β€’Part 8β€’

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I took a long break from writing as I'm personally not doing so well in terms of self acceptance and several other personal situations. I'm so proud of myself for even managing to publish another chapter and i Apologise for how long it took. It will be messy, and there will be a lot of mistakes since it did take a lot of energy out of me to write this extremely short chapter but I'm proud that i managed!
Thanks to everyone for your mind comments on my message board from previously <3
Now some warnings!
⚠️: Weapons, stabbing, choking, gore, blood.


The helpless pair of you threw yourselves behind the large oak doors of the storage closet like two rag dolls, who managed to get sucked into a mess like such. Both of you unknowing to whether you would see sunlight again, and both unaware of the muddy trail of footsteps you left behind.
A terrible silence surrounded you and Ziggy, your lips shut tight together as you tried to any extent to keep the air in your lungs.
Doing this somehow reminded you of a better time. A time where you were a happy ,yet clueless , 6 year old girl, Each time your mother drove you through the lengthy tunnels of your hometown, you tried to hold your breathe until you reached the very end. You were never successful, but always reluctant to give up so soon. So you held your breathe for seconds, which then turned into minutes, and when you could do it no longer, you released the stream of air and both you and your mother would burst into fits of joyful giggles.
Joyful giggles? What's a bad giggle?
A bad giggle is the type of giggle you would use in response to your brain, when it becomes excessively nervous and anxious. Kind of like a situation such as your one right now. And it was with that thought you realised just how much things have changed. How your mother can no longer bare the sight of you and those loud high pitched sounds of laughter have now been turned to silent whimpers and 'bad' giggles.
You eyed Ziggy as she leaned forward on her knees, stretching her shaking hand slightly above your head where a drawer displayed itself to be ajar. A silver glint came out of the surface as Ziggy took a hold of it tightly yet cautiously in her hand. A knife.
"Careful" You whispered to the girl, who had by now already sunk her teeth firmly into her bottom lip, which you knew was a thinking habit of hers. You always teased her over it, but right now was clearly not the time. Of course, you found it extremely attractive. How could you not? It just looked like it would definitely leave a dreadful feeling in her quivering lip.
A loud bang echoed throughout the building, sending a fearful shiver down your spine as Ziggy held down a panicked yelp. The suspense was beginning to mess with your head, knowing that if you died, and all of this was for nothing, you would rather it be done now rather than later.
You widened your eyes as you began to believe some sort of answer has been sent to your prayer, and knew by that Ziggy was gonna be dragged down with you. You thought this because a loud pounding bounced off the door as  the handle rattled. Tommy was clearly reluctant to walk away defeated, his mind whirring rapidly as he thought of multiple ways to get to you both.
Reasonably, he settles on using his axe to the greatest advantage, slamming it harshly into the wood. A large hole appeared in the centre of the door, causing you to whimper just slightly. Your heart was bouncing in your chest as your entire body trembled. Ziggy tried to make her confident stance look convincing, but it very much wasn't. The knife she held in her hands was jolting up and down just like her feet . The horror in her eyes was easy to read as each whack off the axe was closer to what was either life or death.
Real panic struck once you seen his large filthy hand make its way through the jagged hole and he searched desperately for the door handle.
"Ziggy we gotta do something..." You whispered, a small crack in your voice.
One look into your eyes and suddenly she was motivated again. She was gonna make it certain you two were gonna get out of there alive. She acted quickly, eyeing her surroundings and tugging you behind another fraction of the storage closet, almost camouflage into the oak wood wall.
You shivered to the sound of the door creaking open, the tall teenager slipping himself inside cautiously.
"Ziggy.." You stuttered, the words jamming in your throat. The loud sound of his muffled breathing echoed around the desolate area, fear eating away at your last string of hope.
You lifted your eyes off the ground as Ziggy carefully began to tiptoe her way towards the boy, her hands trembling as she pushed the weapon outwards with each step.
"What are you doing!?" You hissed silently, noticing that she wasn't even considering turning around and shoving herself back into hiding.
