Chapter 18

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TA DA!!!!!!! Here is a brand new chapter!!!! I promise this will be good!!! I mean I do need to make up for making everyone wait so long :) I hope you guys like it!!! Oh and please comment......I like reading your comments :)

//Nature's P.O.V\\\

After I arrived at the arena, I dusted myself off from being thrown by the bulls then stood next to Shikamaru. I gave a quick glance around,
"Hey, where's Sasuke? And Chidori" I asked Shikamaru,
"I don't know. I'm fighting Dosu but he's missing to-"
"Hey, nock it off, quit your fidgeting you two, stand up straight and present yourself proudly to the spectators"
"Huh?" I ask. Shikamaru and I looked around to see the many people sitting in the stands as they cheered for us.

Genma turned to us, "Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga. You are the first to fight, everyone else make your way up there to the waiting area" Shikamaru gave me one last glance then turned and followed the others up to the waiting area. After everyone had arrived at the waiting area the entire stadium went completely quiet then suddenly surprised gasps and mutters swept threw the arena like a tidal wave. I turned slightly to see a figure walking toward us with a large black wolf walking beside them. As they got closer I realized something,
"Chidori!!!!! Your back!!!!" She stopped in front of me Neji and Genma with a small happy smile.
I looked at her and realized that her hair had grown longer, she looked slightly thinner than before she left but she also looked more...... muscular,
"Yeah I am back.....sorry I'm late" she said the last part to Genma. He sighed slightly but nodded,
"It's fine kid. The waiting area is up there" she looked up towards it and nodded. As she made her way towards the stairs I realized that she seemed different.
It was like a monk. The family sends there son or daughter off to become a monk or priestess and when they come back they have this feeling of calm and intellect around them,
'wow' I thought 'she changed these past three months'.
Just as she reaches the stairs she turned to the large wolf and said something. The wolf nodded it's head and stepped back a bit then took off running towards the wall then jumped onto it, and was somehow able to run up it and jump into the stands but it didnt stop, it kept going until it landed up by the Hokage and the Kazekage. I turned when I heard Neji chuckle,
"Your friend is quit pathetic" i clenched my fist and teeth,
"what did you say!!!"

(sorry that its copyrighted you guys. It's the full fight of Naruto vs Neji in the Chunin Exams)

I turned away from Neji and made my way up to the sitting area. When I arrived I saw Chidori sitting next to Shino. When she saw me she smiled happily,

"Good job Naruto!! I'm so proud of you!!" She gave me a closed eye smile. I blinked then smiled back, "thanks Chidori".

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