ERI HAD OFFICIALLY MOVED into the Aizawa household. While you offered her one of the extra rooms, her attachment to you left no room for negotiation—she insisted on staying with you.
With her arrival, Aizawa even allowed you to retrieve your stash of plushies, a collection he once begrudgingly confiscated. You had one mission: to raise another Hello Kitty superfan, and Eri was your perfect accomplice.
Since leaving her home alone was out of the question, you took the time to help her get familiar with the UA campus and its surroundings. Principal Nezu, understanding the unique situation, kindly arranged for a trusted babysitter, someone you rigorously vetted before approval.
You also made sure Eri had access to Quirk therapy, providing a detailed explanation of her power so precautions could be tailored specifically to her needs.
Unbeknownst to you, this entire process reminded Aizawa of when he first took you in. Just as he had been there for you, you had now become the steadying force Eri needed in her life. Watching your bond grow, Aizawa silently supported every decision you made, proud of the person you were becoming.
Each morning, the three of you walked to school together. Eri clung to you, reluctant to let go when it was time to part ways. But your reassuring smile, a silent reminder of her newfound strength, always calmed her fears.
"I'll see you after school, Eri," you said, kneeling to her level and gently ruffling her hair. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Everyone here is really nice." You planted a quick kiss on her forehead, dusted off your uniform, and waved goodbye.
Eri hesitated, but seeing the confidence in your eyes, she nodded. "Okay. I'll be strong," she whispered, clutching her little bag tightly.
When you arrived in class and took your seat beside Todoroki, setting your bag aside, Aizawa's voice drew everyone's attention.
"This is about the pro hero drafts I mentioned the other day," he began, arms crossed. Murmurs filled the room as students exchanged curious glances. "Normally, these offers start in your second year. However, this year's exceptional performances have garnered attention. Many of you have received offers."
Using a remote, he displayed the draft board, and the room buzzed with excitement.
Aizawa [Name] - 4200
"Bro, why did I get the highest? I came third," you muttered, staring at the board in confusion.
Todoroki tilted his head toward you, his expression calm as always. "Probably because, between Bakugo's temper and my lack of social skills, you're the easiest to work with. You're strong, too."
You couldn't argue with that. Between "Mr. Explosive" and "Mr. Stoic," you did look like an angel.
"Typically, offers are more spread out," Aizawa continued. "But this year, the focus has been on you three."
While most of the class celebrated their offers, Midoriya sat quietly, starstruck. Meanwhile, Mineta shook him vigorously, snapping him out of his daze.
"Now, onto the next step," Aizawa said, sighing deeply. "You'll all be interning with pro heroes. But before that, you need to choose your hero names."
"IF YOU DON'T CHOOSE PROPERLY, YOU'LL REGRET IT LATER!" Midnight burst into the room with dramatic flair, strutting to the front.
Your eyes sparkled with excitement. "Finally! I've been waiting for this moment my entire life!" you cried, clenching your fists in anticipation.
Midnight handed out whiteboards, and you eagerly began writing down the name you had chosen long ago.
"That's a nice hero name," Todoroki said, sneaking a glance at your board.
"Hey! No peeking—it's a surprise!" you scolded, pressing the board against your chest. Smirking, you added, "I bet you're going to pick something boring, like your actual name."
Todoroki blinked at you, completely serious. "Wow, [Name], you might have two quirks. You're psychic too."
You snorted, unable to hold back a laugh. "Yeah, sure. Psychic powers confirmed."
Aoyama was the first to present his name: The Shining Hero: I Cannot Stop Twinkling. You had to admit, it was one of your favorites, despite Midnight tweaking the grammar slightly.
When it was your turn, you stood confidently and revealed your board: Water Hero: Nereus.
"In Greek mythology, Nereus is the child of the sea and earth," you explained, your eyes gleaming with pride. "I got the idea after reading Percy Jackson. It's such a cool name, don't you think?"
The class clapped, and Midnight clung to you, gushing. "It's adorable!"
