Chapter Two: The Man Himself.

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As I woke something felt off. I sprung up and scanned the room for any sign of threat before my eyes landed on a note. I stood up and walked towards it, picking it up and unfolding it.

" cha-cha is stubborn, like I said. we think we've found our guy. meet us at 19 Lower Glentworth Street in the garage. "

I rolled my eyes at the note and scrunched it up, walking towards my suit and mask as I prepared to leave for battle.

Here we go.


"Are you kidding?" I ask the pair as I stand in front of a man with bleeding nipples. There isn't a way in hell this man could be THE five Hargreeves's. He was too out of shape and submissive. he was crying for gods sake! Plus the idiot was a grown man again, Handler had told me Five was a boy. Hadn't she told the others?

"He was the last person seen before a shoot out in a diner that left a lot of our men dead. So no, we're not kidding." Cha- Cha snapped at me. I really was not liking this woman.

I grimaced at the sobbing man in front of me and equally at the sound of Hazel chewing in my ear.

"Did she seriously not tell you? Hargreeves's turned himself back into a young boy. This man cannot be our target- "

"Yes! The boy!" The trucker called out in pain. I turned to him with a raised eyebrow, my curiosity spiking. I bent over, meeting the kneeling man's eye-line.

"What boy?"

"The boy! There was a boy there! He was wearing his uniform and he kept asking me strange questions! Please! I swear!" The man cries out as thoughts pull together in my head and I turn to Cha-Cha. She had the same confused look on her face.

"What kind of questions?"

"He kept saying that he visited Griddys when he was younger. He was speaking as if he were older than me!" he yelled in pain. I turn to Cha-Cha again.

"Still think he's your guy?" I walk away as Hazel begins untying the man who is drowning in gratitude for us freeing him.

"Where are you going now?"

"To find the boy. Since apparently my "partners" can't do their jobs correctly!" I call out as I exit the building.


Hours later it had become dark, I had returned to the motel to gather information and make a plan. The file was laid out on my bed, all of the information we had on number fives whereabouts was before me. As I pick up a page a knock is heard.

"It's us." Cha-Cha called and I rolled my eyes standing up. I walked to my door unlocking it allowing them in. They were holding their masks and guns. I gave Hazel a confused look.

"And where do you two think you're going?" I ask crossing my arms as a sign of authority.

"If you hadn't rushed off so quickly you might've figured this out, number one." She mocked handing me a piece of paper. I opened it revealing an address.

"What's this?"

"The trucker, that's the address he gave the boy. That's where Number Five is." Hazel chimed in and I looked between him and Cha-Cha, astonished they actually did good with the minimal brain cells the pair had.

"Nice work." I placed the paper in my pocket and turned to my bed, gathering the pages as I spoke.

"I need you both to listen very carefully. I have dealt with Number Five personally, albeit with my mask on.He's got these jumpy powers.." I walked towards the box grabbing my gun and placing it in my holster and my mask which sat underneath my arm. I also grabbed a pair of latex gloves I always wore when shooting, keeps the trigger clean and the blood out of my sight.

"He can go where he wants and when he wants. That's how he's reverted back to his...younger self. When we get in there I expect you both to have my back, don't try and be hero's,please. I do not have the time or patience" I tell them snapping my glove to my wrist as I walk past them and towards the car, shutting my motel room door.


As we arrived at what seemed to be a clothing retailer of some sort I took my gun out. The night had settled in and the parking lot was empty, besides our shady van. I watched as a flashlight shone through the windows of the store.

"Well boys, it's show time." I grunted as we exited the van and I placed the mask on my head.

As we approached the door I signalled for them to enter behind me. I clutched my gun and took in a deep breath.

"See red..." I whispered to myself before opening the door and walking in slowly, careful not to make any noise.

I spot Number Five instantly and make my way to the main aisle, leading us to him. I point my gun and hold up my hand before dropping it and chaos strikes.

Bullets fly towards Number Five as he screams. They pierce through the mannequins he seemed to be...staring at, as he ducks out of the way and army crawls to a nearby aisle. I motion for the other two to follow him as I head for another angle.
I march towards another aisle spotting him and aiming my gun before Hazel spots him and shoots again, scaring him from my view. I roll my eyes.
I watch as he grabs the mannequin and drags it to a secluded aisle before creeping up behind him. Watching him as he carefully checks the mannequin for what seemed to be injuries?

And this guy ranked above me?

Bullets continue flying as the three of us follow him around. Anger begins rising in me as I struggle to catch him, my bullets narrowly missing his head. I watch as he uses his powers to jump away.


I quickly catch up to him, my walk slowly turning to a sprint as I feel anger rise in me. A blazing heat runs through my body as Cha-Cha and Hazel prove themselves to be completely useless.

Bullets remain flying as my "partners" begin chatting.

"You see that?" Cha-Cha asks as Number Five jumps from one spot to another, seemingly back to the mannequin.

"You said he was special. So now what?" Hazel asks as I run between the two of them.

"Now you get your head out of your ass and kill him!" I charge towards The Boy who disappears once more. I grunt as the heat only increases. This guy was pissing me off, big time.

I look around in confusion attempting to spot him. Had he gone? Suddenly he appears beside me and slices a knife through my suit and into my arm. I yell in pain before pointing my gun and just like that he's gone again.
I look to my fresh wound as my brows furrow. I see the red skin surrounding my wound and I panic, the blood mixed with my skin was sending me into spiral.

"God please...not now."

I head towards Cha-Cha who has a similar injury to mine. Five disappears again as the three of us charge at him from different angles. Bullets storm through the air and towards the empty abyss he leaves behind.
Suddenly we all spot him on top of the cash register. He looks, helpless?

"Got him." Cha-Cha exclaims as our guns fire up again only to be interrupted by the sound of police sirens. As we all look to the police flashing lights we miss Number Five jumping away once more.

"Godammit!" I yell as I kick something over and Hazel and Cha-Cha run away. I look to my wound once more and the red skin remains. In turn I remove the latex glove around my hand to see the red skin.

"Shit..." I mutter placing the glove back on as the police draw near and I run to the emergency exit.

Nobody could see. Nobody.

But somebody had...

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