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Scene: Inside Bourgeois Limo.

Chloé is in the backseat. She takes a picture of herself with her sunglasses on and her lips puckered before posting it on Instagram.


On my way to @ChanelParis42Montaigne for a shopping spree!!! Too bad all you losers can't join me. On second thought, it's a good thing you can't! 😂

Feeling smug about what she just posted, Chloé starts scrolling through pictures on her Insta, rolling her eyes at seeing some of Kalianna's loser friends had posted; such as Mireille and Aurore, Maya and Zoé, etc.

She receives a new notification just then and clicks on it. She scrunched up her face at seeing a picture of Kalianna and her older cousin Sydney holding a pair of Chanel bags holding up peace signs.

@KaliModel ✔

My older cousin @SydneyWoo ✔ and I are shopping at Chanel 42 Montaigne on Avenue Montaigne street! They have so many gorgeous clothes ❤

"WHAT?!" Chloé shrieks, then growls. "That bitch is gonna ruin my shopping spree! Driver, hurry up and get to the Chanel store!!"

"Yes, Ms. Bourgeois," The driver replies, pressing down more on the gas a bit.


Scene: Outside Chanel Paris 42 Montaigne.

The Bourgeois limo arrives and Chloé's feet stepped out.

Scene: Inside Chanel Paris 42 Montaigne.

"I'm so glad we decided to go shopping today," Sydney told Kalianna as they browsed some racks of clothes.

"Me too! So, how's Uncle Ha-Joon and Aunt Lucille? How do you feel about them staying here in Paris permanently?" Kalianna asked.

"I'm happy I get to spend more time with my dad, can't say the same for Lucille though," Sydney frowns.

"Syd..." Kalianna gives her a disappointed gaze.

"It's just... she's WAY too pushy. Like, she's frequently calling me and asking me if I wanna hang out, but I just say no cause I'm busy with ballet. And I've got an upcoming show to practice for, so I'm not letting her distract me." Sydney picks out a shirt from a rack, inspecting it before putting it back.

"Sydney, she's just trying to spend time with you, that's what stepmothers do when they want to bond with their children," Kalianna told her.

"Well, I'm not her daughter, I'm her stepdaughter, that's it," Sydney retorts.

Kalianna picks out a cute skirt from a rack, and after examining it, she put it back, muttering she that she had the same skirt back home.

"I just don't understand why she can't respect that I'm still adjusting to her being married to my dad. I mean, for Christ's sake, she's thirty-six and he's forty-seven!"

"And?" Kalianna rose an eyebrow.

"What do you mean and? That's a big age gap!" Sydney exclaims.

Kalianna shrugs. "Love is love,"

"Yeah, whatever you say," Sydney rolls her eyes, walking away from the clothing section with Kalianna.

Meanwhile, Chloé slammed open the door of the store, storming in with a scowl. She sees Kalianna and Sydney nearby standing by a display of shoes, and growled, stomping over to them.

"These shoes are really cute, you think I should buy them?" Sydney shows her little cousin a pair of purple Chanel heels she picked.

"Oooh," Kalianna smiles at seeing the shoes.

"What are YOU doing here, De-Sinclair?"

Sydney and Kalianna turned to see Chloé with her arms crossed, glaring at them.

Kalianna sighs. "Isn't it obvious, Chloé? I'm shopping with my cousin."

"Well shop somewhere else! Chanel Paris 42 is one of the most luxurious stores on Avenue Montaigne street! I wanna have a shopping spree here, and I'm not gonna let you ruin it for me!" Chloé puts her hands on her hips.

"My little cousin and I are allowed to shop anywhere we want too, and we wanna shop here, you don't own the store," Sydney said, annoyed.

"You shouldn't even be shopping anyway, you wear the same thing everyday," Kalianna adds on, making Sydney snort.

"JUST LEAVE! This is MY store! I come shopping here every Saturday and you're ruining it for me!" Chloé snapped.

"And? What're you gonna do? Nothing. Like Sydney said, you don't own the store, so therefore, it's not yours," Kalianna retorts.

"Y'know, I think Kalianna and I will take our time shopping here, won't we, cousin?" Sydney asked.

"Yeah... I think we will," Kalianna smirks directly at a fuming Chloé while answering. "We wouldn't wanna miss out on any cute outfits now would we?"

With that, the noirette turned away with her cousin and started walking away.

"Let's go check out the jewelry section, Syd,"

Like her mother, Chloé could not keep her temper in check, and she let out a loud yell of frustration.

"That's IT! Now you're just asking for it!" Chloé came at her enemy from behind, yanking her back from her hair.

"OW!" Kalianna shrieks in shock, catching the attention of some customers, who went wide at seeing Chloé drag the ravenette. "Let go, you blonde psycho!"

"Let go of my cousin!" Sydney grabs Chloé's hands, successfully managing to pry her fingers from Kalianna's hair and pushing her away.

"Ow! Did you people see that?! This grown woman just assaulted me!!" Chloé told the customers in the store, pointing at Sydney.

The shoppers stared at the wannabe barbie, not believing her one bit as they had seen her attack first.

Sydney scoffs, shaking her head. "내가 몇 살만 어렸더라면 (If I were only a few years younger),"

"You wanna see assault, bitch? Here it comes!" Kalianna proceeded to attack Chloé.

The Bourgeois girl feebly attempted to defend herself as Kalianna assaulted her, but she was no match for the amber-eyed supermodel and she quickly overpowered her.

As Sydney recorded the whole thing, Chloé fell to the floor and Kalianna continued to beat on her.

"GET OFF ME!" She dumb blonde screams, trying to scratch her enemy, but she continued to pummel her.

Two security guards rushed over. One dragged Chloé out from under Kalianna and the other restrained the porcelain-skinned Korean by her waist.

"You bitch! I'm gonna sue your ass!" Chloé yells at Kalianna. Her ponytail was loose and ratty looking, her makeup was smudged.

Kalianna on the other hand, looked clean as ever. She rolled her eyes at Chloé's threat. "Sue me, then. I wonder how that'll turn out when the witnesses say you attacked me first," She says, getting out of the security guard's hold.

"What's going on over here?" A man, the store manager, came over.

"That girl, Chloé Bourgeois, assaulted my cousin, and I have the proof if you-"

"Wait, wait, wait," The store manager held up a hand to stop Sydney from talking, pointing at Chloé. "Didn't I ban you and your mother from this store last week?"

Kalianna was immediately intrigued at the news and rose an eyebrow.

"U-Uh, no," Chloé denied.

"I did!" The store manager's eyes widened. "I banned the both of you because your mom was yelling at a customer in the store to give her a pair of heels she wanted to purchase while you were demanding the cashier give you a sold out Chanel bag for free!"

(ChanelPradaGirl: Chloé and Audrey have no chill fr, bruh.)

Chloé began to sweat, averting her eyes to the customers staring at her.

In that moment, she bolted straight to the exit. The security guards and store manager tried to chase after her, but she had already escaped.

"Send that video of me beating Chloé's ass," Kalianna told Sydney before smirking, looking at the exit of the store where Chloé had left. "My friends are gonna crack up when I show it to them."


Indeed, at the park, when Kalianna showed her friends the video of her whupping Chloé's ass, they all cackled like goblins.

Word Count: 1,314

(ChanelPradaGirl: Chloé and Kalianna fight: complete. Winner: Kalianna 🏆.)

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