Older years part 2

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I was even put in charge of Orochimaru. I was very angry with him at first since he was the reason that several of my loved ones died, including Sarutobi-san. I will admit that at first I was quite harsh to him. I know that he helped us win the war and he saved lady Tsunade's life but at first I couldn't bring myself to forgiving him. It wasn't until I found him in his room one night reading a parenting book that I honestly started to forgive him and I apologized to him in front of the others as well. I worked with him on loyalty, honesty, and teamwork. It was surprisingly easy though once I forgave him. He even told us in the War that he was finished with his research and would now come back to Konoha and after being stuck in the mountains for almost 5 years with him and the others I knew he was telling the truth.

Konan was very easy to work with. She honestly didn't need to work on anything and I realized through working with her and the others that she had only joined the Akatsuki because of Nagato and Yahiko. She was very helpful with everything, especially when I became pregnant. She wants to come to Konoha with Yahiko and Nagato to become Naruto's personal body guards."

I smiled when I thought of my time with Itachi. "Just like Konan I didn't need to work on anything with him. It amazing to work with him and talk with him about everything he has been through and I was honestly thankful to Sasuke for killing Danzo, otherwise I would have done it myself and it would have been very painful. I fantasized ways to kill him slowly and painfully. I remember one of them where I had him tied down, fully restrained and I was ripping the Sharingans from his arm slowly with an ice cream scooper." I could see the sadness in Itachi's eyes and the Kage's eyes. I knew that my friends back home were also sad about this...and perhaps a bit disturbed by it. "needless to say, I was still very angry with that man. What made it easier for me to forget about it though was how forgiving Itachi was of everything. Now that he was free of his past and everything he smiled more which I could tell was weird for the other Akatsuki members to see. Itachi wants to return to the village and become a teacher at the academy. 

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