🇲🇻ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀʟᴅɪᴠᴇꜱ; ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪ🇲🇻

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Scene: AQUA Restaurant.

Lila sat between Kalianna and Giselle, quietly picking at her food. She tries to ignore the quartet talking about their wonderous time scuba diving, acting like she didn't care, but she did.

The infamous model felt her anger and jealousy blaze at hearing how Adrien and Kalianna spent their time together.

'I swear, if we were back in Paris, I'd get myself Akumatized and destroy that Korean skank,' She thought maliciously, clenching her fork and glaring at Kalianna. She angrily put down her fork and stood up. "Excuse me, I have to make a call," She said, smiling at Adrien and Hiro.

But to her annoyance, both boys completely ignored her, focused solely on Kalianna and Giselle.

Lila turned and exited the restaurant, turning on her Alliance ring and calling Gabriel, and he answered.

"Hello, Mr. Agreste." Lila greeted.

"Are you managing to keep my son and Kalianna apart?" Gabriel asked directly, not greeting her back.

"Yes," Lila said, untruthful.

'It's hard to do so when that slut and tall freak keep thinking of ways to exclude me!!' She thought, irritated.

"Good, continue to do so." Gabriel orders.

"Of course Mr. Agreste. Actually, I have something—" Lila began to say, only to hear the call get cut off.

Gabriel had hung up on her, making her scowl.

"Asshole..." She muttered under her breath in annoyance.

The manipulative liar huffed and returned to the restaurant to continue eating her dinner.


Scene: The Next Day. The Beach.

Kalianna, Adrien, Hiro, and Giselle decided to try a relaxing activity together; yoga.

Unfortunately, Lila had woken up early and managed to catch them as they were leaving.

As the teens set up their yoga mats on the sandy ground, Lila stood between Adrien and Hiro, wanting to show off her yoga skills to impress them.

Kalianna and Giselle both rolled their eyes, knowing the scarlet brunette was plotting something.

Several people arrived and set up their own yoga mats.

After a few minutes of waiting, the yoga instructor came and began the class.

In the middle of it, Lila grew bored and turned to Adrien, who started doing the raised hands pose.

"Hey, Adrien." She whispered to him.

Adrien ignored her because he didn't want to interrupt the class.

Lila narrowed her eyes; she didn't like how he was ignoring her.

She turned to Hiro and smiled at him. "Hiro," She said, trying to get his attention.

Hiro also ignored her, focusing on the instructor. While Lila kept trying to get his and Adrien's attention, Kalianna and Giselle rolled their eyes.

Lila continued to call the boys' repeatedly, unknowingly catching the attention of other participants.

Kalianna noticed the other guests looking in their direction, some glaring at Lila.

The noirette turns to her enemy with a frown. "Lila, shut up!" She whisper-yells.

Lila ignored Kalianna's demand and she continued to try to get Adrien and Hiro's attention.

The yoga instructor tried to ignore the Rossi girl, but as she continued to act desperate, his closed eyes started twitching in irritation.

Having enough, he took a shaky breath and his eyes snapped open, zeroing in on Lila.


Lila yelped and turned to him, seeing him scowl at her.

"Please stop talking, or else I'll have to remove you from the class," He warned Llila.

"Sorry," The Rossi girl gives him a fake, sheepish look.

Kalianna and the others quietly sighed with relief since Lila was finally told to stop talking.

"Now, we raise our right leg up as we do the tree pose." The instructor said, performing the tree pose.

Everyone began to do the action, going into perfect tree poses.

Lila, on the other hand, was struggling to keep her balance, until accidentally knocked over Hiro, who fell over into Giselle, who also fell over. Hiro used his own body to shield his girlfriend, when both hit the ground.

Lila lost her balance again, bumping into Adrien this time, causing him to fall into Kalianna. Both lost their balance and fell to the ground, with Adrien on top of Kalianna.

The Agreste boy felt his face grow hot since he was hovering over Kalianna, who stared back up at him with hot pink cheeks.

Giselle pulled away from her boyfriend and saw the position her friends were in. She smiled at the sight, got out her phone, and took a picture of them.

"Get a room you two," She teased.

Adrien and Kalianna blushed at what Giselle was implying before Adrien got off of Kalianna.

Lila was glaring in the ravenette's direction as Hiro, Giselle, and Kalianna stood up off the ground.

"S-Sorry about that Kalianna," Adrien apologized, still blushing.

"It's okay Adrien," She replied back.

"Great, now we can continue with yoga." Lila said, trying to change the subject.

"Miss, I am going to have to ask you to move to a different spot." The instructor suddenly said to Lila.

Lila turned to him surprised. "What? B-But..." She tried to argue.

"You seem to be having a hard time focusing between the two gentlemen. Please move to a different spot," The instructor explained to Lila.

Lila opened her mouth to retaliate, when the other guests began to complain, telling her to just move to a new spot.

