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(ChanelPradaGirl: Be prepared for a certain man-child to get humbled.)

Scene: Salle Des Étoiles.The Evening.

The cameras flash and the lights shine even brighter as the celebrities take their place on the red carpet. Each dress and suit shines like jewelry and everyone is looking their best as they pose for the throng of photographers. The whole world seems to be watching and the air is thick with gossip and anticipation.

The press is shouting questions at the celebs and each answer is being analyzed and scrutinized in real time. In the midst of it all, the paparazzi are already uploading their photos to the internet, and every word is trending on social media.

A white Rolls-Royce limo arrives, and the photographers go crazy as the royal Monaco family steps out of the vehicle. Everyone wants a close-up of the royal couple and their children, and each step and pose is analyzed in real-time by the press.

A Mercadenz-Benz vehicle arrives just then, and the crowd grows more eager than before. Everyone is curious as to who is in the car, and each second is filled with anticipation. Is it a celebrity? A politician? Some other famous person?

As the back door slowly opens, everyone is on edge. Who could it be?!

Suddenly, Marinette and Kalianna stepped out. The crowd is blown away with their stunning gowns and glam makeup. The photographers began yelling out questions, asking for poses and shots.

Marinette and Kalianna grin ear to ear, delighting in the attention and basking in the glow. The press can't get enough, desperate for every moment and angle of the two girls.

"Everyone, we'd like to introduce our guest of honor for tonight, Kalianna De-Sinclair!" Princess Charlene proclaims, gesturing to the noirette.

The crowd goes mad, excited to have the supermodel in their midst. There's a buzz of excitement in the crowd as the flashbulbs from the cameras ignite. Kalianna smiles shyly from all the attention, and Marinette grabs her shoulder to ease her.

"Kalianna designed my daughter's gorgeous dress," Prince Albert II says, taking Princess Gabriella's hand.

The crowd responds with a flurry of cheers as the beautiful dress is pointed out and appreciated. Everyone wants a closer look at the little royal's exquisite dress.

Kalianna enters the building with Marinette after walking the red carpet. The building fills with excitement and chatter as everyone buzzes about the supermodel, her stunning dress, and the dress she made for Gabriella.

Marinette smiles at Kalianna, looking forward to a great night ahead. The evening is sure to be filled with glamour and excitement as the event gets underway.

"You sure got everyone's attention," She told the ravenette.

"I never expected them to go so wild!" Kalianna giggles as they take their seats in the event proper.

The two look around the crowd, which is filled with celebrities and high society guests. Everyone is chatting, enjoying drinks, and appetizers as they wait for the formalities to begin.

"I'm so excited for the event to start," Marinette says happily.

"Oh my gosh!" Kalianna gasps as she spots something across the room.

"What is it?" Marinette tilts her head, curious to know.

Alessia and her husband, Kalianna's Uncle, Jeong Santoro-Woo, had just entered the building!

Alessia wears a stunning, one-shoulder ball gown in a rich purple hue. Her dress is adorned with golden beading and the fabric flows away from the sloping neckline, creating a beautiful line down her torso.

Jeong looks sharp in a deep, red suit, accessorized with a vibrant purple tie. The pair look every bit the elegant couple, turning heads as they make their way through the crowds.

"Wow, they're such a power couple!" Kalianna smiles.

"I guess I can't be too surprised, your Aunt Alessia is the representative of Monaco, right?" Marinette asks the porcelain-skinned Korean.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised to see her here," Kalianna nods in agreement. "And, yeah, that's right. She's the representative of Monaco. She has a big role to play in the country's political and financial decisions,"

The pair look over to Alessia and her husband, who are currently mingling with other guests across the room.

"Uncle Jeong looks so happy with her," Kalianna's eyes softened at seeing her Uncle kiss her Aunt Alessia on the cheek, clearly a sign of affection between the two. She has a lot of love for her Uncle, and seeing her happy makes her heart swell with warmth.

Marinette smiles at the sight of the couple as well, happy to see them so comfortable and happy together. They look like a perfect pair here in the opulent ballroom of the gala.

