A/N: Just so u guys know I get this off of Google images so some may not be as real as u wut them to be but anyway enjoy the book :3
Aries- On a scale 1 to 10 they're like 2 surprise (;
Taurus- Apparently extremely evil
Gemini- Actually a pacemaker
Cancer- Secretly they're stabbing you in their mind
Leo- Sugar, spice and everything nice
Virgo- Thinks there evil but no
Libra- They'll blame it on someone else
Scorpio- Actually not evil but everyone thinks they are
Sagittarius- The most evil but nobody realizes it
Capricorn- Capable of starting a war
Aquarius- Satan
Pisces- Will hit you with a stick but that's as far as it's gonna go
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net