I'm seconds away from punching him in the face. I feel rage swirling in my veins, I feel my blood boiling.
Theo scurries out of the closet, my fists twitch. I want nothing more than to see his blood. To top it off, he doesn't even look sorry.
Motherfucking asshole.
He looks between me and Alya, who still hasn't come outside. I ball my fist and control myself. I control the urge to squish his head on the wall or maybe punch him the way I punched the other fucker this morning.
But I don't.
Because I know. I know she's not mine.
My shoulders slump.
Alya opens her mouth to speak but I don't want to listen to her, so with a heavy heart that is still beating with rage, I turn around and leave.
I hear small footsteps behind me, I know it's Alya.
"Zayd, listen to me."
My pace becomes quicker, I don't even want to look at her face because I know I'll melt the second I look into her doe-like green eyes. The fuck she means by 'this is not what it looks like'? The least she could do was be honest.
I see Gina, the girl and I shared the calculus class and she wouldn't fucking stop trying to talk to me. She had almost slept with every guy so I knew she wouldn't be clingy. I feel a smirk forming on my lips when she looks at me with a somewhat seductive gaze and a tight smile that looks less seductive and more constipated. It will do.
She's standing next to the door. Her eyes widen when I grab her by her neck and crash my lips into mine. I snatch her hand off my neck and hold her wrist in one hand, I fucking hate it when people touch me, my other hand is still grabbing her neck.
She kisses me back, I resist the urge to gag when her tongue enters my mouth. She's experienced, I'll give her that but I don't fucking like this. She tastes like fucking nothing, to top it off her lipstick tastes salty. Honestly- salty. And the only emotion I'm feeling is disgust. But I feel her eyes on me that keeps me wanting to continue.
I hear her shuffling behind me. I expect her to do something, anything. But a second later, the footsteps start to fade. I don't turn around to look at her retreating back.
I push Gina away, she smiles like she's won a fucking lottery. Her eyes are boring, blank greys and not the emerald green I had started to fucking love. Rolling my eyes at her, I walk inside the class.
Now you know how I feel, babygirl. Now you know.
. . .
"Aaraiz, my man," Jake greets me with a punch on my arm. Is my arm a fucking punching bag now? I punch him in his arm, he falls down.
"Woah, what's wrong?" Jake's eyes widen. I walk away without replying. I shrug off my leather jacket and throw it on the chair before taking the black shirt off. The black shirt. I shut my eyes and breathe heavily, this is getting fucking difficult.
Opening my eyes, I put on the knuckle wraps and start the warm-ups. Half an hour later, my mood dampens even more. I can't wait to fucking kill my opponent.
I look outside and find the crowd forming ready. I smirk looking at the number of people present there, maybe I can buy that motorbike I've always wanted. I continue to look around.
However, my eyes fall on a certain figure among the crowd.
With a black hoodie on, I can't take a good look at the person's face but they seem familiar. That is until the hood falls and I catch the glimpse of fucking beige headscarf before she pulls the hood up again.
"You see that small girl over there?" I point at her.
"Black hoodie?"
"She's not my type, man," Jake says shaking his head, eye-fucking my babygirl. It's a good thing she wears loose clothes, I'd hate to kill Jake. I give him a cold glare and he visibly shivers.
"I need you to bring her here."
"You know a girl?!"
Another cold glare and he sprints outside. I look at him as he holds her arm, I grit my teeth. I should have asked him to not touch her, that fucker.
She puts on a good fight though, becoming the centre of attraction for the crowd. I find myself chuckling when she bites Jake's hand when he attempts to pull her.
Fiesty little strawberry.
Jake tells her something and she freezes before looking around. A few dialogues later, they start walking.
The door opens shortly and Jake enters, still holding his bitten hand. Alya enters next and walks towards me confidently. Her eyes move around my shirtless body and I can't stop the smirk that breaks on my face.
"Like what you see?"
Her eyes snap to mine and she looks at me coldly.
"Not really. No."
The smirk falls from my face.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I look down at her with clenched jaws.
"I can go wherever I want to," she raises her chin in challenge, her eyes looking at me confidently. I breathe deeply before taking a step closer.
"Of course you can, babygirl. You sure look like you want to socialize with drug addicts and rapists."
"You don't see me judging," she narrows her eyes at me.
"Sorry, my bad," I grit out. The image of her and Theo in the closet flashes in my eyes and my chest burns in rage, yet again.
"And you don't see me jumping into conclusions. You don't get to be angry," Alya says coldly.
"Jumping into conclusions?" I laugh. She continues to look at me coldly.
"You can kiss anyone you want y'know babygirl, I don't really care. Just don't lie at my face when you're caught red-handed."
"Just let me expla-"
"And stay the fuck out of my business, for fuck's sake," I add looking into her eyes, cutting her off.
"You were doing so good, Zayd," Alya says softly shaking her head, her eyes slightly watering. It's almost unnoticeable.
"Zayd, you're up," Jake calls out from outside the door. I walk outside and thoroughly look at the crowd before stepping inside the ring and looking at my opponent.
Let's scar my babygirl for a lifetime, shall we?
Let the match begin.
Am I the only one who wants him to lose?
No mean comments, please.
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