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*Y/n's pov*

Think... Think... THINK! What do I do?! Some cops came to the house yesterday and am I supposed to just sit here and think I'm gonna be ok?! Yeah... that's not happening. What if they come back and end up finding me? What if they have found Bob already?!

I can't think straight... the only sleep I have gotten since Bob left was yesterday when I fell asleep in the forest.

'like that was enough' i scoffed. I felt worse than the other day... I felt my eye twitch in annoyance as my mind didn't bother to shut up. Didn't see like it was any time soon too.

How did I even end up here? One minute, I'm hanging out with Lila, Jaune, Streber, or Kevin. The next minute, I'm here. How long have I even been here for? A month? Two? For all I know, it could be a year.

'Why did I even stay here?!' My mind started to wander to a place I didn't like. 'I could just run away'.

"BRAIN SHUT UP!" I screamed loudly. I curled up into a little ball on the floor. "I'm not leaving him..."

'What do you even see in him? You know he can just decide to kill you someday.'

"If he were to truly want that, he would've. He cares for me, and I'm not leaving him."

'Who knows, maybe he just abandoned you!'

i stayed silent. For all I know he could and did. But I remember the last thing he said to me, making me doubt that he would even think of doing that.

"I love you"

I would be lying if I said I didn't. If he wanted to kill or abandon me, he would've if he didn't care for me. But he does...and I do too.

'He's probably going to be caught by the police.'

"He's gonna be ok, he said he was gonna be careful!" As soon as I told myself that, the T.V. Flashed with a news report.

*Breaking News!*

"Just about an hour ago, a serial killer cannibal, Bob Velseb, has been spotted. What has also been found was the bodies of two cops who were on the case of Bob and Y/n. We are now going to a live clip with the people who reported these cases."

On the screen appeared Streber, looking stressed while Kevin who stood beside Streber trying to comfort him.

"When me and Kevin were walking to our house, we both felt like we were getting stared at. I tried ignoring it but it wouldn't go away. Then we got home." Streber refused to look at the camera as he spoke.

"What happened once you two got home?" The news reporter pressed the poor vampire man. Kevin saw Streber hesitate to answer, so he decided to answer instead.

"We heard a loud crash when we were about to go to sleep. When we got out of the room, Bob was in the hall, waiting for us. I told Streber to leave the house and after The police came, I went to find Streber, also finding those two cops."

I tuned the rest out. I was furious. WHAT HAPPENED TO BEING CAREFUL?! Why did he try killing Kevin and Streber?! I became nervous. What if he gets too careless and gets caught? What if I never get to see him again?!

"What do I do? He said to stay here! What can I do?!" I subconsciously stared at the door, unsure what to do.

"We just were given the message! Bob has been seen once again, 2 miles away from where he was first spotted. Please lock your doors and make sure you are somewhere safe!"

...That's it. I don't care if he said to stay here, I'm going to find him.

"Careful my ass..." i grabbed a backpack, a water bottle, a few granola bars, and a knife just in case. I want to find him. I need to find him before he goes to jail.

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