"I'll be right back, I'll go say hi," Kalianna told Marinette before standing up.

"Sure, go ahead," Marinette says, giving her friend a nod of agreement.

Kalianna stands up and makes her way through the crowd toward her Uncle and Aunt. The two are in the midst of talking to other guests.

"Uncle Jeong!" Kalianna calls out, waving over to the group.

Jeong smiles widely as he turns to face Kalianna. "Hi, sweetheart!" He says with an air of casual warmth.

"Uncle..." Kalianna says, grinning happily at the sight of the familiar face.

"How are you? You look beautiful tonight, dear." Jeong says.

"I'm good," She replies, nodding happily. "Thanks for saying so. I'm so excited to be here tonight."

"It's lovely to see you, dear," He says, his smile growing as he looks her up and down. "Are your parents here?"

"They're back in Paris, but Aunt Alessia, you look gorgeous!" Kalianna told the billionaires after replying to her Uncle's question.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Alessia says, smiling. "You look stunning tonight as well,"

"Alessia, is this your niece?" One of the male guests ask, gesturing to Kalianna.

"Yes," Alessia replies. "She's my niece-in-law, her name is Kalianna," She gestures to Kalianna.

The male guest steps forward to shake Kalianna's hand and expresses his pleasure at meeting the niece of the Monaco diplomat.

Princess Charlene comes over just then. She's wearing a striking black dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. It's cut high at the neck and decorated with delicate lace along the sleeves and cuffs. The long skirt of the dress falls in an elegant train behind her as she walks, swirling and falling in an almost ethereal way. She's accessorized with several layers of diamonds around her neck and wrists, as well as a large, dazzling diamond ring on her left hand. She also sports a stunning jeweled tiara set with a wide assortment of precious gems.

The woman carries herself with poise and grace, her aura of royalty exuding from every pore. She approaches the group, greeting everyone with a warm smile and a quick bow. She then turns to Kalianna.

"Kalianna, your Aunt Cortina is here," Charlene informs.

"Aunt Cortina?" The amber-eyed asks, sounding surprised that the Grand Duchess was at the gala.

Charlene nods in response. "She's asking for you," She confirms. "Shall I take you?"

"Yes," Kalianna nods, although nervous since she knew her Great-Aunt could be a little intimidating.

Princess Charlene offers the amber-eyed designer her arm and she takes it before they walk away.

"How does Kalianna know Princess Charlene?" Alessia asks her husband, shocked.

Jeong stammers, just as clueless. "I-I'm not sure,"

"Oh, you both didn't hear?" One of the female guests questioned.

"Hear what?" Jeong asks, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, you're going to love this," The woman says. "Your niece designed Princess Gabriella's dress for tonight!"

Jeong's eyes go wide with surprise along with his wife's. "That dress?!" He points over at Gabriella's dress. The said little royal is playing with the other royal children.

"She confirmed it on the red carpet, everyone went crazy," The female guest replies.

"Kalianna designed Princess Gabriella's dress?" Alessia asks, sounding astonished, and a bit proud.

"That's right," The woman confirms, "It's all over, she's trending on Twitter and everything."

"Already?!" Jeong exclaims in surprise. "Is the internet really that fast to hop on things?"

"You better believe it," The woman grins. "People are loving her and her dress. Some of the fashion folks even say she's a rising fashion star."

Jeong and Alessia look at each other, beaming with pride.

Meanwhile, Kalianna gulps as Charlene brings her to her Grand-Aunt. The last time she encountered the elderly woman, she gave off an air of intimidation.

The pair approach Grand Duchess Cortina. She's a small woman with a delicate frame, but there's an air of power about her. She sits in a plush chair, looking like a true Grand Duchess. She looks up at Kalianna with a serious expression on her face as she awaits the girl's greeting.

"Good evening, Grand Duchess Cortina," Kalianna gives a polite curtsey. Even though the old woman was her Aunt, that didn't mean she'd just address her that way unless Cortina allowed her.

