Part 5 - Revolutionary Army

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**6 Day's before current event**

(Note; Timeline in this chapter are post-marineford if your wondering)

"You know they both are dangerous pirate of infamous strawhats pirate?" said the boss of the guys who saved them.

"Yes sir, we know that" reply the guy. "They are, Pirate-hunter, Rororoa Zoro (120,000,000 belly) and Demon Child, Nico Robin (80,000,000 belly). They both have a bountry over 50 milion, which are more than most of the pirates in the grand line."

"We cant risk them being here, we know what they are capable of, we might lose our people if we keep them, while we can we just let them freeze to death!" said the boss.

"W-wait!! At least we ask the chief what to do please!! I know they are pirates but I heard numerous time that they are the one settled the problem which the world goverment can't!! Even we can' t do it!" beg the guy to his boss.

"Tsk, fine ask him!! But if he say no were gonna dump them immediatly, Do you undestand?!"

"Y-yes sir.."


"Oh there you chief!! We found two pirates freezing to death, so we carry them here, the boss said we should dump there..Chief, what should we do?"

The Chief take a look at Zoro and Robin, he immediatly shocked on what he is seeing right now...two member of the strawhats pirate..
Is showing to him before his eyes, he immediatly rush to the boss and grab his colar



Few hours later, after the chief get to his office. He immediatly grab the wanted post of one of the worst- generation member.

Monkey D Luffy (400 Milion berries).


He burst into tear that he's been holding day after days...he fall to his knees, blaming himself for not saving him..

**A Day before**

"Newspaper!!" everyone running around the revolutionary base, making everyone fuss and shocked to hear the news about paramount war. Whitebeard's pirates agaist on Marine at marineford that take place just yesterday.

The Chief enter and see the fuss everyone talking about the fight agaist whitebeard pirates, the criminal who escape Impel down, all of the big name appear on the newspaper. He din't relly care about the paramount war, he just want to rest from his mission until one of the staff say.

"There only 2 comfirm death...and that is, One of the four Emperor, Edward Newgate aka Whitebeard."

The other staff continue. "anddd the other one is one of the worst generation, 300 milion berries.

Monkey D. Luffy, has been executed by the marine trying to save Fire Fist Ace. Which he sucessfully did."

The chief staff hear it and his memory with Luffy and Ace came though his mind. He take the newspaper and it show picture of Luffy and now he is dead by the hand of the marine. Enraged and sadness fill over him...Sabo memory regain back about his childhood with Ace and Luffy at the East Blue. The shocking news and just regain memory from the past.

He fall to his knees and pass out...

**Flashback's End**

"Mhm, yeah. Dragon-kun would like the fact we save some of the remnant of the strawhats pirate. But...I dont how he feel about Luffy...he passed away in the paramount war and he prorbarly in bad shape" said Koala (the short girl with hat from the previous chapter).

"Luffy..." Sabo said as he in pain as it was fresh wonld. Sensing his change of mood, Koala hug Sabo trying to comfort him about the recent situation.

After few minutes. Sabo shake it off and say "Alright, let's go see Zoro at our ship on the shore, lets try not to tell him about this...I dont wanna him or Robin know it yet, as for Robin she prorbarly already find it out I guess." he say in normal tone.

"Alright, let's go". said Koala.


They eventully get on the ship and were greeted by the revolutionary army, they are going to sail today in few hours to the headquarter of revolutionaries army. Sabo and Koala go into the medical ward and into specific room where Zoro is. They arrived and to their shocking, they zooning out not realising that they have arrive.

Sabo approaches him and sit on the chair next to the bed where Zoro is. "Hello?" Sabo waved hand infront of Zoro, he immediatly realized it and glared at Sabo which he felt chill though his spine.

"Whoa whoa chill there pal.." he said trying to calm him down

"Who the fuck are you, and why the hell Im here?. And where the tall girl with blue eyes that happen to come few hours ago?" He said firmly and prepared to attack.

"Jeez!! We saved your life of course greenhead!! And we are revolutionary army, we found you with the woman you just said. Cold and nearly die in the snow. And here you are here complaining over s-" said Koala interupting Sabo.

"Okay okay thank that enough Koala...First, Im Sabo and she is Koala, and Robin is on another room another side of this ship." Sabo said to Zoro.

"Oh okay- WAIT HOW THE HELL YOU KNOW ROBIN?? AND WE ARE ON A SHIP?" Zoro shouted, curious about the situation.

"You both are popular duh, your crew name alway came out in the news paper. In addition, Robin is much more polite than you when she wake up rather than you." Koala said to Zoro which make him humbled.

