Anyone's POV
Dinning room
Everyone in the room was eating their food, well apart from Yui.
"Why aren't you eating?" Questioned Ayato with good in his mouth. Reiji glared at him for his lack of manors.
"Yes, bitch-chan. You need to eat more or you'll become anorexic." Laito said with fake concern but then gave her a grin. "Shall I feed you then?"
Cordelia laughed softly at the young girls predicament. She knew that Laito was a flirt and had many sleeping partners but she raised him to always consider the others feelings, only if he was serious about the person.
She also told him to always make sure that the other person gives consent if he was going to do anything sexual with them.
"Laito, sit down, your disturbing dinner." Reiji sternly told him.
"Yes sir." Laito gave a wink to his mother.
Cordelia gave a cough to get everyone's attention. "So how has everyone been doing?"
"Teddy has been great, mother!" Kanato gave a small smile. "Teddy what do you want to eat next. The snowballs?" Kanato stabbed the a snowball with his fork.
"Reiji how has school been for you?"
"My academic studies are excellent. Although..." Reiji looked at the his brother with masked fondness.
"That's great Reiji. You always had a smart mind. I'm not surprised." Cordelia told him with a friendly smile, Reiji slightly blushed at the praise.
The dinner went fast, once it was done everyone retired to their rooms. Cordelia went to Yui's room. She lounged on one of the couches.
Cordelia boredly looked at the room while waiting for Yui, it was a too pink for her tastes. She tapped her fingers on the couch. Finally, Yui arrived.
"What are you doing here?" Yui squeaked in fright. She resembled a mouse that had been caught by a cat.
"Sit." Cordelia pointed for her to sit down on the couch near her. Not wanting to displease her, Yui sat down. "I'm only going to tell you this once little girl. You need to grow up if you want to survive in this house."
"What?" Yui said confused, she honestly thought that the woman was going to kill her or something, not give her advise.
"Like I said you need to grow up. Your meek demeanour will have to change. You are going to change from the helpless blonde to someone that can at least stand of for themselves."
'Which will be a miracle on its own if it actually happened.' Thought Cordelia.
"What do I need to do?" Sputtered Yui. She rubbed her fingers together. Cordelia rolled her eyes at the action.
"Firstly, no more sputtering it's annoying, when you can't understand what the other person is saying. If we want this to work you need to be more confident."
Yui nodded to Cordelia, she straightened her back. A glint of fire was seen if Yui's eyes, making Cordelia internally smirk. Progress was being made.
"Can I really change?" Questioned Yui with less spluttering. Progress was definitely being made.
"The question is do you want to change? To be a stronger person?" Cordelia raised an eyebrow, expecting the blonde to reply to her.
"I guess, I do. I mean back at the church the other children would make me do lots of things for them. And... well I couldn't say no to them. I thought that if I was useful to them they would like me. Pretty pathetic, huh?"
"Children are cruel and so are adults too. That's why you need to build up a spin of confidence, so you cannot be used again. Do you want to be used again?"
"No! I will not!" Yui gave a determined look to Cordelia, who gave a fond smile towards her.
"That's good. However, my sons will still want to drink you blood. They need to, otherwise it could damage their health. The fresher the better. I can't stop them from drinking from you but I can restricted it."
"I... think I can handle that... the retractions. How many time will I be... bitten." Yui trailed off, clearing uncomfortable with the conversation. She knew that she was going to be bit but at least it could be restricted to an extent.
"Possibly one every two days, and that's only if they respect you." Cordelia told her. Yui shivered at the thought.
"I see... how can I earn the respect?"
"By not looking down in them, by not fearing them and having somewhat of a backbone." Cordelia said.
"Will you help me?"
"Once you start now, there is no turning back. Do you understand me?"
"Yes..." Yui said hesitantly.
"Again" commanded Cordelia.
"We will begin tomorrow."
Cordelia elegantly left the room, leaving a determined Yui behind. Yui was chandler her clothes and went to sleep, she was to tired to stay awake.
"Mother!" Called a voice from behind Cordelia, from what she could tell it was Laito. He grinned and hugged her from behind.
"I heard that you were talking with bitch-chan~"
"Did you hear everything?" Cordelia smirked to her son.
"Yes, Mother. I see you found yourself a little protege. This will be interesting~"
"Im excited as well. I'll turn the scared mouse into a kitten with claws." Cordelia gave Laito a Cheshire Cat grin. "Any conquests recently?" She asked innocently.
"Two actually, a pair of red headed twin sisters. They were amazing, especially with their tongues." Laito licked his lips at the thought. Cordelia laughed. She was highly amused at him and it never ending conquests.
"Ease dropping are we, Shu." Cordelia tilted her, to face were Shu was hiding. He was behind a statue listening to their conversation.
"Good evening... mother." Shu said with an earphone in his ear. He glances at Laito, who had an annoyed look on his face, then turned back to Cordelia.
"Going into the mouses room, huh? Don't do anything that I wouldn't do. If you don't need me anything, I will been in my room. Goodnight boys." Cordelia walked away from them.
"Going to see bitch-chan in her bedroom." Laito raised his eyebrow.
"Shut up, Laito."
"Make me blonde."
When Cordelia had returned to her room, she turned on the bath and put in some lavender smelling bath salts. The water rose rather quickly.
Checking the bath was at a suitable temperature, Cordelia stripped her clothes of and went inside. Her muscles tensed at the heat but soon grew accustomed and relaxed.
Cordelia dosed of for a few minutes, she was woken up by a familiar annoying voice. It was Karlheinz.
"Take a picture it will last longer." Cordelia said, she didn't bother to cover up he had already seen he naked. She wasn't embarrassed about her body but annoyed at him.
"Why would I take a picture when I could time travel?" He gave a charming smile.
"I know why you're here Karl. She returning again and you want front row seats to see her demise, again."
"Of course, I hate it when someone threatens what is mine. Death is too good for her." He gave a cruel smirk, his eyes filled with promise of pain and despair.
Cordelia splashes him with water, snapping him out of his inner thoughts.
"Now I'm all wet, I might catch a cold!" Complained Karlheinz "Will you nurse me better if I get a cold?" He gave a suggestive look. "You can even were a sexy nurses outfit."
"You won't begetting a cold."
"Why not?"
"Because you won't be alive to get a cold!" Cordelia lunged for him, grabbing him and pulling him into the bath.
"Cordelia stop trying to drown me!"
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