Watching Zayd play with Leo is something else, I'm telling you. I couldn't control myself from smiling, it was impossible. Zayd had a frown etched on his face but his eyes said otherwise. He looked happy?
He had grown to like Leo. Who had thought Zayd would like a kitten? It's hilarious. I guess Leo found a home.
Like I had thought, Zayd didn't help me out with the project. And he used his.. friend down there as an excuse. Currently, he had a pack of ice down there and while I was a bit guilty, the demonic side of me found it satisfying.
At least he knew that I was good at self-defence, I smirk inwardly.
I hope he can still be a father though.
I text my parents that I'll be home by eight. Dad doesn't seem happy but mom on the other hand- she's ecstatic. It's half past seven by the time I'm done with the project.
I smile at my work and stand up from the ground, stretching my legs that are cramping. I've been in the same position for too long. Zayd stands up too.
He looks at the model with wide eyes, I smirk. It looks good. My eyes fall outside the window and I gasp. The night sky looks beautiful today, the sky is clearer and there are so many stars, I find myself smiling like an idiot.
"You really like stars."
"Who doesn't?" I whisper.
I snap out of the daze and start walking outside, not before leaving Leo's cat food I had brought earlier by the door. Zayd doesn't notice it because he's busy tapping his feet impatiently, waiting for me to leave. He looks like he wants to tell me something but decides against it.
I give him a tight smile before walking outside. However, I stop when he calls my name. I hate it when I shiver.
"I- Do you want to- uh, nevermind," he shakes his head. My eyebrows draw together, now that's strange.
"Tell me?"
Zayd sighs and looks into my eyes and I look at him with those puppy dog eyes, desperately hoping it'd work. He stays like that for sometime before finally giving in. I inwardly pat myself at the back.
"Follow me."
I do that, even though my brain begs me not to. But I know what to follow. I've chosen my heart over brain. And, I'm a risk-taker after all.
I follow him upstairs in the dark, my heart thuds painfully. I'm a bit scared but curiosity overpowers my fear. I gasp when we walk into the terrace. Zayd leads me to the edge.
He climbs up the railing, I hold my breath. What if he falls on the other side? I lean on the railing and find an old blanket sprawled on the other side of the railing. There isn't much space, two feet at most.
Zayd picks it up and dusts it before setting it aside. He motions me to come over.
"I don't think I want to die ye- ahh," I gasp when he lifts me by my waist and pulls me over the railing before setting me down as if I weigh nothing.
I fist his shirt tightly, feeling light-headed. Air is knocked out of my lungs at the sight before me. The whole city is in front of me, I've never seen anything as beautiful.
I look above us, at the sky. The stars- they look breathtaking. I find myself leaning into Zayd, unknowingly. He doesn't say anything.
"Look at that," I point to a cluster of stars, "it looks beautiful."
I feel his gaze on my face. He replies after a few seconds.
I'm thankful that my blush isn't visible in the darkness. Maybe he's just messing with me, he has reminded me of my ugliness a million times, at the least.
The cool breeze hits my skin, even if it's really chilly, I find myself relishing in the coldness. It makes me forget about everything.
I find myself looking at Zayd. Even in the darkness, I can feel something is wrong. I dare to ask him.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." His voice breaks. I find myself getting a teeny bit worried. He might not have been good to me but that does not mean I have to be a bitch to him.
You know what they say- in a world where you can be anything, be kind.
"Do you- do you need a hug?"
I'm going to regret this, I know it. And, I'm going to have to spend the whole night asking for forgiveness, I'm not supposed to be touching guys. But I know he needs this. Even though he won't admit it.
Something is wrong. Maybe he's reliving a memory?
"I miss him." Who?
I don't ask him anything. Instead, I wrap my arm around his waist and wait for a minute. He wraps his arm around mine too. I smile, he's doing good. He pulls me into him and rests his head over mine, I shut my eyes.
I really shouldn't be doing this. Not with someone who's made my life hell.
But I can't pull away. He's vulnerable right now, I hate it that I know he's feeling sad. Maybe it's because even though we've never been friends, we've known each other since so long. We stay like that, under the stars.
My phone rings. I jump at the sound, my leg slips.
Before I lose my balance, his hands tighten over my waist. I grab his shirt and pull. The sound of his shirt tearing resonates. Oh no.
"I-I'm sorry," I rush out. He doesn't say anything. I take out my phone, it's mom.
"I'll be home in ten, mom."
"Okay honey. How's Zayd though?" I can feel her excitement through the phone. I unwillingly blush.
"He's great. Bye!" I hang up quickly. I find Zayd looking at the stars and I do the same. I realize something. I want to know why he is the way he is. There's always a reason why people are the way they are, right?
I want to know him. Only because I want to know why he's mean to me. No other reasons. At all. And, I'm not lying.
"I should leave.." I tell him, even though I don't want to. His gaze burns on my face, I can hardly make out his ocean blue orbs in the dark of night.
I gasp when he pulls me into him again. I did not expect that. His body his hard against mine and I can feel every inch of him pressed against me. I wrap my arms around him to give him the comfort I can.
"We are never talking about this," his voice comes out gruff.
"Okay," I whisper but I know he hears it because his arms tighten around me.
. . .
The next morning, I stop by the mall to buy Zayd a shirt. I felt bad after I had unknowingly torn it. I bought him a black one like he normally wears.
I spot him the second I enter the locker room. He's with his friends, I only know two of them- Chase- because he's the QB, River- because he is 'the player'. There are three more of them, I think about giving the shirt to Zayd later.
But what if I don't find him later? He's always skipping classes. I gather courage and walk to his group, dread fills my veins.
Zayd's hair is ruffled, he's wearing his signature leather jacket and a pair of black pants. I hate myself for finding him hot. But he is. I can't see his face because he is facing the opposite direction.
River's eyes widen when he sees me behind Zayd, nearing them. I freeze when I hear what Zayd is talking about. Or shall I say who he is talking about.
"You honestly think I like her? Firstly, she could be a terrorist. Or the daughter of one. Second, she looks like a horse. Stare at her face for more than 5 seconds, and you will see how ugly she is. And the headscarf makes her look like a fucking grandma," he laughs with his friends. Chase and River don't laugh, they're looking at me with wide eyes.
I swallow the tears, I'm so stupid.
I clutch the shirt, the new one that I was about to give him, closer to my chest and turn around. A hot tear leaves my eye despite trying hard not to cry.
I know I'm ugly, he didn't have to do that. He didn't have to make fun of me in front of his friends.
I'm stupid for following my heart instead of my brain. I bump into someone. I look through my tear clouded eyes and find Theo looking at me in concern.
He pulls me into him and I cry, feeling eyes on me the entire time. One thing I know is- this is going to be the last time I'm crying because of Zayd.
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