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The next morning after breakfast, the five boys and Yuya's parents headed off to Yuya's house. The car wasn't big enough for everyone, so Yoko traveled on her motorcycle with Yugo and Yuya on their D-Wheels.

Yuya still couldn't believe that the beach house belonged to him. He'd always thought it was just a vacation rental! But it did explain why his parents had always been able to take him to stay there whenever he wanted with very little wait time. The wait had always only been long enough to pack their bags for their trip. Now he knew why there was never any reservation time.

The family arrived at the beach house shortly after they left. Zarc, Yuri, Yuto, and Yugo were all in awe when they saw it. Clearly Yuya had left a few details out of his description of his house. It was absolutely magnificent, built on the water, with a garage house a little ways toward the street. The garage house was very big, with more than enough space for the car and all the bikes. To the south was a path leading to a massive greenhouse full of fruits, veggies, herbs, and tea flowers.

As the family made their way to the house, it only became even more impressive. There was beautiful landscaping, marking it as a tropical paradise, and there were two sets of stairs leading up to a balcony. On the balcony were a few garden planters and two rocking chairs. The front door was a sliding glass door, through which the interior of the entryway could be partially seen, though there was a white curtain over the glass.

"Yuya, can you show us around the house?" Zarc asked. The memories he had of the beach house were a bit fuzzy, as he'd never really focused on them much. But he did know that Yuya loved the house, and would be very happy to take his counterparts on a tour of it.

Just as expected, Yuya lit up at the request. "Yeah, c'mon!" he said excitedly. He led the way into the beach house, pushing the curtains over the front door aside. The front entryway had two sofas with a round aquarium coffee table in between them. There was a cat tree and a coat rack with a place for shoes, which the boys dutifully put their own shoes before heading through an archway with curtains.

"So that was the front entryway," Yuya told his counterparts. "Of course, you could tell that. And this is the hallway. And through that archway is the trophy room. It's a bit empty at the moment, but if I recall correctly, we left a few trophies in there."

He led the way through the archway, which also had curtains over it. Sure enough, there were lots of displays, mostly empty but there were some trophies and medals on display, as well as several ribbons. There was another big glass sliding door with yet another curtain over it, and Yuya threw the curtain open. "That's a balcony where mom planted some flowers in planter boxes. There's also a telescope that I like to use at night."

The balcony wasn't very big, but there were four planted boxes filled with tropical flowers. The view from the balcony was beautiful, and the boys could see the back deck of the house from it. They could see a pool in the center of the deck, a few lounge chairs, a walkway to the west leading to a rollerskating rink, and a walkway to the east leading to a gazebo. The house was a waterfront property, and the whole deck and half of the house itself were on the water.

"This view is amazing!" Yugo said happily, looking out over the water. Yuri nodded in agreement, peering through the telescope. "No wonder you're always so happy when you think about this house!"

"Yeah, I love it!" Yuto agreed. "I'm almost glad I never focused too much on your memories of this house. It makes it more impressive to see it this way!"

"Yeah, and there's so much more to see too!" Yuya said, leading the way back inside. He walked out the trophy room archway and paused in the middle of the hallway. "Hmm, I suppose there's no real point to seeing all the bedrooms. They all look pretty much the same... I'll just show you our room when we get to it. Downstairs we go!"

He led his four counterparts to the left down the hall and down a set of stairs to another hall. He gestured to a simple door next to the stairs on the floor below. "That's just a bathroom. All the bathrooms look the same, except the gym bathroom"

The bathroom had black volcanic rock floors, walls, and ceilings, unlike the rest of the house that they had seen, which had brown wood floors, walls, and ceilings. There was a shower, a tub, a toilet, and a sink, and it seemed almost cozy in the bathroom.

"Onwards!" Yuya said, leading the way through the curtained archway to the left of the bathroom. This room appeared to be a library. It had a wall of floor-to-ceiling bookcases packed with books, with a ladder attached to reach the books on the higher shelves. A couple of reading chairs sat across from them, with a sofa against the far wall. A chess table sat in the middle of the room, and there was a beautiful rug on the floor. Yuya smiled, looking at Yuri and Yuto. "I think you two will like this room! You guys are the bookworms!"