By the time Bakugo presented King Explosion Murder, you couldn't suppress your laughter, earning a deadly glare from him.
Finally, Midoriya revealed his hero name: Deku.
"Are you sure you're okay with that?" Kaminari asked, echoing everyone's concerns.
Midoriya smiled, his gaze lingering on you despite addressing the class. "Yes. A long time ago, someone helped me see this name not as a symbol of weakness, but of strength and hope. That meant everything to me."
You blinked, your head tilting slightly in confusion. You did that? When? You couldn't even remember what you had for dinner yesterday.
Wrapping up the discussion, Aizawa handed out bundles of internship offers. "The internships will last a week, and you have two days to decide which pro hero you'll train under," he instructed, his tone even as always.
Curious, you skimmed through your list, chuckling at one of the names. "Looks like your dad sent me an offer too," you said to Todoroki, nudging him playfully.
"Maybe we could—" Todoroki began, but his sentence was cut short by Bakugo stomping over to your desk with his usual intensity.
"Which one are you going to intern at?" he demanded, slamming his hands on your desk with a loud thud.
Startled, you leaned back slightly. "Uh, I'm not sure yet," you admitted, flipping through the list again. "The highest offer is from Endeavor, but Hawks is on here too..." You trailed off, wondering why Hawks would even want you. Your quirks didn't seem compatible at all.
You snorted. "You're probably going to Best Jeanist. Let me guess, he's the highest-ranking pro on your list."
His eyes narrowed. "What? How the hell did you know?"
Before you could reply, Todoroki chimed in, his expression as serious as ever. "It's because [Name] has psychic powers."
You waved your fingers in the air in a dramatic, ghostly gesture toward Bakugo. "Ooooooh... I know everything about you."
Bakugo rolled his eyes and lightly bonked you on the head. "You're such a damn weirdo, [Name]."
Grinning, you shrugged it off and went back to skimming the list. The thought of interning with Vlad King briefly crossed your mind, but the likelihood of being anywhere near the Hosu district seemed slim if you chose him. You needed to be close to the action for the upcoming Stain confrontation. After some deliberation, and despite the slight reluctance gnawing at you, the logical choice was clear.
Taking a deep breath, you made your decision. "Alright. I've decided." You circled the name on your list and grabbed your pen to fill out the form. "I'll be interning with Endeavor."
Todoroki's expression softened ever so slightly. His lips curved into a small, almost imperceptible smile. It was something he was genuinely looking forward to. Bakugo, however, didn't share the sentiment.
"What the hell? You're going to intern with him? Are you serious?" Bakugo's frustration was evident as he glared at Todoroki.
You smirked, standing up and gathering your things. "Oh, don't be jealous, Katsuki. It's not like I'd survive a week with you anyway."
Before he could retort, you slung your bag over your shoulder and gave Todoroki a quick wink. "See you soon, Shoto."
With that, you headed out to turn in your form, your mind already drifting back to your precious little sister.
"What in the world convinced you to choose Endeavor for your internship? I better not see you dead by the end of it," Aizawa muttered, munching on his toast.
Eri sat perched on your lap, nibbling on a massive gummy bear as if it were a full meal. You lazily picked out the marshmallows from your bowl of Lucky Charms, your school uniform already buttoned and neat despite your slow morning movements.
"Hmm, I don't know. I wanted a new experience," you mused, shrugging. "Besides, Endeavor is hilarious to work with." You snorted at the thought, earning a pointed glare from Aizawa.
"Hilarious," he deadpanned, clearly unimpressed. He reached over to pick Eri off your lap, gently wiping her sticky face with a napkin. "Just be careful," he sighed, his gaze softening as he glanced between you and Eri.
"Always," you chimed, feeding Eri a small spoonful of your cereal. She gladly munched on it, her tiny feet swinging in the air. She had been adapting well to your home, but she still had moments of apprehension. Little gestures like this seemed to comfort her.
