Dating peggy

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Requested by @AnimeLife53

Dating Peggy would include<33

-Her being overprotective of you

-Keeping your relationship super secret and only telling people who you truly trust.

-endless kisses and cuddles

-her always calling you darling

-you always calling her love or my love

-you cooking dinner for her all the time

-you being there for her when she misses Steve

-it doesn't bother you that she still misses him and loves him. Why would it tho? That was her first love.

-she loves being big spoon. But when she had bad days she loves being little spoon.

-dad jokes

-having snow ball fights and building snowmen when it snows.

-you sining to her. And singing her to sleep.

-her supporting you on becoming a Model

-her proposing to you while the two of you were watching the city at night on the rooftop.

-you said yes of course.

-eventually adopting a beautiful babygirl.

-you then had a beautiful wedding.

-getting a house to raise your daughter in.

-spending a lot of money on house decor. And clothes for the baby. And of course clothes for the two of you.

-she loves to baby you

-she gets jealous easily

-you like to tease her and make her jealous cause you know that'll lead to the most amazing sex ever.

-overall being an absolutely amazing  couple


A/n. Hey everyone how are you all?

What would you name your  daughter with Peggy?

Also hows school for everyone so far?

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