Leal [-] Chapter Rewrite 1

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Leal back at it again?!?!

Chapter rewrite of chapters 14-16 of Leal! (A Souya x F! reader)

TR season 1 spoliers and Leal spoilers(kinda but yeah)

————PART ONE————


Time slowed down as you watched your brother stab himself straight through the abdomen. All you could think about was how he did it so...effortlessly. Like he wasn't in pain at all, there was a whole ass smile on his face.

Your legs were moving before you knew they were. At this point you just wanted to catch him, but he hit the ground before you made your way over there completely. Instead, you rushed to the ground and held the wound with your hand. "Why would you- why did you-"

His head weakly turned over to you. "Why did you come...?"

He was bleeding out, you could explain yourself later. You were going to make sure there was going to be a later. You looked around to see if anybody was doing anything. Anything.

Chifuyu was already sprinting towards you when you looked around, he was out of breath but that didn't stop him. "There's an ambulance on the way." He wiped his eyes. "You're so stupid!"

Keisuke laughed but ended up coughing up more blood. "D-don't waste time on me."

If he was in any condition to take a slap across the face, you would've delivered it to him. "Stop talking. You need to save your breath."

Your hands weren't doing enough to absorb any of the blood. You needed something else; a cloth of some sort. The only thing you had on you was your sweatshirt. The issue with that though was that you didn't have anything else underneath it besides a bra. You found it to be too much clothing to essentially wear two shirts.

It was whatever though, your brother was going to bleed out before the ambulance got here.

You pulled your shirt over your head and goosebumps instantly pricked up on your skin. Keisuke groaned underneath you and you thought he was trying to say something.

"I told you to stop talking."

"You... you're gonna freeze to death, stupid."

You ignored him and tied your sweater around his waist. His blood took no time before it started to stain the fabric, but that was good because at least it was absorbing it. That would hold him over, it had to.

Chifuyu wiped his nose. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" He looked around frantically at the crowd. No, he was looking through them. Searching for that emergency vehicle. Praying the lights would show up soon.

Nobody was even fighting anymore. Everyone just stood around, and Kazutora was laying on the ground holding onto his consciousness. Heavy footsteps came up behind you and you were tempted to turn around and punch whoever it was square in the face. Well, you were.

Until you felt something being placed onto your shoulders. Like an article of clothing of some kind, you went to touch it but the sight of your hands being stained made you hesitate. Instead you just looked over at your shoulder and saw something you've seen multiple times before.

Souya's twin devil jacket.

His hair popped into your peripheral vision and he stood a decent distance from Keisuke. "You're going to be okay." He told him, kneeling down. "Just hold on."

Keisuke grinned. "Aw man... I-I don't think I've ever seen you... not pissed."

"Shut the hell up you fucking idiot!" Nahoya stormed over and didn't care about crossing into his space. "You tryna be the hero and do some righteous shit? You should've just asked us for help!"

Then everybody else crowded over, cussing him out but also praying he makes it through the next couple moments. Mikey was the one everyone shut up for.

"I swear on everything I love when you're better I'm going to beat the shit out of you. You're scaring me, why would you do this?" His eyes casted down to the bloodsoaked sweater. "Where's the damn ambulance at?!"

Keisuke's head turned. "Kazutora..."

Mikey's eyes narrowed. "Yeah, I'll kill that son of a–"

"N-no... you can't." He coughed weakly.

"And why the hell not?! This is his fault!"

Before he could answer, the blessed sounds of sirens entered your ears. It's about time. Everybody perked up and saw not only the ambulance, but police cars. It's usually a given. When one shows up, so does the other.

Chifuyu's eyes widened. "Crap, they're gonna try and arrest us too."

"Let them, because I'm not leaving." Mikey stated. "You guys can though, I'm not losing anybody today. So start running."

You turned your head towards him. "Are you crazy? Why would you get yourself caught now?"

"Y/N, because I can't just leave him like this." He responded.

"I'm staying here. Everybody else is in a uniform and you're going straight to jail. So just let me handle it."


Draken gripped onto Mikey's shoulder. "We don't have time to argue with her. We'll see him later. But you won't be seeing anybody if they get you!"

After that, Draken forcefully dragged him away, and soon, everybody started to follow suit behind him. The only person that didn't immediately get to stepping was Souya who still lingered there motionlessly.

"Souya." You called his name. "Souya!"

He jerked back into reality, blinking a couple times. "Huh?"

By now, the ambulance was stopping not too far from where the two of you were. The cops were already out of their cars and racing towards any stragglers.