"Hello, Kalianna," Cortina says, her voice low and powerful.

"I'll leave you two to speak," Charlene excuses herself, leaving to go chat with other guests.

"I heard you designed Gabriella's dress tonight." Cortina regards Kalianna with a serious face, waiting for her answer.

"I did, Grand Duchess," Kalianna replies with grace and poise. "May I sit with you?"

"Of course," Grand Duchess Cortina waves for the younger girl to sit.

The pair are soon seated across from each other, Kalianna eagerly awaiting her Great-Aunt's thoughts on her design. Cortina looks the girl over for a moment, her face softening a little.

"It's exquisite," She finally says.

Kalianna couldn't feel more thrilled that her Aunt approved of her design for Gabriella. She gave a slow nod. "I'm delighted you did,"

"I'm delighted that you're delighted," Grand Duchess Cortina chuckles.

"I take it Grand-Uncle Constantine couldn't make it to this event?" Kalianna asks about the Grand Duke; Cortina's husband.

"I'm afraid not," Cortina sighs. "He's been under the weather lately." She rubs the bridge of her nose. "I'm trying to keep him isolated as much as possible. He's always running from place to place and refusing to stop for anything."

Kalianna chuckles, then takes the time to observe her Aunt's clothing.

The Grand Duchess is wearing a flowing beige dress, cut in a regal manner. It wraps around her petite frame, clinging to the form in all the right places. At her neck is a thin string of pearls, and atop her head is a matching diamond crown. Despite the formalities of the event, she looks like a comfortable.

"You look gorgeous, Grand Duchess," Kalianna praises softly.

"Why, thank you, my dear," Grand Duchess Cortina responds with a gentle smile. It's rare that she actually smiles, which makes the occasion seem even more special for Kalianna. "And please, call me Aunt Cortina, no need to be so formal. We're family,"

Kalianna's heart swelled with happiness. "Yes, Aunt Cortina,"

"Are you enjoying the party?" The Grand Duchess asks, looking out across the crowd. "It must be quite the experience, especially with everyone buzzing about your design."

Kalianna nods excitedly, "Yes, I'm loving it."

"The fashion show is about to begin!" A male announcer says just then.

"A fashion show!" Kalianna exclaims. She was glad that the fashion show was the first event of the evening.

"Yes, the main event of the evening. The fashion show will begin shortly," The Grand Duchess says calmly, seeming unbothered by the idea that there were going to be multiple events at the grand gala.

"If you'd excuse me, Aunt Cortina, I have to return to my friend, Marinette. She's my guest for the gala," Kalianna explains.

"Of course. Go ahead," Cortina looks up to the stage that's being prepared for the show.

Kalianna makes her way over to Marinette, who's chatting with... She gasps as she recognizes her two friends. "Kagami? Hiro?!" She calls out the names of the Tsurugi twins.

Kagami and Hiro both turn to look at Kalianna.

"Kalianna, hello!" Kagami smiles at her friend, "It's good to see you," She takes a closer look at her. "Your dress is absolutely stunning,"

"Thank you so much," Kalianna nods to the Japanese fencer.

"It turns out, Ms. Tsurugi was invited to the gala, so that's why Hiro and Kagami are here," Marinette discloses.

"I'm glad you're both here. Looks like you didn't need that invite after all, Hiro," Kalianna winks at the boy, who chuckles. She sits down next to Marinette and looks over at the stage, which is almost ready for the show.

"I wonder which model will be first," Kagami says, looking at the stage.

"As long as the designs look good, it doesn't matter," Kalianna's eyes glimmer with exhilaration. Marinette is the same as her.

Both fashion-crazed girls can't wait to see the newest sensation of clothes.

The music begins to play, signaling the start of the show. A model struts out on stage, rocking the latest fashions from the Dior brand.

Kalianna and Marinette watch closely, burning the design into their brains for future inspiration.

The models follow one by one, modeling the latest from Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, and other designers. The crowd goes wild as each of them saunters down the catwalk.

Kalianna's eyes dart back and forth as she tries to take everything in.