Yuri and Yuto were very happy with this library. They both loved to read, and there were more than enough books in the bookcases to satisfy their voracious appetites for books.

"Now, across from the library," Yuya said, leading the group back through the archway to a door, "is the game room." And so it was. The game room had a pingpong table, a foosball table, a dartboard, a card table, and a closet filled with games.

"And then next door is the craft room," Yuya said. The craft room had a lot of crafting supplies, from sewing kits to yarn to a woodworking table. There was what appeared to be a candle making table, a 3-D printer, even a little workstation for working on robots.

"Woah!" Yugo gasped, making a beeline for the robot workstation. "That is so cool!"

"I know, right?" Yuya said happily. "You may notice the robot vacuums in the hallways. Dad and I built them together here!"

"Okay, yeah, I'll admit that's pretty cool," Zarc said. Yuya poked Yuri in the ribs and pointed towards a little wooden table. "That's where Mom and I make flower arrangements for the dining tables. I bet you'd enjoy using it!"

"Oh, hell yes!" Yuri said, clearly delighted.

Yuya smiled, leading everyone back out of the craft room. Ther went through yet another curtained archway and discovered a full arcade. There were all kinds of games, from wack-a-moles to dance games to shooters, even racing games.

"Aw, yeah!" Yugo cheered when he saw a motorcycle racing game for two players. "Yuya! Yuya, you and I gotta race!"

"We can race as soon as we finish the tour!" Yuya promised. "The best part about these games is that we don't have to pay money to play them!"

"YES!" Yugo cheered. "I can't wait!"

Yuya giggled and the tour continued. Next door to the arcade through another curtained archway was the kitchen, and through that was yet another curtained archway leading to the dining room. Yuto raised his eyebrow. "Just how many archways and curtains are there?" he asked.

Yuy thought for a moment. "Uhm, there's also the living room and the art studio on this floor, plus the music room and the sitting room upstairs. Other than that... yeah I think that's it."

To either side of the dining room was a bathroom, and on the far wall of the dining room was another sliding glass door with more curtains. This door led to the deck, which Yuya showed off to his counterparts. What they hadn't seen from the balcony was that there was a grill and dining area to one side and a tiki bar to the other. They also hadn't seen what was under the gazebo, a little wedding arch with a wedding aisle and thirty chairs.

"What's with the wedding stuff?" Zarc asked, raising an eyebrow. Yuya smiled. "Mom and Dad actually got married here on this beach before the house was built, I think."

"Oh, okay," Zarc said. "I can see that. It's a very lovely spot."

"Mhm!" Yuya agreed, leading the group back inside once more. They went back through the dining room, the kitchen, into the hall, and through a door across from the kitchen archway. This room had waterfall displays lining the walls, with three massage tables to one side and three massage chairs to the other. There were two doors near the far wall, which each led to a sauna with the same black volcanic rock ceilings, walls, and floors as the bathrooms.

"Ah, this seems to be a relaxing area," Yuto said, smiling. Yuya nodded in agreement, "It really is! And then next door is the zen room!"

The zen room had several yoga mats and meditation stools, and the walls were lined with floor-to-ceiling mirrors. Yuri grinned, "You know, this really reminds me of a spa! All we need now is face masks!"

"I mean, we do have face masks in the fridge," Yuya said. Yuri looked at him in delight, "Yeah, we need to do a self-care day together. We can wear face masks and do yoga and meditate and get massages and relax in the saunas and—"

"Yeah, that does sound like a good idea," Zarc agreed. "I can't remember the last time I was able to just relax."

The Yuus all nodded in agreement, and Yuya led them back out of the zen room to the living room across the hall. The living room had a massive TV on the wall, with a three-seat sofa facing it, a two-seat loveseat to the left, and two armchairs to the right. The seats all looked like they were part of a matching set. There was an electric fireplace on the wall opposite of the TV, with a thermostat directly above it. Yuya considered for a moment, then poked the thermostat.

