👸🏻ᴋᴏʀᴇᴀɴ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇꜱꜱ👸🏻

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Scene: Beaumont Mansion. Giselle's Room.

Giselle is in her pajamas, sleeping. Loud footsteps can be heard coming to her room just then before an excited Kalianna burst in.

"GISELLE!" The noirette jumps on her bed, causing her to jolt awake. "Wake up, wake up!"

Giselle groans. "Kali, please, I'm tryna sleep in, I just finished filming a music video yesterday, I'm tired." She turns away from her best friend.

She huffs, pulling the blanket off Giselle, making her curl up. "Elle, c'mon, it's ten o'clock, let's go get breakfast."

"I'm not hungry," Giselle grabs the blanket from Kalianna and tries to put it over her again, but she yanks it away.

"No, Giselle, it's important, look!" Kalianna grabs Giselle's cheeks with one hand, forcing her to gaze at her phone screen that was displaying a Twitter post from Disney.

(ChanelPradaGirl: No, it's not real, sadly.)

Giselle's eyes widened and she got up, staring at the Twitter announcement. "Oh my God, are they serious?"

"YES!" Kalianna shrieks, bouncing on the bed. "They are! They are!" She squeals. "I want it, Giselle; I want it so bad, I've never wanted something so badly in my entire life! I want it!!" She squeals again.

"You sound like a little kid right now," Giselle smiles, shaking her head.

"I can't help it! I've always wanted to see a Disney Korean Princess, and now I could actually voice act for one!" Kalianna grins.

"But can you sing? Cause Disney says singing is required." Giselle said.

"I...I don't know? I've never sang that much, only in the shower." Kalianna plays with her hair.

"One of your favorite songs is Diamonds by Rhianna, right?" Giselle inquires.

"Yeah," Kalianna answers.

"Kay, sing a piece." Giselle urges.

Kalianna clears her throat, taking a breath before singing.

"🎵So shine bright, tonight, you and I

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky🎵."

"Gurl, if you don't get that part, I'm whuppin' your a$$. You can totally sing!" Giselle says.

"Really?" Kalianna asks, feeling bashful.

"Yeah, girl, you sing like an angel!" Giselle praises.

"Thanks, Elle. You really think Disney will pick me?" Kalianna asks.

"Totally, girl," Giselle gets out of bed. "Disney needs young fresh singers. I love their movies, but it's honestly a good thing they're finally making a Korean Princess, they've just been making the same movies over and over again, it's repetitive."

(ChanelPradaGirl: This is honestly what I think fr. Like, Disney, you can easily make more Princesses of many ethnicities. Such as a Nigerian Princess, an Arabic Princess, a Japanese Princess, I'm sure fans would love to see Disney make movies of Princesses of their culture, but instead, they're repeating the same movies all over again by making them live-action.)

"This could be my chance to voice act for a Korean Princess, Elle. I really want this." Kalianna pouts.

"Well then, get up, get to my balcony, and let me film you singing. You'll definitely catch Disney's attention, especially since you're a supermodel." Giselle says.

Kalianna smiles and gets off the bed.


Scene: Giselle's Balcony.

"Alright, you ready?" Giselle asked, recording a nervous Kalianna on her phone. "You don't look ready."

"How do I look? Does my hair look messy? Does my outfit look ugly?" The noirette worriedly inquires.

"Kali, you look perfect," Giselle assures. "Now, are you ready?"

Kalianna takes a deep breath and nods.

"Okay, I'm gonna press record in three... two... one... zero," Giselle presses the record button.

Kalianna flashes the camera one of her best smiles. "Hi, Disney, my name's Kalianna De-Sinclair, I'm a French-Korean-Japanese supermodel, and I'm sending this video to, um, voice act for your new Korean Princess. I'll be singing the song Diamonds by Rhianna, hope you like it."

Giselle smiles behind the camera as her best friend began to sing. She sounded absolutely beautiful.

After she finished, Giselle ended the recording. "And done."

"How'd I do?" Kalianna asks the model.

"Gurl, you were outstanding! If Disney doesn't want you, you'd better voice act for other cartoons!" Giselle tells her.

Kalianna squeals and hugs her BFF. "You're the best, Giselle."

"I know, gurl, I know."


Scene: Outside Happy Caffé.

Kalianna pouts, playing with her breakfast while Giselle is drinking her cup of tea.