"Tskkkk...Whatever...wait...HOW ABOUT LUFFY AND THE OTHERS?? As I remember back on Water 7, navy vice admiral Garp say that his father Dragon is a revolutionaries, you guy must know what happen? Do you ?." Zoro said remembering the detail.

Both Sabo and Koala hide their face in the shadow in the hat, not knowing how they are gonna say it to the right-hand man of strawhats pirate.

Then out all sudden, a tall women with blue orb eyes with beautifull black hair came into the room,Robin holding the news paper while trying her best to hold her sob but failed.

Zoro looked at Robin suprised she is here after what he do to her and plus she is sobbing? Something not right Zoro though to himself.

All of sudden Robin rush to Zoro side and cried in his arm, he not knowing what happen trying his best to comfort Robin by calming her down, hug her and caressed her back.

She continue crying for nearly 10 minute until she is calm a bit, Zoro wipes her tears and let her rest her head on his chest. Robin then slowly get up trying to say something she hardly can to Zoro, knowing the pain he will received again after this devestated news.

"Zoro....L-luffy is...he is DEAD!!!" Robin courage successfully say it. In the meantime, Sabo, Robin and Koala wait for Zoro reactiom to this.

Zoro frozed up, he laugh mentally. Not beleving about the news "Hahaha!! Robin...what a funny joke, Luffy cant be!!" He said strictly. But to his suprised, Robin looked at him, dead serious in the eyes. He look down, proccesing the news about Luffy death. Robin embrace Zoro in a tight hug, few tear fall though Zoro's cheek, hugging her back.

Sabo and Koala watch them embracing together, feeling their sadness. They stood still letting their moment happen.
After a while, Sabo explained what relly happen about the situation, like the paramount war that happen in marineford and the victorious goes to the marine and so on.

Zoro, not accepting the fact that Luffy is dead, trying to stand up and goes to marineford himself and kill all the marine and get Luffy back. But words is easier than to be done, Robin immediatly pull Zoro back to the bed, he try to protest but with him current condition, he just accept it and lay back.

"ROBIN!! Let me go!! I will save luffy ass myself!! You all believe into the fake news!!" Zoro said to her as he try to push her arm away.

Robin then hold his cheek with both of her hand "Zoro...please...Luffy's gone, I know it's very painfull...but that's the truth."

With that words from Robin, Zoro looked at her, tears flowing though Zoro cheek without any emotion in his face. Robin looked at him finally accepting it and hug him again. Reasuring that everything gonna be okay from now on, and she will take care of him.

After 20 minute, Robin pulled away from the long hug, seeing that Koala and Sabo has gone from the ward room.

"What...we gonna do now Robin...and what about the other?" He said in low tone that barely hear.

"I dont know Zoro about the others...let's see what fate gonna bring us too."


"Prepair to sail!!" Said the guy, Sabo and Koala came to the deck of the ship, commanding the revolutionary army about what to do..etc. Soon they leave Tequila Wolf and head to their headquarter.

"Say Sabo.." Koala ask him

"What's up?" He said curious about her question.

"I know this is not the right time to say this but...when I see Robin and Zoro feel like, you know...not the usual way of a crewmates react. Do you get what Im saying here?" she said.

"Now you mention it...yeah, they do have a chemistry. Do you think what Im thinking Koala?" He said with a smile.

"Oh yea of course I you mean they" Koala said in excitiment.

"They love eachother!!!" they both say in unison. They both laugh and happy to hear they have the same though as eachother.


In the ward room.

Zoro was in bed, looking down. While Robin is sitting on a chair next to him.

"Zoro..?"she hasitantly ask

"Yeah Robin?" he answer with curious face

"Im sorry...Im sorry I slap you earlier, I dint mean to do that. I was just..."

"No!!, it's my fault. You were right, im the one who's Im sorry Robin"

They look at eachother in the eyes. Trying to see eachother next reaction..

"oh and...about the kiss..I-Im sorry I kissed you Robin...I-" he tried to apologise but to his suprised, Robin dint seem mad or show any negative reaction, instead she was happy that he kiss her.

"No I-It was fine...I-Im tottaly cool with you doing matter if fact..I uhh.." her face turn tomato red showing that she is blushing. It make Zoro smile and chuckle.

"I knew you like it...pervert woman." he say laughing.

"hey im not!! Your the one who pervert for doing it!!" She said while there still blush on her face.

After a while...they stop and enjoying the moment, it was a comfortable silent around them. Out all of sudden, the ship is moving, knowing it already sail away from the island.

Where will they go?

What will the revolutionary army do to them?

What is happening to the world after the paramount war and luffy's death?



End of Part 5 - Revolutionary Army.

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