Lila muttered an apology, smiling sickly sweet as she picked up her yoga mat and carried it to the back, fuming silently.

The yoga class continued where it left off without interruption.

Half way near the end of the class, when they were doing the downward-facing dog position, something happened.

A humongous fart erupted from Lila, much to her horror.

Adrien and Hiro stared in her direction in surprise while Kalianna and Giselle cracked up laughing.

Everyone else around moved away from Lila, pinching their noses, fanning away the disgusting smell of her fart.

"S-Sorry, everyone! I have stomach troubles," Lila quickly made up a lie to cover her ass.

"Yeah right, more like you ate too much eggs this morning," Hiro mutters.

Adrien, hearing him, covered his mouth, muffling his laughter.

The instructor held in a barf as Lila's fart smell lingered in the air. "Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to leave,"

"What? But-"

"Leave immediately!" The instructor demands, holding back another barf.

Lila, having no choice, snatched up her yoga mat and stormed off, scowling.

"Let's all move to another spot to continue," The instructor says, gesturing for the participants to follow him.


Scene: The Pool Area.

After returning to their rooms, Kalianna and her friends changed into a swimsuit/trunk and made their way to the main pool area.

Once they got there, Kalianna and Giselle sat down on two lounge chairs while Adrien and Hiro jumped into the pool.

"Finally, some relaxation." Giselle commented in bliss, closing her eyes.

Kalianna gave a nod. "Yeah, and time without Lila," She placed her sunglasses over her eyes.

"True that," Giselle nods.

As both girls relaxed and took in some sun, a group of guys nearby were beginning to eye them up.

Giselle noticed the stares, then looked away, not wanting to draw attention.

"Anna! Giselle!" Adrien called out from the pool.

Both Kalianna and Giselle turned to their companions, who stood by the shallow end of the pool.

"You girls wanna have a chicken fight?" Adrien asked, smiling.

Giselle and Kalianna looked at each other, grinning. Both then walked over the two males.

Hiro began to approach Giselle, when she and Kalianna jumped into the water. Giselle then sat on Kalianna's shoulders. Both Adrien and Hiro stared at the girls.

"Hey, you two suggested we play. You never said anything about teams." Kalianna told them.

"She has a point." Adrien replied back.

Hiro opened his mouth to reply, when Adrien dove into the water. Hiro gasped when he suddenly found himself sitting on Adrien's shoulders.

"Whoa!" Hiro shouted in alarm. "You're much more in shape then you look," He said impressed.

Kalianna and Adrien both grinned as Giselle stretched her arms over her head.

"Okay, best two out of three? Winners get to decide on what we do later today," Kalianna said, smirking.

"You're on!" Adrien replied back.

Both teams got into position before the game began. Both Giselle and Hiro began to try and get the other to fall while Adrien and Kalianna tried to help their friends stay balanced.

The game continued until Giselle leaned closer to Hiro, trying to kiss him, causing him to lean back since he was trying to avoid getting distracted.

However, the Tsurugi boy leaned back too far, causing him and Adrien to fall backwards into the pool. Kalianna and Giselle were victorious as both males glared at them.

"That's cheating!" Adrien complained, removing his soaked hair from his eyes.

"It's not," Kalianna replied back.

"Yes, it is," Hiro replied back.

"All is fair in love and war, love~," Giselle says, smiling.

"Okay, another round, and don't try to distract us," Hiro warns.

"Fine," Giselle and Kalianna agreed.

The four teens got ready for the next round of chicken fight. Time time with Adrien on Hiro's shoulders and Kalianna's on Giselle's shoulders.

The two began to try and make each other fall over when Kalianna leaned closer to Adrien, causing their noses to brush against each other.

Adrien found himself staring into Kalianna's eyes, losing his focus.

The noirette noticed he was distracted, and used this chance to knock him over into the pool.

The third game resulted in a tie, with Giselle getting pulled down into the pool by Hiro since he attempted to keep himself from falling into the pool and accidentally pulled Giselle down with him.


Afterwards, the group decided to go to the beach nearby to relax.

There, Kalianna asked Adrien if she could bury him in the sand. As he agreed, Giselle and Hiro decided to build a sandcastle.

The four teens were enjoying themselves, when Lila appeared and pouted at Adrien and Hiro.

"Adrien, Hiro, you two are so mean to leave me all alone," Lila whined like a little kid.

Hiro and Adrien rolled their eyes at Lila's complaining and proceeded to ignore her.

Kalianna continued to dump sand on Adrien, avoiding getting sand in his mouth and eyes.

Hiro continued to dig with his girlfriend to build their castle until something shiny in the sand caught his eye. He reached in and pulled out a small, vintage-looking, gold ring which had a pearl in the place of a diamond.

Hiro stared at it in awe and got up with the found item, gazing at Giselle.

Lila notices the glimmering ring in his hold, and gasps. "Oh, Hiro, did you get that ring for me? That's so sweet!" She smiles, approaching him and Giselle.

