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"Soo y/n is there anyone you have your eye on?" Scarlett asked as we did our stretches for our yoga class

"I do actually"

"Are you going to tell her?" She asked

"I don't know I don't have the guts to tell her tho"

"Why not?"

"Well I have always been scared of rejection and if she rejects me I don't know what I'll do" I said looking down at my hands

"Tell me about her" she said

"Oh um ok, well she's really beautiful, she has the most beautiful eyes ever and really amazing hair,she's funny,she's very outgoing, can be shy sometimes and needs a little push, she's very caring and kind she makes me wonder if she's really real sometimes,she's always there for me ya know she lets me cry to her talk about my problems and we do almost everything together"

"She sounds lovely,does she have a name?"she asked smiling

"I think you know who I'm talking about Scarlett"

"But we might be thinking of two different people,just tell me"

"It's you Scarlett"

"I'm the best aren't I?" She asked making me laugh

"Oh be quiet" I said pushing her a little m

"So you like me huh?"

"Yea for a while now, you know if you don't like me back that's fine but I don't want things to be wired between us"

"It's ok cause I like you too...."

"Meet me at the pool later" she and winked at me


Time skip to after the yoga class-

I walked down to the pool and saw Scarlett sitting there with her feet in the water

"Hey Scarlett"

"Hi cutie, come, sit down with me" she said

I put my stuff done and took off my socks and shoes and say with her.

"So did you like today's class?" She asked

"Eh it was alright, I don't get how you like this kind of stuff, and I can't believe I come with you too these classes"

"You come because you like me" she said smirking at me

"Oh shut it" I said laughing

"So how long have you liked me?" She asked

"Since 2 years ago when we first met on set at first I thought it was some silly little crush,because before I met you I was a huge fan of you and I had a crush. But then I met you and got to know you and realized I was developing feelings. How about you? How long have you liked me?"

"Hm well when we first met.You were so shy and I thought it was cute. And you would get flustered when you couldn't remember your lines. And blush over any complement anyone gave you it was adorable.I thought you were so perfect"

We smiled at each other for a few seconds before she got up.She undressed herself,and out of respect I turned around and covered my eyes.

"Uh Scarlett what are you doing?" I asked confused

"What does it look like?" She said jumping in the pool. And water splashing all over me

"OMG SCARLETT" I said laughing

"You can look now" she said

I turned around and looked at her.

"Come join me y/n it's nice" she smiling

"What if someone comes in?"

"No one will come in, everyone has already left. Come on I promise you'll like it" she said

I thought about for a few seconds and decided to get in.

"Fine but only for a little bit I have to be somewhere later" I said taking off my clothes

I jumped in and came out up and smiled at Scarlett.

"Told you you'd like it"she said and Swam closer to me

She put her arms around me and pulled me closer our lips we inches away.Our eyes flickering from our lips and each other's eyes.

Before I knew our lips were pressed against each other. The kiss was slow and passionate and filled with love. Her hands wondered down my body and touched all the right places.

We pulled away when we both needed air.

"wow" I said

"wow that was amazing" she said

"Y/n would you like to be my girlfriend? You don't have to decide right now I would like to date you on a date first tho" she said

"I would love too, and I would also like to go on that date"

"Good" she said and kissed me again

We got out of the pool and put our clothes back on. We both said goodbye and went our separate ways.

I'm finally getting to go on a date with Scarlett! I couldn't be more excited.

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