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Bob pulled me beside him as he maneuvered through multiple trees, his hand having a strong grip against mine. The gloomy part of the forest we were once in started to turn more lively, with birds chirping happily while the trees looked more alive and bright.

I walked beside Bob in a comfortable silence, staring at every animal that we passed. I didn't want to leave here. It was calming, peaceful even. I didn't even notice that I stopped walking until I felt my hand getting yanked on.

"You alright darlin? Need a break from walkin'?" I looked over to Bob's direction, seeing his dark eyes filled with concern.

"Um... n-no, I'm fine." I mentally slapped myself in the face for stuttering. He turned back, squeezing my hand slightly and glanced at me, before walking again. I looked at my hand that laid in his cautiously, weary of being so close to him.

"Don't worry, we're almost at the cabin." I felt myself tense at the mention of the cabin. Bob didn't seem to notice my sudden nervousness though.

*Bob's pov*

As soon as I mention the cabin, I felt Y/n get tense, slightly squeezing my hand. I glanced at her, seeing her face droop down sadly. I sighed. Did she not like the cabin? Then again, nobody would if you were locked in the same room for days. An idea popped into my head, making me smirk slightly. Y/n would surely like my new surprise.

*Y/n's Pov*

My mind hurt the more we walked, scared to end up in that cold dark room again. I shuddered at the memory of the room.

"We're here." Bob called out. My eyes widened as I looked up. Sure enough, the cabin was right in front of us. "Wait here, I gotta do something real quick. It may take a while though." He then ran in and slammed the front door closed, leaving me to stand on the porch, confused.

I looked over to my right seeing two metal chair that sat beside each other with a small table in front of them. I shrugged, sitting in one, as the cold metal hit my skin. I put my elbows on the table and rested my head in the palm of my hand as I stared into the forest we just came out of.

The forest looked more enchanting than I remembered. The first time I came out here it looked dull. Not many animals and was only quiet and creepy. But what was once a dead forest, seemed to become comforting in the matter of a few days. It felt like the forest was glowing at one point, not letting me take my eyes off it.

I heard the door beside me creak open. I looked over to see Bob, almost covered in (F/c) paint.

"Sorry for the long wait, but come in." He moved aside to let me go into the cabin. 'Long wait? How long was I staring at the forest?' He walked in front of me, leading me to a door that had Y/n's room painted in black paint.

I opened the door, and as soon as it was fully opened I stared at it with amazement. The walls were a nice shade of (F/c), while the bed beside the door had (f/c) blankets with some (s/f/c) details on it. Beside the bed was a nightstand that had a vase full of (f/f)(favorite flower). In front of me was multiple shelfs and a small desk that sat under a window, showing off the forest. I looked over to the closet, opening it, seeing mountains of clothes in a few drawers and hung up.

"W-why? I thought I was gonna be in that basement." I heard Bob chuckle behind me.

"That was the original plan, but after seeing how you reacted when I mentioned the cabin, I think this will be better for now, to say the least." I felt myself blush in embarrassment as I realized he did notice me tensing up whenever he mentioned the cabin. "Also, you can wonder around the cabin, but the front door stays locked. Got it darlin?" I nodded, but what I did next surprised even the both of us. I hugged him. I hugged the man that took me here in the first place. I didn't care at this point, all I cared about was not being locked up in the basement. I felt Bob get startled from the sudden contact, but he slowly wrapped his hands around me.

I released him from my embrace before running over to the bed and plopping into it. I heard Bob laugh beside me.

"I'm gonna go cook some food for us, If you need anything, just tell me." He was about to close the door until I interrupted him.

"Hey Bob?" I heard him hum in response. "...Thank you."

"...No problem darlin'."

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