"Yuya, why did you just poke the thermostat?" Yusho asked in a bewildered tone from the archway. Yuya squeaked as he and his four counterparts turned. Zarc yelped, "Where did you come from?!"

"I came to open the curtains," Yusho explained. Yuya shook his head, "Nah! Nah! I totally summoned you by touching the thermostat!"

Yusho chuckled. "It's your house, Yuya. You can set the thermostat to whatever temperature you want."

Yuya giggled, before turning back to the thermostat. He turned it to 20°C, smiling. "There, everyone should be comfortable with that! Onward, to the next room!"

The next room was the art studio. There were a few easels and drawing tables, but there was also an area for photography, complete with a backdrop and tripod. Yuto lit up and made a beeline for an easel. "Yes, I think I'm going to like this particular room!" he said happily.

"Thought you might!" Yuya replied, smiling. He let Yuto admire the art supplies for a bit, before continuing the tour. "That door's another bathroom," he said, gesturing towards a door next to the art studio's archway and the stairs. "And over here's the gym!"

He led the way through the door across from the archway, which led directly into a locker room. To the left was a bathroom, which was different from the others as it had a shower but no bathtub. In place of a bathtub it had a small changing area. To the right side of the locker room was a laundry room with a washing machine, a dryer, a wall-mounted foldable ironing board, and a cat's litter box.

Through a door opposite of the locker room entry door was the actual gym. The gym was fully equipped with treadmills, weights, punching bags, cycling machines, ellipticals, and more. There were motivational posters and floor-to-ceiling mirrors on the walls.

"Oh, this is a nice gym," Zarc said. "I can see myself using it regularly."

"Mhm!" Yuya hummed. "Mom, Dad, and I all use it whenever we're here. Dad likes the weights, Mom likes the punching bags, and I just use whatever I feel like using."

His counterparts chuckled, and Yuya led the way back out to the hall, up the stairs, and up another set of stairs to the third floor. Yugo frowned, "We haven't seen anything on the second floor though?"

"That's just the front entryway and the trophy room, and a bunch of pretty much identical bedrooms," Yuya explained patiently. "They're all the same, except for the colors of the bedsheets and the clothes in the closets. I'll show you our room, and it's the same as all the bedrooms on the second floor, except our bedroom has a door to one of the rooftop gardens."

"Oh, okay," Yugo seemed satisfied with that answer, and the tour continued. Yuya led the way through a door to the right of the stairs, which opened into a playroom for kids. There were lots of toys suitable for kids ages one to thirteen, as well as a door to a bathroom that matched the other bathrooms apart from the gym bathroom. The floor and ceiling in the playroom were made of colorful carpet. Yuya gestured to a giant plush bear that appeared to be crocheted. "That's Bobo, my favorite stuffie here. Mom says made him when she was pregnant with me."

"She's very talented with yarn," Yuto said, examining Bobo. The giant plush bear was clearly old but well cared for.

Yuya led the way to the curtained archway next to the playroom, and Yuri frowned. "What about that room?" he asked, pointing at a door across the hall from the playroom door. Yuya replied. "Oh, that's Mom and Dad's bedroom. Let's let them have their privacy. Also it's pretty much identical to ours, just mirrored and different colored bedding."

"Oh, okay," Yuri said, following Yuya into the archway. This room was a music room, with more musical instruments than the boys could keep track of. There was even a karaoke machine, as well as a DJ booth and dance floor, and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Zarc raised an eyebrow at the disco ball. "Really?"

"Eh, Dad was a kid during the disco era, but he kinda learned how to make disco balls out of styrofoam balls and broken CDs," Yuya shrugged. "I think he actually made that disco ball himself when he was our age. I like it."

"Well, okay then," Zarc said. If Yuya liked it, then Zarc wasn't going to complain about it.

Yuya led the way to the next door, and Yuto frowned. "Are we going to skip that room?" he asked, pointing at the curtained archway across from the music room archway.

