Gamora 🌳

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No ones POV ;)

The guardians were at battle right now and there was no way they were gonna win. They only way they could win is if someone sacrificed themselves.

No one could do it but someone had to.
Y/n was the only one willing to do it. But Gamora her girlfriend, wouldn't let her.

"NO! I'm not letting you do this we will find another way I promise,ok?You can't leave me I need you"Gamora said to y/n

"I have to Gamora there's no other way and we are running out of time! I love you, I want you to find someone new and move on you deserve to be happy even if it isn't with me.I'll always be with you,il be watching over you and protecting you..... you just have to trust me on this" y/n said and ran to portal closing it.

The power from the portal was too much for her body to handle so it killed her almost immediately.Nothing else could've stoped it.They need a living person to stop it.

"NOOOO! Y/N" Gamora screamed as she began sobbing

The rest of the team all ran over to her trying to comfort her.

"It's ok Gamora we are gonna get through this" Quill said

"No it's not ok she didn't deserve to die like that she deserved better and to live longer, it should've been me" she said in between sobs

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net