This chapter was requested by @Redstone-Dust
Y/N Element: any
Y/N Gender: any
I had my earbuds in as I got off the plane. Today I was meeting my friend, Sky, whom I haven't seen since middle school. She said our class was doing a reunion, and she wanted me to come.
I had moved away from Element City when I went to college because I wanted to pursue a career in photography. I took inspiration from whatever I could, so I used this trip to my advantage.
As soon as Sky saw me, she ran towards me and gave me a big hug. I still had my carry on in my hand, so I couldn't really hug her back. She gave me a large smile. "Y/N! It's been so long!"
I laughed slightly. "I know, I know. How have you been?"
"Amazing! I've been looking forward to this reunion for so long! I can't wait to see how our old friends are doing!"
I just smiled at this. I really didn't have any friends in middle school other than her. Sure, I'd talk to people if I had to, but she was the only one I really trusted.
We made our way out of the airport and to her car. From there, she drove me back to our middle school and I looked around. Element City hadn't changed much since I left, but it had a few changes. I noticed that the fire people population became more prominent and was happy about that.
We pulled up to the front of the school, and a large banner hung above the main doors "Welcome Back Class Of XXXX!" The main doors were open, and music could be heard from inside. A few teachers stood outside as a welcoming party of sorts. She parked her car, and we got out. As we walked through the main doors, the teachers smiled and cheered. I knew that they were getting paid to do this, so I appreciated their efforts.
The music got louder as we got closer to the gym. Once we entered, we saw the crowd of people that had already arrived. They were sitting at tables, getting snacks and drinks, talking and laughing. I saw Sky scan the room until her eyes landed on a group at a table. She smiled and led me to the table with her. Once we approached the table, they all noticed us (well, noticed her), and smiled.
"Hey everyone! It's been so long!" A few of the girls got up to hug her and some of the guys gave her fist bumps. I glanced around the table; I recognized faces but didn't remember any of the names. This was until my eyes met the eyes of one particular water person: Wade.
~~~~~flashback start~~~~~
It was 8th grade year, and I sat at lunch with a large group. It was March, which meant it was soon time for the middle school dance. The dance was scheduled for tomorrow night, and everyone was excited. A few people had been asked in our grade, but the majority of students were just going in groups. I didn't mind this though; I wasn't interested in going with anyone.
A few decorations had already been placed around the gym; this year's theme was disco, and a couple streamers were hung from the doorframes. I think they were waiting for students to leave so we would be more surprised.
My table discussed what times we were all arriving at and what we were wearing. I wanted to wear (whatever you feel most confident in) and do my hair (however you want). Everyone agreed it was a good pick for me.
~~~time skip~~~
It was now the night of the dance, and we all were gathered in the gym. Everyone was dancing, talking and laughing. About a quarter of the way through the dance, I saw some of my group go up to the DJ, whisper in his ear, and then come back to the rest of us. I didn't think too much about it.
A few minutes later, Wade announced that he was going to go to the snack table. We all acknowledged him and off he went. The rest of us continued dancing for a bit until it had been 10 minutes and Wade hadn't returned.
"I wonder where Wade is? Maybe I should go look for him." One friend spoke up. Three others nodded and they left me, Sky, and her friend Macy.
Then another few minutes went by, and Sky turned to Macy. "Can you come with me to the bathroom? I think I need to check something." Macy nodded and they went to the bathroom, leaving me totally alone.
I felt very excluded, but decided not to speak up about it. I went to one of the side tables and sat down. A few seconds later, I saw Wade sit down in front of me. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.
"Wh-where did the others go?" He stuttered.
I shrugged. "Macy and Sky went to the bathroom, and the rest went to go find you."
As we made eye contact, a slow song began to play. He laughed nervously at my comment. "Hah, that's funny... how are y-you liking this dance so far?"
"It's fine I guess. Did you guys leave me on purpose?"
He tensed up. "N-no. What makes you think that?"
"I don't know, maybe cause you went to get snacks, the others went to find you, and then the girls went to the bathroom, and I wasn't invited from anyone to do any of that."
I saw guilt fill his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry Y/N. Honestly, I wanted to leave alone because I needed a few minutes to myself."
I gave him a reassuring smile. "I get that. It's just the others that surprise me."
"It's definitely not personal to you, Y/N. I can guarantee you that."
We kept a light conversation for a few minutes, until our entire group returned right before the slow song ended. I looked at Sky, and a small wave of disappointment hit her face, but she tried to play it off.
Macy spoke up. "How long have you two been sitting here for?"
"Probably about three or four minutes." Wade said and avoided eye contact.
The rest of the dance continued, and I was still slightly saddened about being left alone, but was thankful that Wade came and talked to me.
~~~~~flashback end~~~~~
I gave Wade a smile and he looked slightly shocked when he realized who I was. Sky and I talked to the others, mostly her doing the talking, and Wade and I didn't overly associate with each other.
We participated in all the activities they had planned for us, and the end of the reunion drew near. As Sky and I were about to leave, I heard someone call out to me. I turned around to see Wade approaching me. Sky slowly walked away, leaving me and Wade alone.
"Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
I raised my eyebrow. "Sure, what's up?"
He sighed. "I want to apologize for our 8th grade dance. The reason everyone left us alone was because they wanted us to slow dance together."
My eyes widened. "Do you mean as friends or...?"
He shook his head slowly. "No... I had a massive crush on you. When I came to sit with you then, I was too nervous to ask you."
I smiled. "That makes so much sense now! I knew deep down that you guys weren't just being jerks!"
He laughed. "Yeah...hey, is it ok if I get your number? I'd like to get to know you better since we haven't talked in awhile."
I nodded. "Sure! I don't live in Element City anymore, but I'm totally fine with talking to you again."
We exchanged numbers, and I was happy that things were cleared up.
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