After finishing breakfast, the three of you headed to the train station. You clutched a briefcase containing your hero costume, its weight a reminder of the week ahead. Aizawa offered his usual understated words of affirmation before you parted ways.
"Take care of her," he said, ruffling your hair before leaning down to give Eri a tender hug.
You kissed Eri on the cheek, waving goodbye. "Be good, okay? I'll see you soon!"
She nodded, clutching her Pochacco stuffed toy for comfort as she stayed behind with Aizawa.
Boarding the train, you settled next to Todoroki, who had arrived early as usual. He glanced curiously back at Eri as the train began to move. "Is that your sister?" he asked, his voice calm but genuinely curious.
"Well, kinda," you replied, resting your chin on your hand. "Her family... passed away in a villain attack. I convinced chichi to adopt her. She's cute, like me, so we already look alike," you said, puffing out your cheeks dramatically.
Todoroki studied you for a moment before nodding. "You're a good sister," he said simply, his tone sincere.
The rest of the train ride was filled with your enthusiastic introduction to the world of Hello Kitty characters. Todoroki listened attentively, his occasional nods showing he was actually interested.
"My favorite is My Melody," he said, a small smile breaking his otherwise stoic expression.
Your eyes lit up. "She's my favorite too!" you exclaimed, bouncing slightly in your seat.
He glanced at you, the corners of his lips twitching upward. He didn't say it, but My Melody wasn't just his favorite. She reminded him of you—kind, cheerful, and someone who brought light into his life in a way he never expected.
Finally, you arrived at Endeavor's agency. The imposing building was just as intimidating as the pro hero himself. Inside, you were led to a large brown office, where Endeavor sat behind an enormous desk, his fiery presence dominating the room.
You inhaled deeply before putting on a practiced, cheerful smile. Todoroki, standing next to you, remained as steady and composed as ever.
"Welcome," Endeavor began, his tone gruff. "It's a surprise that you decided to join me. Then again, I suppose you're here just to insult me again," he added with a sigh.
You grinned cheekily. "What can I say? You're a great target."
His eye twitched, but he ignored the jab, getting straight to the point. "Before we go on patrol, I want to see how you both perform against each other. A sparring session will help me assess your positions and strengths."
Your grin widened at the idea. Sparring with Todoroki? This would be interesting. "Alrighty, old man," you teased. "Lead the way!"
Endeavor's eyebrow twitched again, but he motioned for you to follow. He led you to the locker rooms, where you and Todoroki could change into your hero costumes.
Minutes later, you stood in a spacious training area, the air thick with tension. Your hero costume shimmered under the lights, designed for maximum mobility and style—a stark contrast to Todoroki's sleek, practical outfit.
The sparring arena buzzed with quiet anticipation. You stood across from Todoroki, your palms glowing faintly as water began to seep from them, pooling and swirling in the air around you like living streams. Todoroki watched you carefully, his dual-colored eyes unreadable, though his heart tightened at the sight of your focused expression.
"Begin," Endeavor barked, his voice cutting through the silence.
Todoroki moved first, launching a jagged wave of ice that raced toward you with deadly precision. Without hesitation, you stepped forward, fluid and deliberate. Raising one hand, you directed a sharp burst of water from your palm to melt the ice mid-flight, droplets cascading to the floor.
"Nice opener, Shoto," you quipped, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
He responded with a controlled burst of flames, forcing you to sidestep. You pivoted, the water flowing from your palms in delicate arcs as you doused the fire in a hiss of steam.
Your movements were mesmerizing—each step and twist seamless, your body flowing like water itself. Todoroki found himself momentarily entranced, but he shook it off, focusing on his strategy.
"You're holding back," he said calmly, sending another wave of ice toward you.
You slid to the side, melting the ice into a sheet of water that you spun into a protective barrier. "And you're not?"
He smirked faintly but didn't respond, switching to flames. You countered with streams of water, weaving between the flames with effortless grace, your steps light yet deliberate. The room filled with mist as steam billowed around the two of you, turning the battlefield into an obscured maze.
