\\ Dee \\

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Kay, I used all the lyrics for Right My Wrongs so now I'm using "In Check" off his new album lol.

Sometimes I forget,

Sometimes you gotta put me in check, yeah


"Dee, if you don't hold still..." Kayla said, before puttin her hand on my jaw to correct my head. I sighed loudly, we've been at this for twenty minutes. I don't even need to wear so much makeup, it was just the game. But since I was meetin up with Zay, Kayla felt the need to get me all glammed up.

"Bruh..." I said, "What are you even doin?" She's been messin with my face, she betta not make me look foolish.

"Your eyebrows." She answered, and she  I raised an eyebrow at her, she said, "I'm just fillin them in a little. Stop playin, or I'll give you some Drake eyebrows."

"Do that and you gone catch this fade, sis."

Kayla smirked, and looked at Flau'Jae who was laying on her bed. Raye was in the bathroom. "What time is it, Flau?"

"5:25." The game started at six.

"And there," Mikayla stepped back so Flau could see me, "What do ya think?"

I was a little nervous, cuz Kayla was known to sometimes overdue it on makeup. But when Flau'Jae smiled, I felt the nervousness melt away.

"Okayy Kay, you got Dee lookin like a snack," She gushed, getting off of her bed to come stand next to her.

Mikayla flipped her long braids over her shoulder, "I do work magic, don't I?"

Flau laughed while I rolled my eyes, feelin my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out, it was a text from Zay.

Zay😈: comin to the game tonight right?

I smiled.

Me: yeahh...yo sista draggin me there.

Zay😈: 😂

Me: good luck tonight, fam.

Zay😈: u know we gonna win

Me: u betta or else we can't be friends no more

Zay😈: Alrighty Dee. See u soon ❤

I put my phone down, a weird but fluttery feeling gatherin in my chest. I looked up to see Kayla starin at me, and I fixed my face before she could see my grin.

"What's got you all teethy?" She asked, leanin her head to the side with an expecting look on her face.

I snorted, "Nothin."

"Zay textin you?" Flau'Jae asked, "Or should I say, bae?"

Mikayla made a face, "I still can't believe your into my brother like that."

I shrugged, "We just takin it slow, seein where things could go."

Flau'Jae raised an eyebrow, "So y'all are not official yet?"

I shook my head.

Her eyes widened, "Why not?"

"Maybe cuz Nova keeps tryna holla, so she's keeping her options open." Raye said, suddenly appearing from the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes as Flau and Kayla laughed, "Don't even try me like that."

"What? But am I lyin tho?" She said, "This past week he's been actin pretty tame and always wants to be around you."

"Nova and I ain't happenin." I said. "It will never happen."

"Never say never, Dee." Flau said, in a sing-song voice.

"Ew." I said, shakin my head, "Don't bring that mess around here."

"I will never say neverrrr." She sang loudly on purpose. She started again, and Kayla joined her, then Raye.

I looked back down at my phone, "Y'all childish."

My phone buzzed again, I got another text. This one was from Nova.

PineappleHeadass🙃: u comin to the game Dee?

Me: No

PineappleHeadass🙃: Lies

Me: ok, why you wanna know?

PineappleHeadass🙃: I wanna talk to you bout somethin. Just meet me in the hall after.

Me: fine

Dang, what's with all this hype around  this game? I put my phone down, "Are y'all ready to go?"

They nodded, and we got up to put our shoes on, before headin out Kayla's house.


The game was good. Hot as hell, but good. And I might be trippin, but it seemed like Nova was showin off even more tonight. Everytime he got a basket, he'd hit that damn pose, and all the girls would start screaming, including Kayla and Raye. I swear one time I caught him winkin at me. I rolled my eyes at that, but cheered when Zay got a basket and even Jeremiah.

When the game was over, the score was 28 to 19, and we won. I saw Zay walkin towards the bleachers, but he got lost in the sea of people runnin down. I laughed to myself, standin up with Flau as we walked down the bleachers.

"Y'all I'm going to the bathroom, hold up." Kayla said, and Flau followed. Raye was already off somewhere, flirting with some of the players who stayed around, and I started to look for Zay, but I couldn't find him.

"Yo, Dee!" I heard someone say, and I turned to see that it was Nova callin me from like six feet away.

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he gestured to the double doors on the other side of the gym. Oh yeah, he did say he wanted to tell me somethin. I looked back at him, and he held up five fingers, signaling to meet him there in five minutes.

I sighed, texting Flau to tell her not to wait up for me, before squeezin through the crowd to head to the other side. Once I got through the gym doors, I let out a sigh of relief as the cool air hit me. They really needed to do sum bout that humidity in there, man.

I stayed there for a moment, waitin for him even though I really should be lookin for Zay. When 5 minutes passed, I was ready to bounce, but I heard voices. One of them was Nova.

I walked down the hall, turnin round the corner only to run into Mr. Young Gawd, talkin to three girls. But as soon as I recognized Tally, I smacked my lips and did a 180 real quick.

"Wait, Dee!" I heard his voice, but I ignored it.

Nah, I'm not gettin caught up in this foolishness.

I walked all the way to the doors that went to the exit, and pushed them open. I don't even know why I was so irritated with the fact that he was talkin to Tally, but I wasn't gonna dwell on it. Instead, I took a seat on the steps, and texted Zay to tell him where I was.

A few minutes later the door opened again, and I turned back to see Zay standing there in changed clothes. I smiled at him, and he smiled back as I stood up.

"Finally," I said, "I was bout to ditch yo slow ass."

He laughed as we started walking down the pavement to the parking lot where his car was. He opened the door, and my eyes widened. In the passengers seat were flowers, a big box of Sour Skittles, Pineapple Fanta, and a lil teddy bear.

"Dude," I said surprised, pickin up the bear, "What is this?"

I looked up at Zay, who had a serious look on his face. I started to get nervous, "Zay?"

"Dee, can you be my girl?" He asked me.

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