Yuya shook his head. "No, that room leads to the attic, so I'll show you it after I show you our bedroom," he explained. Yuto nodded in understanding, and the five boys went into the next room.

"This is the nursery," Yuya said. The nursery was clearly outfitted for lots of young children. There were three baby bassinets, three cribs, and three toddler beds, as well as a bathroom. The ceiling and floor in the nursery matched the playroom, and the walls were painted with cute circus-themed murals.

"Why so many beds?" Yuto asked, intrigued. Yuya smiled. "I think it's cuz Yuzu and Gon and their families would stay here with us when we were little, so we needed enough sleeping areas for all of us. And Mom and Dad just never got rid of the furniture."

"Ah, makes sense," Yuto said. Yuri raised an eyebrow. "It's hard to imagine your big friend being small enough to fit in those beds."

"Yeah, he outgrew them really quickly," Yuya admitted. "Anyways, that's the nursery. Now we can see our bedroom!"

His counterparts eagerly followed him out of the nursery, across the hall and through the door directly across from the nursery door. This door opened into a walk-in closet with lots of clothes hanging on the wall. There were two laundry baskets, a box of cat toys, a vanity table with a mirror and lights, and a comfy-looking pouf. The walls were painted white, and there was a painting of animals on the wall. To the right was an ensuite bathroom, and directly across from the entry door was another door, this one leading into the actual bedroom. The bedroom had white walls like the closet, and there was a massive bed with a silk canopy and curtains against the wall directly to the right of the door. The sheets were red, green, and white. On either side of the bed was a nightstand with candles wreathed by plumeria flowers. Against the wall to the left was a dresser with a small TV sitting on top. There were two sets of two floor-to-ceiling windows framed by white curtains on the wall across from the door and bed, looking out over the back deck and the ocean beyond. In front of each of the two sets of windows was a desk with a comfy-looking chair and a computer. One of the computers was a regular desktop computer, but the other was a very fancy gaming computer with a massive curved screen. There was a large rug on the floor.

The wall on the far right of the room had a sliding glass door with a curtain, through which the boys could see a beautiful, luscious rooftop garden. The garden had thick green grass with a hibiscus tree in the center. There was a thick circle of purple flowers surrounding the tree, and red ixora bushes lined the edge of the garden. A few rocks were scattered around the garden, forming seats and benches to sit on. A wooden fence lined the edges of the garden, providing safety from falling off

"Oh, that is beautiful!" Yuri gasped, immediately opening the glass door and stepping outside onto the rooftop garden. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the plants. Yuya smiled, having followed him out into the garden. "Mom insisted that the two rooms that have access to the rooftop gardens be ours. Hers and Dad's garden is like a mirror of ours."

"I love it!" Yuri said happily. Yuya grinned. "I thought you might! There's only two more rooms left! The sitting room and the attic! Let's go!"

Yuri pouted, but followed Yuya along with the others out of their room, down the hall, and through the final curtained archway. The sitting had two staircases at the back, between which was a comfy-looking sofa. In the center of the room was a square platform of black volcanic stone, much like the bathrooms and saunas, upon which were two sofas and a glass coffee table with a tea set.

"Nice and cozy," Zarc noted, looking around. Yuya nodded in agreement. "Yep, we like having tea here. Alright, last room! My favorite room!"

He led the way up one of the staircases, both of which led to the attic. Just as Yuya had mentioned before, there was a bowling alley in the attic. Two full bowling lanes sat side by side, with racks of bowling balls and bowling shoes next to the stairs.

"Wow, you weren't kidding," Zarc said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You actually have a bowling alley in the attic."

Yuya giggled, grinning from ear to ear. "I love this room!"

Yuto chuckled. "Well, I'll admit it is very impressive! I never thought a whole bowling alley would fit in an attic, but clearly I was wrong!"

"This house is amazing!" Yugo said, starry-eyed. "I bet it's even better than a Tops mansion! We actually get to live here?"

"Yep!" Yuya said happily. "I still can't believe I actually own this house!"

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