She notices the amber-eyed supermodel pouting just then. "Kali, what's wrong."

"It's been a week and they still haven't gotten back to me." Kalianna says, referring to Disney.

"Oh my Gosh, Kalianna, Disney is going through thousands of singing vids to find the perfect voice actor for their Korean Princess. They'll contact you when they're ready." Giselle assures her.

Kalianna sighs. "I just wish it wouldn't take so long." As she said that, her phone went off. She took it out of her purse and her eyes widened.

"What is it? Is that them?" Giselle asks.

Kalianna opened her mouth to respond, hesitating for a moment, then she shook her head. "No, that's not them,"

"Aw, I'm sorry, Kali," Giselle apologizes.

"It's all good," Kalianna then starts eating her breakfast.


Scene: Kalianna's House. Her Bedroom.

Kalianna lays on her bed with Tikki floating next to her. "Okay, Tikki, let's see what this email says from Disney,"

"Did you tell Giselle about it?" Tikki asks her.

"No, I wanna be able to surprise her if Disney did accept me," Kalianna replies. She opens up her email and sees the recent email from Disney. "Dear Kalianna De-Sinclair, we have reviewed you and seen that you have experience with voice acting and singing since you have a wonderful voice. It is with great joy that we welcome you into the Disney community as the voice actress for-" Her eyed went wide open at reading the next part. "As the voice actress for our new Korean Princess A-Yeong Cho!!!"

"You got it, Kalianna!" Tikki exclaims.

Kalianna screams and squeals, getting off her bed and running around. "OH MY GOSH!" She looks at her phone and continues reading. "By now, you must be feeling very excited to start voice acting for Princess A-Yeong right away. Tomorrow, you still start your first day. You'll be voice acting all week and have plenty of nutrients to keep you active. For the rest of the week, we'll be sending a rental car to pick you up so you can come down to the studio. AHHHHHH!"

Once again, the ravenette runs around her room, squealing.

"Congrats, Kalianna, I'm so happy for you," Tikki smiles.

"Oh, Tikki, I got the role, I can't believe this!" Kalianna hugs her Kwami. "But since I'm gonna be voice acting all week, I'm gonna have to tell my parents so they'll have Miss Bustier give me a leave of absence and so I can do my homework online."

"And what about Giselle? Are you gonna tell her the news?" Tikki probs.

"He11 yeah! But I'm not gonna tell anyone else though, it's gonna be a surprise for when the movie comes out~!" Kalianna squeals, jumping up and down. "I'm so happy!"

Tikki watches her with a smile.


Scene: Kalianna's House. Living Room.

"YOU GOT IT?! OH MY GOD!" Giselle hugs Kalianna tightly. "Omg, Kalianna, that's amazing!!"

Kalianna laughs and pulls away. "Don't tell our friends okay? I'm gonna have my parents have Miss Bustier take a leave of absence for me so I can voice act all week." Kalianna explains.

"I'm so happy for you, Kali, I can't wait until your movie comes out," Giselle says.

"Weeell, it's technically not my movie,"

"Gurl, you're voice acting for the protagonist. It's your movie."


Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont Courtyard.

Giselle approached her friends with a content look.

"Hey, Giselle, where's Kalianna? You're both usually attached at the hip." Marinette says.

"She's on a leave of absence for the week. She also said not to call her because she'll be super busy." Giselle said.

"Doing what?" Zoé inquires.

Giselle shrugs. "She didn't tell me, all she said was don't call her cause she'll be busy," She walks away towards the stairs.

Hiro follows after her. "I know you're lying," He tells her.

"I know, but I can't tell you what Kalianna's doing until Sunday." Giselle replies, walking upstairs.

Hiro watches after her curiously.


Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom.

Miss Bustier is taking attendance. "Keisha Lacroix?"

"Here," The blogger says.

"Sabrina Raincomprix?"

"Present, Miss."

"And finally, Hiro Tsurugi."


"Alright," Miss Bustier closes her attendance book. "Let's get started with History,"

Adrien raises his hand just then. "Miss Bustier?"

"Yes, Adrien? What is it?" Miss Bustier asks.

"Where's Kalianna?" The Agreste boy questioned.

"She's on a leave of absence," Miss Bustier replies.

"A leave of absence? Is she sick?" Adrien asked, his voice laced with concern.

