- Would be the type to try to say it but gets to nervous and stumbles over his words
- Passed you a note asking if you'd date him
- You passed a note back saying yea
-Just asked randomly
- "Hey ____, wanna be my girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other?"
- If you don't say yes to her I will
-Very very blush-y
- Buys you flowers
- Gathers all his courage and asks
- Pump helped him out
- Was very adorable
- His mom cries out of happiness
- Pump is a little more confident then Skid
- Asks you during spooky month
- also very adorable
Daddy Dearest:
- Casual about it
- Ask you over diner
- + Wine
Mommy Dearest:
- She thought it was time
- also very casual about it
- woo
- Nervous nervous nervous
- Palms are sweaty
- Just straight up says it after fumbling over his words over and over
- You make the Captain nervous
- you can't see it but he's redder than a tomato
- Scratches the back of his neck when asking
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net