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Me and Carol have been in the air force for as long as I can remember. It's how we met... and started dating.

Obviously dating someone in the Air Force can  be pretty scary. There's a lot of risks.And not knowing if your partner is going to come back to can be really stressful.

Today was carols first time flying. And we were both nervous but I think I was more nervous than her.I didn't want to lose her she's the love of my life and I wouldn't be able to make it with out her.

"Babe I'll be ok don't worry too much,I'm gonna come back to you"she said grabbing me by my shoulders making me look at her

"I know I'm sorry, I'm just I don't know. You promise to come back to me... Alive.." I said

"I promise" she linking our pinky's together

"Now come on it's almost time and I'm supper excited!" She said dragging me by my hand outside.

We went towards her plane and made sure everything was secure before getting her in. Once she was in and buckled up I gave her one last kiss before letting her take off

"See you in a minute" she said

Then she died lol

I'm kidding y'all she didn't die

She took off and I went inside to the monitors to monitor her plane and give her directions. I put on the head set so I could talk to her.

"Carol can you hear me?" I asked

No response



"I'm here babe, sorry couldn't really hear,I can now tho. Sorry for scaring you" she said and I sighed in relief.

"It's ok just make sure before you leave that you can hear me" I said

"Ok my bad" she said laughing

I helped her around and gave locations that she'd have to go to in the future.

When I looked at the monitors again I saw something out of place and coming really fast behind Carol

"Uh Carol get out of there, there's something coming at you at an insanely fast speed" I said already panicking

"What do you mea-" she got cut off and I heard a loud bang come from the other side

"Carol can you still hear me? What happened?" I asked then looked up to see a huge fire and black smoke

"We need to get over there now let's go" I told everyone and we all got in cars or planes.

I got in the car since haven't flown a plane yet.

When I get there I parked the car a safe distance from the fire and ran towards it (not a smart choice I know) I needed to find Carol and make sure she's ok.

"Y/N DONT GO IN THERE ITS NOT SAFE" one of the other crew mates yelled

"I KNOW BUT I NEED TO FIND CAROL I HAVE TO SAVE HER" you said But he ran up to you and grabbed you from going any further

"Y/n you can go in there you'll get yourself hurt! Well find her don't worry,she's going to be fine I promise" he said while held me in his arms and I began crying

"But what if we don't then what? I can't live without her jack!" You said and stoked your hair

"If we don't,then I'll be here with you every day.I'll help you through all your tough times. But we can't think like that y/n we have to think positive. Cause she could still be out there" he said as he walked you back to the car.

"Thank you jack,thank you for being here for me" I said and he smiled

We waited an hour before they put the fire out before they started looking for her.

"We can't find her,but whatever hit her was definitely aiming for her" the captain said

"Well have you even checked the surrounding area? Maybe she walked her way over to a safe distance and passed out"I said worried and trying to come up with ideas on where Carol could possibly be.

"We have checked,she's no where to be found. Not even in the fire,there are no dead bodies." He said and I looked around

"Wait, wheres the plane that hit her? Shouldn't it be here too?" I asked Now confused

"Yea it isn't here where is it? It couldn't have burnt. I mean you saw that thing it was huge" jack said

"I don't know we'll have to do conduct an investigation for it" he said also looking around

"What if they took her? They made her plane crash and saved her just before the explosion happened?" I said

"That could be a possibility but like I said we'll have to conduct an investigation and that could take days maybe even weeks" the caption said

We went back to the base and went to the security room. We have camera on every coordinate we train on incase something were to happen.

"Ok pull up footage from 1 hour ago" I said

He pulled up the footage and it showed carols plane then the other plane right behind her. Then crash happened. We didn't see anyone or anything move at all we didn't even see Carol get out of the plane. Then the explosion happened and the other plane was gone.

Where could she possibly be.... I thought to myself. I'm not giving up on her. I'm gonna find her.

A/n heyyy so do you want a part 2? This is kind of bad but I'm not really good at writing character imaginess sorry !!

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