She did of course have a point. You guys could stand there and die anyways or you could die putting up a fight, and maybe injuring him enough to the point where he simply can't go on with the rest of the murders he has planned in his sick mind.
Wayward son began to come to a hault, making the moment seem even more intense than it already was. Despite how completely terrified you were, you began to follow behind Ziggy, your tongue as dry and sandpaper.
She squinted her eyes a little , almost in slight denial about what she was going to do right there and then. She elevated the knife high in the air, stretching her arms backwards slightly just to confirm it would cause enough damage to kill him completely.
He turned to face her before she could even make the move, your eyes going wide like saucers in the moment.
"ZIGGY!" You screamed , almost stretching out to grab her. Before you could do so, she planted the weapon straight into the center of his chest, the cry that was trying so desperately to escape was locked deep within your throat. You were speechless.
Tommy, who strangely didn't end up dead immediately, lowered his eyes to take a glimpse at the only half of the knife that remained outside of his body.
"RU-." Ziggy turned to you, encouraging you to take her hand and run alongside her, but she was cut short when the boy took his fist and slammed her head clean into the wall beside her.
"ZIG!!" You screeched, hesitant to crouch down beside her and aid to her injuries. You knew if you did this you were completely vulnerable, and at any moment Tommy wouldn't think twice about slamming the axe into your skull.
Cindy Berman cried out in response to the similar voice she could detect from a slight distance away. Her heart was almost exploding, so close that you could hear it beating roughly in her chest from around 10 steps away, which definitely doesn't sound like much but when you really think about it, it's quite concerning. Why did Y/n shriek the name of her younger sister? Was Ziggy dead? Was Y/n asking Ziggy to help her? What if their both dead? How could Tommy do this?? Why?
Until she figured out, the most she could do was continue to force her foot against the metal grate seperating her from her endangered sibling and Ziggy's helpless girlfriend.


"Y/n take it!" Ziggy groaned, clearly still dazzled from the impact. She tossed the knife in  your direction, causing you to cry out in panic.
"Y/N TAKE IT!" She screeched, attempting to push herself up off the ground to feel for bruising on the back on the back of her head.
You acted on adrenaline, crouching down for the knife and bolting towards the bleeding man.
You threw the knife to his head, a screech hitched in your throat as you watched the blood drip from the  open edges of the wound..
He turned to face you and somehow your whole body froze. The pure emptiness in his eyes had a hold on you,made you feel this unexplainable emotion. The way he narrowed his eyes towards you. It was all like when you drop on a rollercoaster, and that feeling in the pit of your stomach, like a sort of dread gnawing at your insides. The lump in your throat that rises when your unable to scream because the ride is dropping far too quick. For a moment you believed you were suffocating, his eyes snapping you back to reality once more.
"That's not Tommy..."you muttered, Ziggy fixing you with a look of confusion as she took her focus away from the bleeding on the back of her head.
"Tommy.." You whispered subconsciously, edging closer to him. A slight tear slid around on your lower eyelid as you stared into the vast centre of his eye.
"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Ziggy screeched as you let the knife fall dramatically to the ground.
For a moment you believed maybe, with the right persuasion you could put an end to this killing spree. Maybe with the mention of Cindy Berman.
However Tommy clearly wasn't feeling the moment, his axe swinging at you as you snapped back into reality. You toppled to the ground, scrambling around in a desperate search to find it.
Ziggy crawled to your side, clearly still a little dazzled from the harsh impact to the back of her head.
"We gotta run." She whispered, a slight plea in her voice.
You lifted your head from the ground and stared deep into her beautiful blue eyes.
"Not until I kill this son of a bitch." You determined, discreetly taking the knife from the ground and glancing upwards.
It would be no use to stand up and attempt to kill him, he was standing above you with the metallic axe swung over his shoulder, ready to crash down on top of you.
Before you knew what was going on, Ziggy decided to take control of the situation, grasping the knife in her hand and standing to her feet in pace. She didn't stop to think, because if she did that, she would only hesitate, and if she hesitated he would win and kill you both. So instead of thinking, she sliced deeply into the mans stomach, watching as the axe fell to the ground.
