latte took me back home after Almond was called somewhere else.

She placed me down on my couch. "Do you need anything? Any coffee?" I nodded, wiping my tears and hugging myself. She went into my kitchen, leaving me alone in the living room.

I thought about Madeleine's final words to me. Until we meet again.. I felt a warm, comforting presence around me. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you. It's all my fault." I whisper to myself.

Latte came out of the kitchen holding a warm cup filled with coffee. She hands me the cup. "I have to get going now, Espresso. Do you need me to stay to help you or anything?"

I shook my head. "I believe I'll be fine." I responded. I wasn't fine. I needed him. "Alright then.. I hope you'll be alright soon. Don't forget to sleep tonight." 

She waved to me and headed out the door. I stared at the coffee, thinking about how Madeleine used to remind me to sleep.

I finished my coffee and left the empty cup in the sink. Once I had done what I needed to, I laid down in my bed.

Hours had gone by and I couldn't fall asleep, knowing the one I loved most was now completely gone from my life. I sighed and rolled around on my bed.


I need you, Madeleine.


haha idk what im writing anymore

1032 Words.

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