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Kobe and Vallyk locked eyes, not knowing what to say to the other. They were strangers after all.


It was very straight-forward. Our first meeting.


Neither one of us said anything until I broke the silence.

". . . just so you know I won't tell on you."


He said back to me. "I mean we're both guilty here. But I would've said anything anyway." I said while leaning my head back against the wall, closing my eyes as the warm sun hit my skin, "why'd I do something stupid like that."

He hopped down from the window and sat next to me; getting a good look at my face, "I know you," he said with a slight smile, "you're Kobe, I saw you fighting with some guys from another school." From the start Vallyk may have had some kind of interest in me. So we soon got close.

-6 months later-

"KoBe! Can you teach me that kick from yesterday?"

Vallyk asked, while peeking his head around the corner. "Not right now I'm studying. There's a test coming up."

"Eh? You study too?!" Vallyk said, "hey! Whaddya mean by that?! He may look like this but Kobe's got the best grades in the class!" Derek said while laughing a little. "Stop that. It's nothing to boast about." I said chuckling a little. "Seriously?!" Derek said with a dumb look on his face.

"Want me to teach ya?" I said looking up at Vallyk while tapping my pen against the desk with a smirk on my face. His face turnt dark red but I didn't pay it any mind, ". . . only if you show me the kick after!" He said. I chuckled nodding my head in agreement.

-Hours later-

I swing my leg around almost kicking Vallyk in the chin, but I stopped just inches from him.

". . .I didn't see a thing?!"

Vallyk said looking dumbfounded and terrified while looking down at my foot just inches from his chin.

"Because it's that fast dumb ass."

I said chuckling a little. "You gotta put your weight on it and aim straight for the chin . . . the stomach is good too." I said as Vallyk tried to do the same but failed horribly.

"like this?"

"Not at all, hahaha" I said laughing.

"And when defending against it try to take it head on."

"Like this?"

Vallyk said while trying to do what I just explained to him but he messed up again, I sighed and walked behind him. I put my arm around his waist and my other arm around his neck, in a headlock like position.

"If you want to stop there movements grabbing them by the neck usually stuns them."

I said pulling him a little closer. "So that's the first thing you should go for." I look down at his ears and they were dark red as if he was blushing, "L-let go, I got it already." He said smacking my hand away, I couldn't see his face fully only the side of it but I could still see him blushing.

I didn't really notice anything strange at the time. Though I did think he was acting a bit weird. Who would've thought. That THAT was because of his feelings of love for me; would have never even entered my mind.

-Present day-
School restroom


Vallyk hesitantly started to get down on his knees but he stopped half way down, "....what" I said while pushing the back of his head down to my shoe aggressively,

". . . are you hesitating for? It's your piss isn't it? At least clean up your own damn mess yourself. C'mon."

I could feel him shacking underneath my hand, and as he sticked his tongue out to lick my shoe the bell rings and students start leaving their classes.

I shove his head down to the floor aggressively and I could see his noes start to bleed as he sat up, backing up against the wall frantically.

"Next time...you run away and I'll kill you."

I said as I walked out the bathroom, only to eye him as I leave. Shit . . . That . . . felt way too good. I was laughing a little at my thoughts as I walked down the hall, some students looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't care.

My entire body feels like it's gone numb. My heartbeat's going crazy. I still...have the feeling of his hair on my hand. I thought looking down at my hands as I slowly clench it shut. It's not enough.

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