It was December 10th, Monday. Exams were in 3 days... and nobody was excited.
"Nene-chan, are you ready for exams?" Aoi asked, smiling.
"Wha-! Noo... I don't wanna do exams.." Yashiro cried.
"It's okay, i'm sure you'll do great~!" Aoi exclaimed.
"I appreciate you, Aoi.." Yashiro sighed and took the ponytail out of her hair.
Kou was with Amane. "I have a question." Kou spoke up.
"Hm? What is it kid?" Amane looked up.
"How long have you been able to see color again?"
"Uhhhh.. like .. 5??.. months. Why?"
"No reason, I was just curious."
"When do you want to figure out your soulmate?"
"Whenever. I don't care as much, but it'd still be cool to see color." Kou stopped and knelt down to tie his shoe, Amane stopped as well.
"Yeah, there's no rush really. We're both fourteen." Amane said, yawning.
"Yeah, you're right. My brother is seventeen and still hasn't found his." Kou replied. "Although I have a suspicion on who it is."
"Huh. Well who do you think?"
Mitsuba was with Tsukasa. The two walked the halls leading to wherever. It was around 2:50pm and people were starting to get ready to leave.
"So, found your soulmate yet?" Tsukasa asked.
"No. I'm way too cute to go around kissing people just to figure out who i'll be with the rest of my life! I know whoever mine is, they'll be lucky." Mitsuba replied, his tone was full of sass.
"Well you've got a big ego." Tsukasa mumbled.
"Excuse- what?! I do not!" Mitsuba cried, making Tsukasa giggle.
"Was it that offensive?"
"Yes! That was very rude!"
"I'm not sorry."
"When are you ever.."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Mitsuba looked at the clock on the wall. 2:55. "I'm going home. See ya." Mitsuba waved to Tsukasa and Tsukasa waved back.
Kou arrived home before Teru, which was unusually Huh.. I wonder where he is right now. Usually he's home right now. Kou thought, but he just shrugged it off and decided to make donuts.. cause why not?
(A/N : i have absolutely no clue how to make donuts so pretend like he did all the steps and whatever mb)
Two and a half hours. He should be home by then. Kou thought, yawning. He decided to just sit on the couch and watch tv while he waited.
Kou looked outside. He was starting to worry—but then Teru opened the door. Kou jumped up.
"Where were you?!" Kou asked, walking over to Teru.
"I got into a fight with Aoi and then it turned really weird. Long story short, you have blonde hair and blue eyes." Teru said.
Okay this is so short and idk why i have no ideas💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
terukane lololol funny hahahaha
i'm so bored rn anywyas bye⁉️
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