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"The inmates are training again, you'll have to wait in my office till they're done, cause unlike last time, the garden is being trimmed today but hopefully it'll be over later" Samon said as he pushed Zara in his office, no one was inside, the daisen trio were working, and Inori was nowhere to be seen "Man, so there's still work left" he said as he sat down to work on the 200 paper reports "I'll just get this done"


(After 10 minutes)

In those ten minutes, Zara was observibg how Samon works, it amazes her that he was so fast "That's amazing" She said as she caught Samon's attention while he was stretching after finishing his report "You finished that all in ten minutes, this must be why the your guards and inmates look up to you, you're a hardworking and reliable man"

"......Thanks" Samon blushed a deep red, quickly reminding himself that this girl is taken... taken by an ungrateful hardheaded man... for that reason he actually feels like he has a chance "Because of that.. I'll give you a popsicle" he went to his freezer and gave her a strawberry popsicle, but not before getting himself a chocolate popsicle

"Thank you" she said and taste the popsicle "It's sweet, and yummy, even though we don't have same flavors I think that yours is somehow like this, maybe that's why you like popsicles so much"

"Yeah I know right!" The sudden shyness has dissapeared as he talked about his favorite dessert, or snack

(Time skip)

"Supervisor, we heard no.10 is here?" Rokkuriki asked as he and his brothers entered the room, then saw Samon showing a picture of an exotic flavored popsicle, but they ignored that part and instead went to Zara "no.10 glad to see you again, the inmates in cell 8 all miss you"

"I see, I miss them too, they're quite fun to be with" Zara said

"Their training just finished, want to got there after getting some snacks?" Kokkuriki asked

"Sure thing"


"Uno, what happened this time? You seem a little bit in a good mood, you made up didn't you?" Jyugo asked the braided inmate who's currenly making a card tower

"Heh,  I guess you can say.. it was nice to be open up for a change" He said

"Yeah you were slightly open now then the other days, it made Zara very happy, try doing that more, I'm sure both of you will be great" Jyugo said

"I guess"


"Oh, I know this" Zara said as Youriki showed her a yin and yang fish

"Yeah beautiful koi fish right?" Samon asked, they just finished their snack and are heading to cell 8 but Samon decided to show her the new addition of fish in their pond

"Yes. The principle of Yin and Yang is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites, for example, female-male, dark-light and old-young. The principle, dating from the 3rd century BCE or even earlier, is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy andd culture in general. The two opposites of Yin and Yang attract and complement each other and, as their symbol illustrates, each side has at its core an element of the other (represented by the small dots). Neither pole is superior to the other and, as an increase in one brings a corresponding decrease in the other, a correct balance between the two poles must be reached in order to achieve harmony." Zara said, she smiled "It's great to look back into what I used to study, Did I get it right?"

"....yeah, totally" Kokkuriki gave her a thumbs up, even though he only knew that yin and yang was a symbol of harmony, Rokkuriki and Youriki equally sweatdropped, they kept quite since they didn't know that

"Oy!" Samon gave them a small hit at the top of their head "Stop acting, it shows in your face that you don't know it"

"Then do you know sir?" Rokkuriki asked

"Of course! The concept of Yin and Yang became popular with the work of the Chinese school of Yinyang which studied philosopy and cosmology in the 3rd century BCE. The principal proponent of the theory was the cosmologist ....Zo...Z-zor len...zumen?" Samon said, it was a long time since he learned that

"Zou Yan (or Tsou Yen) who believed that life went through five phases (wuxing) - fire, water, metal,wood, earth - which continuously interchanged according to the principle of Yin and Yang." Zara continued, by this time the daisen trio had left to their duties due to having no idea what on earth were they saying

"Yeah! That was it!" Samon exclaimed, he ruffled Zara's hair "Smart girl, you must've done great in school"

"Thank you, but I think you were better, you already have a lot of responsibilies as a supervisor, to remember things taught in college or highschool that accurately, is amazing" Zara complimented

"...Thanks.." Samon said, he smiled with a visible tint of blush as he looked at her
(Samon's ridiculous daydream)
"Samon, I think Uno really isn't for me" She said

"Is that so?"

"Yeah... and I was wondering... if I should.. try again with another one? But who?"

"No.10, pick me, I like you" Samon said

"Oh Samon! I like you too!" She said dramatically

"Hahaha! I had a cruch on you from the beginning! I like you so much!" He carried her and twirled her around
(End of ridiculous daydream)

"Samon? Samon!" Zara said as Samon was doing hugging motions to the air

"I like you!" Samon said in shock after Zara snapped him out of his daydream, realizing what he said he panicked "No! I-I mean.. yes? No no no no! It was an accident! I didn't mean to tell you now! No! I mean it was just out of the whim I just got shock and that was the first thing that comes to mind because I really do like yoooooo- NO! no no no! I was just talking to myself! I love me! Yeah! That's it!" He said, he glanced at Zara and saw her blushing a bit, he blushed back knowing that's a sign that she's not buying the other stuff he just said "..uhh I can explain?"

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