"No, Adrien, she's attending to important matters. I can't say anything more than that, but I will say she's alright." Miss Bustier assures.

Adrien breathes a sigh of relief and nods. "Okay,"


Scene: School Canteen.

Adrien, sitting with his guy friends, is calling Kalianna, but it goes to voicemail.

"She won't answer, Adrien," Hiro spoke up, his black bento box in front of him. "Giselle says she won't be available until Sunday, so you'll have to call her then." Using his chopsticks, he picks up an Inari sushi, eating it whole.

"Oh," Adrien looks over at Giselle, who is sitting with her friends. "I wonder what she'll be doing all week..."


For the rest of the week, Kalianna spent her time in Disney's studio voice acting for Princess A-Yeong Cho.

At the end of the week, she had finished voice acting and invited all her friends to the premiere.

As they sat down in the front row and the animation began, they were surprised to hear Kalianna's voice when Princess A-Yeong began to speak!

"OMG! Is this why you didn't want us calling you? To keep this as a surprise?!" Mireille asked Kalianna.

"Yep," The noirette nods.

"Wow, congratulations, Kalianna! This is so gonna be a boost for your reputation." Aurore says.

"I'm just happy I got to voice act for a Korean Disney Princess," Kalianna smiles. She feels a hand grab hers and turned to see Adrien looking at the screen with a big smile on his face.

She blushes and squeezes his hand, then watches the animated film with her friends.


A week later, the new Disney film came out. It was titled, 'Seven Seas'. It was about the Korean Princess A-Yeong Cho living in her palace and yearning for adventure. On her sixteenth birthday, there is an attack and her father and mother, the king and queen, are kidnapped. To get them back, she journeys across the seven seas, hence the name.

Kalianna and Giselle walked into class together, going on and on about the film.

"You killed it as Princess A-Yeong's voice actress, Kali. Like seriously, especially at the singing and emotional scenes, I honestly cried at the premiere when you weren't looking." Giselle told her best friend.

"Stop lying," Kalianna nudges her.

"No, seriously, that's how good it was!" Giselle replies, sitting with her at their desk.

As the iconic duo talked more about the animation, Lila gave them a hard side glare.

It was clear that she was jealous of how Kalianna got to voice act for a Disney Princess.

Deciding to stir up drama for no reason, Lila turned and gave Kalianna a fake smile. "I saw the Disney film Seven Seas, Kalianna. You must be happy that you voice acted for Princess A-Yeong Cho. She's Chinese, right?"

Kalianna looked offended by her deliberate question. She knew d@mn well Princess A-Yeong was Korean.

"Princess A-Yeong's Korean, Lila, not Chinese, don't mix them up." Marinette spoke up, annoyed and also offended.

"Oh, sorry, a slip of the tounge. Chinese and Korean people all look the same," Lila says.

Marinette narrowed her eyes at the amateur model while Kalianna's eye twitched.

"No, they don't. That's like saying Indonesian and Indian people are the same when they have completely different cultures and languages." Marinette says bitterly.

"I-I didn't mean to offend anybody," Lila frowns.

"Well, you did. How would you feel if someone said Italians and Greek people are the same when you're Italian and you've got a different culture from Greece?" Hiro interjects, glaring at Lila.

"I-I didn't mean to upset anyone over race and culture." Venomous tears grew in Lila's eyes.

"It's okay, Lila, nobody else is offended," Alya grabs her shoulder. "Just three immature idiots," She shoots a glare at Kalianna, Marinette, and Hiro.

Nino groans. "God, Alya, are you serious?" He asks his girlfriend, turning to face her, irritated. "How are you gonna call them immature?"

"Because they are, Nino," Alya retorts.

"The only person who's being immature is YOU," Nino fires back. "They're just defending their cultures, it's not their fault Lila decided to be in idiot herself and disrespect their heritage, so just be quiet."

Keisha lets out a humorous laugh while Lila and Alya gazed at Nino, flabbergasted.

"W-Well, I for one, enjoyed the animation Seven Seas," Adrien spoke up, changing the subject. "When Princess A-Yeong's parents got kidnapped on her sixteenth birthday and she had to journey across the seas to get them back was so awesome. Especially her singing," He turns to look at Kalianna fondly.

The ravenette blushes and averts her eyes to the window.

Maybe she should start doing voice acting more often.

Word Count: 2,296

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