Finally, the fashion show ends, and the crowd claps enthusiastically after it does.

"That was certainly an exceptional fashion show," Kagami praises.

"Unlike Gabriel Agreste's tacky designs," Kalianna says, berating her boyfriend's neglectful dad.

Marinette laughs in agreement. "Gotta agree with you there. I can't believe I was a fan of him for so long,"

Hiro chuckles softly. "I don't know why anyone takes him seriously, but you've got to admit, the man never fails to make things interesting,"

"I wouldn't even call what he does design," Kagami says, sounding slightly frustrated. "It's more like he throws random stuff together and then just calls it fashion."

"Did I ever tell you guys how mad he was that one time when the brand L'Oréal held an event for my perfumes?" Kalianna asks.

"No, you didn't," Marinette responds, her curiosity piqued. "Are you serious?"

Hiro and Kagami are equally as intrigued, having never heard of this story.

"He actually got mad about that?!" Hiro quizzed.

"You were both there," Kalianna told the twins. "But you weren't around when he tried to insult my perfumes,"

"Hold on," Kagami stops her, her eyes widened. "He had some... choice words about your perfume designs?!"

Marinette has a look of shock on her face, her mouth literally hanging open.

"He said, and I quote, 'As a fashion designer who makes perfumes, you better scrap this one out'," Kalianna spoke in a deep voice before laughing.

"That's so unprofessional of him," Kagami frowns.

"What did you even say to that?" Marinette asks Kalianna.

Hiro chuckles. "I'm willing to bet it wasn't very ladylike," He says, smiling gently at the noirette. "I'm sure you gave him a piece of your mind."

"I told him about his basic, generic ass perfumes," Kalianna says proudly.

Marinette and Hiro started cracking up while Kagami giggled.


As the gala continues, things settle down into a rhythm. The adults mostly keep to themselves, while the younger people in attendance are enjoying themselves. Kalianna, Marinette, Kagami, and Hiro are in the latter group.

"Kalianna!" A familiar voice shouts from among everyone.

The four of them turned, looking around the room to see who was calling.

"Where is it coming from?" Kagami asks, standing on her tiptoes to get a better view.

"Kalianna!" The voice shouts once more.

"Who's calling me? Where are they?" Kalianna looks over, confused.

"That voice sounds familiar," Marinette mentioned.


Kalianna's eyes widened at the nickname the person called her. "That's-!" She turned. "Adrien?" She is shocked as she spots the blonde pushing her way through the crowd. "Adrien?!"

Adrien came running towards her with a big smile. "Kalianna!"

The couple hug tightly, both smiling brightly.

"Adrien! You're here!" Kalianna exclaims.

"I'm happy to be here, my sunshine," Adrien looks like he's about to kiss her, but she moves away.

"People around, remember?" She reminds him.

"Ah, right," Adrien scratches the back of his head.

"Adrien, your father was invited to the gala?" Hiro questioned.

"Yeah," Adrien replies.

"That's amazing! We're all here together! Wish the rest of our friends could've come though," Marinette pouts, thinking of Ace.

"You mean you wish Ace could've come," Kalianna teases the bluenette about her boyfriend.

Marinette looks away, not able to fight her embarrassment over being teased by her friend.

"So, where's your father?" Hiro asks Adrien.

"He's talking with some important people here. I'm assuming he's trying to make new connections," Adrien says.

"Speaking of connections, Marinette and I should try making connections with people in the fashion industry," Kalianna spoke up.

Adrien nods. "Good idea,"

"Having connections in the fashion world will certainly help you in the long run," Hiro adds.

"So, why don't you try talking to some people?" Kagami told Marinette, nudging the girl as if trying to push her into action.

"Oh, I don't know. How will any adult take a fourteen-year-old seriously?" Marinette is hesitant.

Kagami rolls her eyes. "Just give it a try," She nudges her friend again, "Go up to people and compliment them on their outfits or their style,"

"I can't just talk to a random person on the off chance they might work in the fashion industry or know someone who does!" Marinette exclaims.

"But you want to make

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