• The Tears of Jorōgumo'•

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Readers : Another KNY character in MHA? It must be Tanjirou! Or Muichiro!

Me : ...Yesn't.

A/N : Also, have you heard about Mineta going trend for 'confessing' to Izuku? I am BNHA anime watcher but often got spoiled a lot. And I don't really care about his sexuality, he can be straight or bisexual for all I care, but people's reaction to this is hilarious 😂. I mean, Mineta's line to Izuku could also means admiration and respect, but I absolutely love how most people took it as a love confession.

Uraraka be punching the air for being late to confess first.💀


Adjusting to this modern world was certainly challenging for Nezuko. During the first three days she stayed in Aizawa's place, she tried to learn about the technology stuff to get used to them.

When she was warded in the hospital, she mostly spent her time sleeping or playing with the nurse. The hospital technology certainly was unfamiliar to her as well, but she was quick to learn not to mess with them. Also, she immediately know that shouldn't be sneaking into any rooms without any supervisors to keep an eye on her, or she'll end up in the labour room again.

Busy with his work as the U.A teacher, Aizawa wanted to find a babysitter for Nezuko so she wouldn't feel lonely when he was away. Fortunate for him, the waitress who served Nezuko in the cafe before lived in an apartment nearby his place, so he asked whether it would be okay for her to look after the demon girl since she took a liking towards her.

The waitress beamed, " Oh, sure! I used to babysit my nephew and niece before! But I can only babysit her until 2 p.m., is that okay?"

Aizawa considered this, recalling his schedule of teaching his class and also training Shinsou time. At the end, he agreed, also wanting to pay for her service. He also gave her instructions about how to take care of Nezuko, and in case she showed any sign of pain or anything, immediately bring her to the hospital. Nezuko was still under their supervisor for her peculiar blood and ability.

And so here they were, Aizawa and Nezuko, standing outside the waitress's place. Clearly the woman was waiting for them, as the moment Aizawa knocked on the door, she immediately opened it.

Her obsidian-like eyes brightened at the sight of Nezuko." Hello! Just in time!"

" Nezuko, this is the one that will look after you until I come back from work, all right?" Aizawa kneel down and fixed the demon's crumpled skirt. She was wearing the cat-theme clothes he picked for her before." Remember her? She was the waitress that you met in the cafe with Todoroki."

At the mention of Shoto, Nezuko perked up." Tea?"

" You've had too much boba tea. We've discussed this already." Aizawa had discovered that, while Nezuko absolutely refused to eat any meals he provided for her, she would consume boba tea instead.

Since it's not really good for a child like her to drink too much sweet drinks, he tried to limit it by giving her other types of tea. She seemed to like the tea he got from Cameron Highland so far.

The waitress kneel down and patted Nezuko's head. " I'll take good care of you! By the way, my name is Uka!"

Aizawa turned to the woman, " Her name is Nezuko. She has a bit problem with communicating through speaking, but she's learning."

Uka grinned, " That's okay! I can teach her!"

When Aizawa was about to leave, Nezuko tugged on his sleeves, a sad expression on her face.

" I'll be back soon, don't worry." The teacher hummed." How about this, if you behave and wait for me patiently, I'll bring you along to watch over me training my students."

He ruffled her hair and waved his hand and he walked away. Nezuko waved back and watched him disappearing into a corner before turning back to Uka.

" Come in, Nezuko," Uka invited, " make yourself at home."

Nezuko walked inside the place, admiring how bright and neatly it was. Aizawa had his curtains covering the window in his place, so it made a gloomy and dark surrounding that caused Nezuko to keep feeling sleepy and spent at least 15 hours sleeping once. She almost gave her temporary guardian a heart attack when he came back late from work to see her still sleeping in the same position.

A few pictures frame caught her eyes and one of them was a picture of Uka, smiling, with an arm around a very large, brownish black dog. Nezuko tugged Uka's hand and pointed to the picture.

" Oh!" The woman smiled." That's my pet wolfdog, Moon. He's in the other room at the moment."

Nezuko loves dogs. She remembered the times at the Butterfly Estate when Sanemi came over to see Shinobu, ( glaring at her if he saw her ) and sometimes a dog followed him from behind. The dog would spotted Nezuko and happily bounced towards her, and they both played for a while until Sanemi left and the dog followed him.

This went on a couple of times until Shinobu found out about this and wouldn't let Sanemi entered the estate if he kept having the dog trailing behind him. She wasn't really good with furry animals and even shrieked in surprise once when a cat was found snuggling beside a sleeping Inosuke in the estate.

" See?" Nezuko asked." See him?"

Uka shook her head, " I am sorry, but he's rather...well, quite anti-social. He's a bit odd for a dog, though. I found him a few months ago getting run over by a car and took him to the vet. Moon is wary around strangers and he only trusts me. You know, sometimes he acts like a person and it makes me think that I might be living with a man instead of a dog!" She joked.

A loud bang made both female jumped in surprise. Uka and Nezuko turned their heads towards the hallways, where a door of a room had been slammed opened.

" See? Acts like a person. He knows how to open the door...by slamming it open too loud sometimes."

Moon was larger than Nezuko had thought. He was blending in the shadow and seemed to be staring at her. His crimson red eyes caught Nezuko's interest, as she had never seen dogs with such colour. This wasn't the trick of light, his eyes were certainly red.

When Nezuko took a step towards him, the wolfdog let out a low growl.