'Victory ..' She thought. Hoping that maybe this was the last straw. Maybe he would just die.
Of course, she thought too soon for a man who was as determined as Tommy wouldn't just die and the rest of the Camp Nightwing survivors go on to live long happy lives.
He grabbed her neck, slamming her against the metal stock shelves behind the pair.
At this point you were now forcing yourself to your feet, despite the fact that deep down you knew no heroic act that could possibly help right now.You could only stare and cry out in protest as the redhead choked in his grip.
She fought, Ziggy fought, so many thoughts running through her mind as she did so. A lot of the time it may not seem like it but Ziggy wanted to live. More than anything she wanted to be alive. She wanted to apologise to Cindy one last time. Wishing she could erase the tears streaming down your cheeks right now.
Since slapping his head with a great amount of force wasn't much of a bother to him , she reached behind her head, hoping that somehow the weapon that could save her life would sit on one of those shelves.
Somehow, miraculously, the key to the temporary freedom she wanted was in fact there.
A straw knitted bag with small threads poking out from each stitch.
Shoving it over his head, she began to tighten it around his neck. Tommy released her with shock, her body making a small thud as she fell to the ground.
"Oh my god!" You gasped , unable to help the relief rushing through her veins. Of course you knew that you definitely shouldn't feel relieved right now, seeing as he wasn't dead yet and you had no escape route, but for a minute you believed you were gonna lose Ziggy. For good.
Rushing to the girls side, you shoved the man to the floor, Ziggy being pulled forward with his weight.
" TIGHTEN THE BAG!" You instructed before helping Ziggy in the process. You both began to tug on the outer edge of the sack, groaning and grunting with the pure lack of energy from this alone.
His elbow darted backwards, shoving both of you to the ground with loud squeals. The pair of you lay helpless on your backs, stunned by the fact that the man was now rising to his feet, slowly turning to face youwith the axe thrown just above his shoulder.
Small whimpers escaped your lips. It didn't take you long to finally feel peace. You finally came to terms with the fact that this was your faith. How could you escape this? You were cornered. Trapped. Like a deer in the headlights.
Ziggy, however, wasn't willing to accept this. Nor did she speak a word about her escape plan. Well it wasn't much of an escape plan really she just knew that if they ran for it, there would be even the slightest chance of survival.
Grabbing Y/n's hand, she pulled her to her feet, skidding towards the only door she could confirm in her mind wasn't locked.
"Come on, come on , come on." She whisper-yelled, turning her head back slightly to see the man barging towards them once again. Whilst she was doing this she noticed Tommy's blood splattered across the surface of Y/n's face , a tinge of guilt running through her heart. She could only hope that none of this was her fault, that Y/n getting sucked into this mess wasn't her fault. Of course it wasn't, but she had her doubts.
Shoving open the door, she dragged you along with her, the feeling of your hand in hers a slight bit comforting.
Almost there... Almost out.
The plan was ruined, the pair of you being thrown back to the ground once again, this time trapped for real. This time you were gonna die to the hands of Tommy Slater.
"NO!" Ziggy begged, holding a hand over the face of both her and yourself as a weak form of protection.
You let a sheepish smile crawl across her face, Despite the blood and tears spread across it, despite the circumstances, you smiled. You were gonna die yeah, but it was gonna be beside the girl you loved and somehow, you didn't mind anymore.
Marching secretly and out of sight from each of the individuals, a figure appeared behind the man, a large knife in hand as they did so. Both of you were unaware of this, too afraid to even look in that direction.
"AUGH!" The figure grunted, a slicing sound piercing the air around them.
You both opened your eyes cautiously, starting deeply at one another in curiousity.
"Fuck...you..." Came a whisper, in a voice that was bound to belong to a female.
Multiple slicing sounds rang through the air once again, the teens still too afraid to look.
The body of Tommy Slater crashed beside them onto the wooden ground, You gasped out horror as a stream of tears finally came through you. Sarah Fier took another innocent life. She struck again.
You craned your neck to look at the hero who miraculously showed up and saved the lives of you and Ziggy.
In front of you, hair like a nest, was none other than the eldest Berman sister.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net