You guys are so amazing!!!

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Ok so my last thing was really cool. I honestly didn't think so many of you would talk to me :) and the fact that you did was really freaking cool so thank you for that. 

Also I just wanna say that I know that some of you are going through a hard time right now and I just wanna say that I know how you feel and what your going through so if anyone ever needs to talk and vent about their life my messages are ALWAYS open :) I promise I don't bite ^w^ 

Anyway, I will update soon but it may be a little emotional (maybe, maybe not) because my girlfriend is going to college soon and i'm gonna be starting my Junior year in highschool so i'm kind of an emotional wreck right now because i'm not allowed to see her because our families hate each other and it is majorly pissing me off. Also I think I'm gonna start making chapters like this one and the last one more often because its really fun just talking to you guys :) I might even do little challenges if you guys are up for it. But anyway, if you guys think I should make more chapters like this and the last one then comment and say a line you like from my story :3 and just remember you guys, i'm ALWAYS here for you :) Author-chan out.

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