(ChanelPradaGirl: You wish, hoe. 😒)

Hiro ignored the Italian disgrace and gently grabbed Giselle's left hand, getting her attention. He held the pearl ring out to her, and she gasped in surprise.

"Hiro..." Giselle blushed as her boyfriend took her left hand in his own, slipping the pretty item onto her ring finger.

It fit perfectly, as if it was made just for her.

(ChanelPradaGirl: Awww! 🥺)

Giselle squeals and caresses her boyfriend's cheeks. "Thank you so much, baby!" She kisses him lovingly.

He wraps his arms around her, kissing back.

Kalianna and Adrien watched the sweet scene with small smiles while Lila crossed her arms in anger and jealousy.

The group continued to enjoy themselves on the beach while Lila sat far away from them like the loser she was.


Scene: Presidential Beach Villa. Living Room. Late Evening.

Adrien sighed as he sat next to Kalianna, who sat next to Giselle, and Hiro sat to Giselle's left side.

The four decided to stay in for the night and watch a movie. They had ordered room service for themselves and were now trying to decide on what to watch.

"Let's compromise. We girls pick the first movie, then you guys decide on the movie afterwards," Kalianna suggested.

Giselle and the guys agree to the idea, before she and Kalianna begin looking at the movies available and trying to decide what to watch.

"Any ideas on what we should watch first?" Kalianna asked, looking at Giselle.

"Hm... Oooh, Legally Blonde!" Giselle says.

"Ha, iconic," Kalianna smiles, searching for movie until she found it and clicked on it.

The quartet sat back and began to watch the movie Kalianna picked out as they ate their food.


Hours went by, and Kalianna opened her eyes to find the room dark. The only light in the room was coming from the TV, which was now playing Mean Girls.

The ravenette turned to find Adrien, Giselle, and Hiro fast asleep next to her, and she realized they all had fallen asleep watching movies.

Kalianna decided to clean up and picked up their dirty plates and glasses, setting them in the kitchen sink. She began to wash them with soap and water.

"Having a good night?" A churlish voice asked.

Kalianna, knowing who the voice belonged too, rolled her eyes and turned to see Lila peering at her sourly. "Yes, Lila, I am having a good night," She continues to wash up, rinsing off the plates and putting them in the dish drainer.

"You and Giselle think you're both so clever, huh? Finding ways to exclude me for this entire trip, don't think I'm stupid." Lila crosses her arms.

Kalianna, now washing the cups, shrugs. "I never said you were. You just weren't meant to be on this trip. The only reason why you're here is to keep me and Adrien apart, just like Mr. Agreste wants," She turns to Lila. "Isn't that right?"

"Mr. Agreste sent me on this trip to enjoy myself, it's the perks of being a model of the Agreste brand," Lila explains. "Not like YOU would know," She added smugly.

"...Uh-huh," Unfazed and not believing the lie, Kalianna turns away from her enemy and rinses off the cups, putting them in the dish drainer.

"If it wasn't obvious enough, Mr. Agreste obviously prefers me over you. He thinks I'M fit for his son, instead of you. Remember that,"

After that statement, Lila turned and went to walk away, feeling satisfied. She stopped when she heard Kalianna giggling and looked at her. "What's so funny?" She narrows her eyes.

"You, Lila. You're the funny joke. Do you honestly think Mr. Agreste will ever let you date his son? Before he came into your life, you were a nobody. And even now that you're Adrien's co-model, practically the world still doesn't know who you are. And you're still getting hate comments on your social medias from Adrien's fans AND mine!"

Lila fumed at Kalianna's hands, clenching her hands.

"Just face it, Lila Rossi, you'll always be nothing but a nobody who cheated her way to becoming a model, unlike me, who got there through hard work. You think you're famous? You don't even have a quarter of it. Practically the whole WORLD knows me, but you? You're just a lying, perverted, sneaky little bitch."

Lila's eye twitched and her jaw clenched at the ravenette's degrading words.

"Have a good night, Miss Infamous," Kalianna sneered before she left the kitchen.

Lila was left there, seething in her fury.


Scene: The Next Day. AQUA Restaurant

Kalianna sighed in delight as she finished her lemonade. She, her friends, and Lila sat around a table, having breakfast.

Adrien bit into his blueberry muffin, then turned to his friends. "So what should we do today? Tomorrow is our last day here." He said.

"Well, why don't we try some of the other activities the resort has? Let's get some exercise." Giselle suggested.

Kalianna, Adrien, and Hiro nodded in agreement.

Lila, however, gasped and pouted. "Are you calling me fat, Giselle?" She asked, faking her hurt.

"I heard the hotel has a great fitness center," Giselle informs, smiling.

Adrien, Hiro, and Kalianna agreed with her words while Lila was annoyed at how they ignored her.

(ChanelPradaGirl: As they should 😌.)


Scene: The Resort Fitness Center.

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