AFTER TWO DREADFUL HOURS Noelle was finally ready for her date. She was extremely nervous to say the least. It's not everyday that you go on a date with your ex boyfriend who also was your first love. See the issue here?
A doorbell interrupts Noelle from her thoughts. She stands frozen in her place as Autumn opens the door for the brunette to enter. Fox also approaches the door, ready to give Zach a talk. Reed and Summer try to get Noelle to move but she won't budge.
"Don't you dare hurt her!" Noelle can hear Fox tell Zach. That's when she decides it's best to move from her spot.
"Hey, Zach!" Noelle greets him with a smile even though she's dying of nerves on the inside. Zach stops mid sentence and stares in awe. He thought she was a literal angel even though she was wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
After recomposing himself, he asks, "Are you ready to go?" She nods her head as her friends give her thumbs up.
They walk to Zach's car and he opens the door for her. As they get in, he says, "I should have said this earlier but you look beautiful!" Blush creeps onto Noelle's cheeks and she hides her face.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Herron!" She compliments him back. Even the simplest thing brings a smile to his face.
After singing along to random songs on the radio, Zach pulls up to an ice cream parlor. Noelle's eyes light up in excitement. The girl really loves ice cream and Zach was fully aware of that. He was hoping this would help win her back over.
Noelle grabs Zach's hand, taking him by surprise, and rushes them to the counter. Zach chuckles at her actions. Noelle continues to scan all the flavors before coming to a conclusion.
"I'm ready to order whenever you are," she tells Zach. He ushers her to the cashier to order.
"Can I have a Cookies N'Cream in a waffle cone? And he will have..."
"I'll have mint chocolate chip also in a waffle cone."
He immediately pulls out cash after ordering since he knows Noelle will try paying. He gives the cashier the money quickly before Noelle even had a chance of grabbing her wallet. She pouts when she sees Zach already getting change back.
"I could have paid for mine," Noelle states.
He smiles, "Well that wouldn't be a very gentleman thing to do on the first date, now would it?" She rolls her eyes but then grins.
They both got their ice cream and just started talking about the most spontaneous things. Everything seemed going back to normal. Both of them were thinking that, but neither one would say it out loud.
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