Todoroki struck again, this time freezing the floor beneath your feet. You leapt into the air, flipping gracefully, water trailing from your palms like ribbons as you landed softly behind him.
"Impressive," he admitted, turning to face you.
You grinned, extending a hand as water gathered into a whip. "I try."
With a sharp motion, you sent the whip snapping toward him. He raised an ice shield, which you melted instantly, the water rushing back into your hands. Todoroki countered with a burst of flames, forcing you to backflip out of its range.
The fight escalated. Todoroki's precision was relentless, alternating between fire and ice to corner you. You responded with equal ingenuity, using the water from your palms to douse his flames, melt his ice, and occasionally create bursts of steam to obscure his vision.
At one point, you focused briefly, extending your influence to the water in his bloodstream. His left arm froze mid-motion, his flames sputtering out.
"You're controlling my arm," he observed, a flicker of awe in his voice.
"Only a little," you admitted, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Gotta keep you on your toes."
He switched tactics, using his other hand to create a wall of ice that forced you to release your hold. The ice expanded rapidly, surrounding you, but you spun in place, the water from your palms exploding outward in a wave that shattered the encroaching ice.
As the mist settled, both of you stood panting, your eyes locking across the room. For the final move, Todoroki unleashed a massive wave of fire while you summoned every drop of water you could muster into a towering wall. The collision of elements sent a shockwave through the room, steam and mist swirling in every direction.
"Enough!" Endeavor's voice boomed.
The room fell silent, the mist gradually dissipating to reveal the two of you standing amidst the aftermath. The floor was slick with water, the walls scorched from heat.
You exhaled, lowering your hands as the water around you fell with a gentle splash. "Call it a draw?" you asked, your smile warm as you extended a hand toward Todoroki.
He hesitated for a moment, then took your hand, his grip firm but not without tenderness. "A draw," he agreed, though his eyes lingered on you longer than they needed to.
As you walked back to Endeavor, you glanced at Todoroki, your tone playful. "Hey, you weren't going easy on me because I'm cute, were you?"
His lips twitched into a rare smile. "Not even for a second."
You laughed, your voice light. "Good. I'd hate to think you were going soft on me. Now let's go see what Mr. Sunshine has planned next."
Todoroki's expression softened as he watched you bounce forward, the grace of your movements contrasting with your playful demeanor. It finally felt like the doubts from the sports festival were released.
The lighthearted moment from the sparring match faded quickly as the weight of what was to come pressed on your chest. Stain would attack Iida tomorrow, and chaos would engulf Hosu City. You'd played through every scenario in your mind.
You knew you had to arrive at the scene earlier than Midoriya could alert Todoroki about Iida's location. The knowledge burned inside you—a responsibility you couldn't ignore.
Your assigned room was cozy, its traditional Japanese design calming in theory, though it did little to ease the anxiety thrumming in your heart. You tossed and turned on your futon, your mind racing.
Shigaraki and Kurogiri would be present too, perched on rooftops near Hosu. What was your game plan? Could you handle them and still reach Iida in time? You clenched your fists under the blankets, knowing you couldn't afford to hesitate when the moment came.
The next morning, you donned your hero costume once again. You loved how it fit—modest yet stylish, adorned with tiny Sanrio embellishments that made you smile despite the tension gnawing at you. Someday, when you became a pro, maybe Sanrio would sponsor you. That dream felt distant now, with the storm brewing on the horizon.
Patrolling beside Endeavor and Todoroki felt surreal, especially when your thoughts were miles away. A small voice snapped you back to reality.
"Are you Ms. [Name] from Class 1-A?" a young girl called out, clutching an ice cream cone. Her eyes were wide with excitement as she approached.
You blinked, startled that someone recognized you. Then again, in a world filled with hero worship, this sort of thing was bound to happen. You crouched to her level with a warm smile. "Mhm, that's me. And what's your name?"
"Miki!" she chirped, her voice high-pitched with enthusiasm. Her gaze flicked to Todoroki standing stoically beside you, her
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