~ Chapter 23 ~

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I was frustrated, to say the very least. How could they take away my friend without telling me? I was very worried for Elisabeth. Just a girl, already kidnapped and taken from her family and homeland to be a slave, but now she'll be objectified again to be married to some creepy old man! In Spain this could never happen.

Especialmente si yo estuviera a cargo. O mi padre, el asombroso rey Carlos. He was the best King there could ever be. No Sultan could equivalent to him. And yet... How could my father practically abandon me? I have heard absolutely not a word of Spanish search quests for a lost princess, although it could be due to the fact that the harem was such an isolated place that it would be nearly impossible to know about our whereabouts, or the whereabouts outside unless you have a lot of power and maybe spies.

I sighed as I filled up a plate of water and chucked it over my shoulder. It did not feel good. I was cold and in desperate need of a full in tub relaxation.session. Back in Spain, commoners couldn't afford full body washes and even us royals had trouble sometimes, but mostly we filled a full tub of water, scented it with special oils and perfumes, and then would climb in. Inside our harem bathroom that was shared by at least 100 women, we only had one big full marble tub, and that was for the favorites who didn't get their own bathtubs and rooms yet.

"FrΓ’ncesca Hatun." Nigar Kalfa came to me. I kind of liked the way she pronounced my name, with an almost French accent on the 'a'. In fact, Nigar had a very pleasant voice in all.

"Yes, Kalfa?"

"Are you ready for the halvet with the Sultan?" Nigar questioned.

I almost had forgotten about that. I got up and grabbed a towel from another bench and began wiping myself down. Nigar made a clicking noise with her tongue as she grabbed my arm.

"You can do that somewhere else. Let's go." Nigar said as she dragged me out of the bathroom, which was, according to my teachers, called the 'hammam'. I only had time to wrap the second towel around my shoulders and thus I was more or less covered.

Nigar Kalfa took me to yet another one of the empty rooms of the harem. There were so many empty rooms, why couldn't they provide rooms to all the girls of the harem? Status was the only logical reason they could probably justify it with. I am so glad that from the start they didn't have me sleep on the cold mats in the hallway like the rest of the people for hygiene and space purposes, but now I also had another worry: who would join me in my room?

I wanted to ask Nigar, but the moment she approached the room she seemingly changed her mind, and took my arm as we went back to the harem. I was taken back to my room where Nigar finally took a breath and gave me a long stare.

"What is it?" I finally said after a long pause. Nigar shook her head.

"Nothing Francesca Hatun, I decided against my idea."

"What idea?" I pressed worriedly. "Am I in trouble? Will I still see the Sultan again later?"

Nigar's face paled as she slapped her forehead. "I almost forgot Hatun. You are seeing the Sultan tonight for halvet. Oh my God. Let's just get ready."

I groaned. Again with the jumping away from conversations. But whatever. For now, we must deal with what's at stake, and I must be prepared for his majesties the Sultan. Nigar called in a few women while I was lost in thought, and they already began preparing a few dresses, jewelry, and things for me to wear.

I didn't want to wear the same gold mask, but rather a fabric over my mouth, a white one, seemed to be calling to me. To match, I wore a stunning white necked dress with silver and lacy embroidery. I was radiating excellence and interest, but now I had another thing to deal with. How would I make my entrance?

Nigar wasn't much of an idea machine this time unfortunately. I had to look around and think. Oh what should I do?

When in doubt, think of your home. Of course, this made me homesick for safe and cuddly spain, but what else was there? Or at least in Europe? I know I love grapes. And wine. But that isn't much help in this case, unless...

I had an idea ignite. I could bring wine to the Sultan. This could help rouse his spirits, and his interests in me.

I tiptoed to Nigar, holding my outfit and whispered,

"Is wine legal here?" Nigar Kalfa promptly laughed and nodded her head.

"Of course. Do you have an idea, girl?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Am I allowed to bring wine to the Sultan himself?"

Nigar's brows rose up higher than they normally were, which is an accomplishment in itself considering how high up they were already. "Yes, and I think I am starting to see what you want to do. Interesting idea, but really? Seductive dancing and wine already?"

I nodded with my cheeks heating up a little bit. Nigar clicked her tongue, which was already starting to get on my nerves, the sound of it.

"We should have sent you to one of the taverns in town. You seem to be getting ideas from there, and not for a harem of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire!" Nigar Kalfa cracked a smile, and the ends of my lips went up a bit as well. "Now go change!"

I ushered the women all out of my room as I changed into my costume. Nigar went to go get a big pitcher of wine, and I was slipping my dress over my head and then my head jewelry. 

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and again, like the red dress day, I loved what looked back at me. I looked elusive and very interesting, unlike my boring and always curtained Spanish self. Even though we had balls and actual events there not revolving around the Sultan, somehow I felt more worth it here. The Duke of Aragon wasn't mine, and I wasn't his. I don't belong to any place now, but maybe, by just a tiny bit, the Ottoman Empire was becoming my place.

Nigar came back with the pitcher and almost dropped it seeing me, but then returned to her usual unfazed and nonchalant expression as she shoved it into my hands and then opened the doors for me.

"Let's go Francesca, Sultan SΓΌleyman doesn't wait for anyone."

"Coming!" I exclaim as I followed her out. This was an even bigger moment than the dance, and I hadn't really thought it through. In fact, this whole halvet thing was beyond me, but I'm confident things will clean up for me a bit when I get there. Sultan SΓΌleyman, you never have met, and will never again meet anyone who even in slight represents Francesca Fortuna, the forgotten Spanish princess.

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