Uka stepped in front Nezuko and shielded her while facing her dog. " Moon, behave. We have a guest here. And I did told you to stay in the other room, didn't I?"

Moon kept his eyes glued on Nezuko for a few seconds before turning around and entered the room he had been in before.

Nezuko pouted slightly, feeling both sad and curious on why the dog seemed to be wary of her.

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Uka reminded Nezuko of Mitsuri. They both always have a smile on their faces and seemed to love playing with Nezuko. Short to say that, Nezuko was very happy that Aizawa chose this woman to babysit her.

" Nezuko," Uka giggled, staring at the demon sitting on her lap as they were watching a movie, " are you sleepy?"

With her eyelids half closed, Nezuko nodded her head. Uka giggled again and turned off the TV before carried her to her bedroom. She tucked Nezuko in and pulled out a book from a cabinet beside the bed.

" Do you want me to read you a story?"

Nezuko nodded again.

Uka flipped the book opened," This is one the book that I had since I was little. It contains different fairytale from what I usually heard, like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. Surely you're familiar with them, no?"

The demon tilted her head slightly. Cinder what?

" Let me tell you my favorite story, it's called ' The Tears of Jorōgumo' "

Jorōgumo, a legend spider yokai that Nezuko had heard about before from Shinobu, when she was telling a scary story to her, Tanjirou, Zenitsu and Inosuke. It is said that Jorōgumo can change its appearance into that of a seductive woman when it wants to eat a human. Even when it is in its human form though, its reflection will show a giant spider. It can not be killed by any kind of poison.

Uka began, " There are a few stories about Jorōgumo, but this one focuses on the one where a woodsman logger met Jorōgumo. There are a few version of this story and one of them was where the woodsman fell in love with Jorōgumo. The original story says that the logger became weaker and weaker when he visited the yokai everyday, only it to be claimed by a monk as the spider's trap. Even if the logger knew it was a yokai, he still loved her and even asked a tengu for help. When the tengu refused to aid him, the logger ran back to the waterfall where the yokai was, only to trip on the silver thread of the spider, fell into the water and never resurfaced ever again.

The story in this book tells Jorōgumo's point of view. Even if she was a yokai that fed on humans, mostly men, she too, was in love with the logger. When her true identity was exposed by the monk and the logger found out, she was so embarrassed and guilty for lying to the logger that she hid herself in the cave behind the waterfall. Upon knowing the logger's death was her thread fault, Jorōgumo fell into a depression and wouldn't stopped crying for years.

Her tears of regret and remorseful that hit the ground eventually developed into a new species of flower. One day, the village that the logger used to live in was under attack with a new disease that caused many deaths. Jorōgumo heard what happened and felt that she could atone her sin for killing her love by helping the villagers.

So she took the flowers formed by her tears and gave it to the villagers, telling them that it could cure the disease. She also warned them not to share this secret to other villages for there would be consequences.

But you know, humans were never the kind to listen.

After a few months free from the disease, one of the villager proposed an idea where they could sell the flowers to the public, for the flower had a beautiful appearance with the most bluest color they have had ever seen. The flower also provided medicine for the sick. So the villagers began to pass the flowers to another villages in secret, until Jorōgumo found out about this.

Filled with fury, she went to the village one night and murdered everyone except the children. The blood of the humans she killed were absorbed into the soil and began to sprout into the flower, only it to be red, not blue.

She warned the children,

" Spread this story. Spread the story of the consequences of lying and betrayal. Spread how greedy your adults were. I will let you survive just to tell the story."

She let the red flowers blooming in the village, covering the land with nothing but the plant. The blue flowers were crushed and destroyed by her so the red ones would replace them.

" Tell the others about this flower. Tell them about how it existed in the first place."

The Jorōgumo was born with no name, but the logger had gave her one. The name that she would always treasure.

" Tell them that it was name after me."

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙮

Uka finished the story with a soft voice, looking up to see the demon already sleeping. She always had a soft spot for children. One day, if she could, she wanted her own child.

But whenever she thought about such thing, she felt a sharp pain in her gut, as if it was slashed. Shaking away the pain, Uka stroked Nezuko's head gently.

She smiled warmly and quietly exited the room.


A presence slipped into the room where Nezuko was sleeping.

He was very quiet even with a large body of his. His eyes stared at the demon sleeping peacefully on the bed, unaware of the creature standing nearby.

' Should I...kill her?'

The creature thought. He brought out his sharp weapon and hovered it on the demon's neck.


He hid his weapon away.

' Even if I want to, she could only be killed with one specific blade only...'

The creature headed to the door, giving Nezuko one last look over his shoulders.

' ...Let's just keep an eye on her for the moment...'

And with that, Moon quietly left.


𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜 :

• Aizawa encountered Uka standing in front of a pet shop, staring at the tadpoles in a water tank through the glasses before asking her to babysit Nezuko.

• Uka works two jobs; one is a waitress to help her cousin ( the owner of the cafe ) and her second work is in the pet clinic and shop ( that's been closed due to some problems ). Since she has a temporary leave from her work in the pet clinic, she's very happy to babysit Nezuko for the mean time.

• After babysitting Nezuko for today, Uka sees Moon hanging out with a black cat and a colorful coloured bird

• She thought it's a bit weird but also happy that Moon is making friends (???) Even if it's not his own species.

• Nezuko literally leaped in the air in joy when Aizawa said that they would be visiting Eri two days later.

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