You heard Nahoya shout from a distance. "Hurry your slow ass up Souya!"

The stretcher was being taken up out of the back of the truck, and he was still standing there. He took a slow step backwards before he broke off into a sprint in the direction of the others. You sighed in relief.

EMT's bent over Keisuke in seconds. Flinging questions at him while he was too spaced out to even answer them all. He gave them name, age, and date of birth before he tapped out. Completely still. Your heart sank and you tried to move towards him again before one of the men put an arm out to stop you.

"Miss, please stand back."

"Is he breathing?!"

"He's... he's still breathing, yes." He responded and then motioned for the rest of the team. "Put him in, I'm estimating he has no longer than twenty minutes in this condition. We need to move."

Twenty minutes? That's it?

They put him up, and wheeled him back towards the ambulance, when you turned around you saw a second truck and stretcher. Except that one had an unconscious Kazutora in it.

The very moment you stepped forward near the vehicle, that same man put an arm out. "Hold on, we can't let you on."

"Bullshit, that's my brother!"

"Do you have that identification?"

"You just said he has twenty minutes to live and you're going to ID me? Just please- I can't leave him by himself. I'm begging you." You pleaded with him. Eyes watering as you looked up at the man who just stared in disbelief. A few seconds pass before he sighs and steps out of the way.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, please hop on."

You wasted no time—unlike some people— and climbed in. Keisuke had an oxygen mask over his face and they were monitoring his every breath. It took everything in you to not hover, but you were desperate to see what was going on.

A lady in a mask turned to you. The only features you could see was her bright blonde hair that was cut into a bob. "How did this happen?"

"He–" you choked on your words. How could anybody explain what happened with a straight face? "He got stabbed twice. I think the first one was in the back and then the stomach one... h-he did it to himself."

Her eyes narrowed. "There's two wounds? He was laying down so it was harder to see." She said to the other person she was with. "Did you see how deep the weapon went?"

You were unsure about how they didn't see the second one in his back. The memory flashed in your head again and you felt your eyes burn. "It was bad." You whispered. "He used all his strength. It had to go pretty deep but I-I don't know."

She nodded in understanding. "We're going to save him. Okay? He's going to be okay, honey. You did well to stop his bleeding."

Your breathing was shallow and you tried to give her some indication that you heard and understood her words. Your hands were shaking and you made a fist with them to stop it. Everything was happening way too fast. The ambulance hit a bump and you gripped onto one of the handles that were bolted into the inside. That's when your fingers clenched onto the sleeve of the jacket that wasn't even yours.

In a strange way, that was what eased your nerves just a little bit. It might've been more beneficial if you actually put it on your body, and not just had it over your shoulders though. You looked back at the EMT's with a grateful sad smile.

"Thank you." Was what you managed to get out. "Thank you so much."


He was rushed into immediate surgery.

You got through to your mom and she was in a panic but was basically already out the door.

The red light on the 'in use' sign was what kept your focus. Pacing back and forth in the hallway, waiting for it to be turned off. Your mind was everywhere, but his survival was at the forefront of the chaos. What would happen if he couldn't pull through? He's stubborn enough that he might actually beat death out of spite though. So that's what you were praying for.

"Y/N!" That was Chifuyu's voice.

He ran up with everybody else from Toman. Severely out of breath.

Chifuyu put his hands on his knees and took deep breaths. As well as everybody else. In fact, they looked like they were ready to collapse.

"Why are you all so winded?"

Hakkai groaned and threw his head back, bringing himself to a seated position on the ground. "The police had our bikes surrounded. So we just ran over here."

Your eyes widened. "You all ran? Do you know how far that is?"

"We do now." Pah huffed and took a seat on the bench. "Then these fools had the bright idea to take the stairs."

"The elevator was taking too long." Mitsuya commented.

Mikey stood next to you, also gazing up at the sign that had stolen your attention. "How was he?"

You looked down at the ground. "He passed out. They told me before that he only had 20 minutes in the condition that he was in. But he was still breathing when he went in."

Nobody spoke for a couple minutes after that. Everybody was sitting in silence, sending their thoughts to Keisuke. Nothing but the hope that he'll be okay and he'll pull through this. There was no way you'd lose him. His birthday was right around the corner for crying out loud. He wasn't even 15 yet. He has too much to live for. Not enough to die for.

That's when the red light shut off.

Your heartbeat increased again. That means they finished the operation, and it was only going to be either good news, or... the worst news possible. You held your breath as a doctor emerged from the door. He seemed surprised to see so many people standing right outside.

He ran his hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh. That alone was a mixed signal. "We did everything we could for him."

"Is he alive?"

He pressed his hands together behind his back. "He is. He's resting now, and going to be out of it for the rest of the day. But he's alive."

As the words were leaving your mouth you could've collapsed onto the ground. The air left your lungs and you were just so grateful that the tears started rolling again. He did it. He made it. Keisuke survived.

"You know," the taller man continued on. His eyes shifted over to you in particular. "The only reason we were able to save him was most likely because of you, young lady. Had he lost the slightest bit more blood it would've been over for him. We could tell that when he was stabbed the first time through the back, he was moving quite a lot before the second one."

That's probably true. He probably thought he could beat up a couple more people first.

"If you all come back tomorrow night, he'll be in a room that you can probably visit him–"

"IS MY SON OKAY?!" A loud voice cut through his speech from behind everyone.

Your eyes widened as you heard the voice of your mother tear through the hallway. She paused where she was, seemingly just as confused. Probably because she's never seen most of these people before.

"Y/N!" Then she charged forward and trapped you in a bear hug. "What happened? Why are you all bloody? Wait, who are all these children?! And why are they all beat up?!"

While her questions came out like rapid fire her eyes landed on a specific boy. "Chifuyu? Does your mother know you're here too? Do you want me to call her?"

Chifuyu stiffened and shook his head. "No no it's okay, you don't have to call her!"

"Mom," you brought her attention back. "Kei is okay, he's alive."

"Oh my goodness." She put both hands over her heart. "Why is he here in the first place?!"

"He was in a street fight." You told her. "Got pretty bad really fast."

"A street fight– he's on house arrest! Why would he go out and fight when he shouldn't be out in the first place?! And how did I not realize that he was actually gone...?"

She turned around to look at everybody else who hadn't even attempted to speak up. But when she did turn around they gave an awkward smile and wave.

"And you are all... his gang friends? Wait wait..." She narrowed her eyes down at Mikey. "Is that you Manjiro? I haven't seen you since the dojo days!" Mikey puffed his cheeks out and turned his head away, maybe in embarrassment that he was recognized. That's when your mother put her hands on her hips. "Oh... do you still go by Mikey?"

"Yeah. Suits me better."

"At least you picked a good one. Keisuke tried to convince me that his name was really Edward. Speaking of which, can I see him?" She asked the doctor.

He shook his head slowly. "No, not at the moment. He's in a fragile state right now. Stable, yes, but right now we need to make sure he stays like that. We'll keep him under tight surveillance. By tomorrow night we will allow him visitors."

"That's over 24 hours away! Can I just please see him just to let him know I'm here?"

"Ma'am I understand completely. You're more than welcome to stay here in the hospital and wait for him to be transferred to a room. But until he's cleared by more than just me, he has to be monitored."

Her lips created a thin line and it looked like she was biting back something she wanted to say. However, she opted for silence. "Can I just sit right out here? I want to know every detail about what's going on with him."

He nodded. "Absolutely. It's not the most comfortable, but if you'd like to, waiting out here is perfectly alright."

"Okay." She sighed and turned back to the group of children. "Y/N I want you to be home for the night."

"What?" You definitely wanted to stay as well. "Why would I leave? If you're staying then so am I!"

"Absolutely not. You're covered in blood and dirt, those clothes need to go in the wash–that isn't even your jacket– and I want you in the house."


"Nope. This is not up for a debate. Let's go. Chifuyu, you too."

Unlike you, Chifuyu had nothing to say to your mother. He just compiled quietly. That's probably why she's called him 'the only child that listens'. Yeah, if only she knew.

Before you followed her though, you stopped because she had mentioned an article of clothing that doesn't belong to you. You turned to Souya. "I'm sorry, I sort of dirtied your jacket."

He had a surprised expression. As if the jacket even being on your mind at this moment was ridiculous. "It's okay. Give it back when you want."

You smiled and nodded. "Got it. I'll see you guys... tomorrow?"

Draken said, "yeah. I think you should get going though, your mom is kind of scary when she's serious."

"Oh that's nothing." Mikey snorted. "Have you seen the twins' mom? She's the real threat."

Nahoya shivered. "Be grateful you don't live with her. It's like sometimes I swear there's horns coming out of her head!"

Souya side-eyed him. "That's because you think you're above every rule she sets down. You're actually on punishment right now, so you're probably going to get yelled at again later."

"Ugh, don't remind me!"

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