Chapter 13

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The wolves, Chidori and the mist ninja didn't move for several minutes, all they did was watch the other to see who would attack first,
"This is stupid and a complete waste of time" I looked out of the corner of my eye to see the Sand Ninja...I believe his name is Kankuro? He was standing at the rails like most of us were; he had his arms crossed,
"If its a waste of time to you then leave" everyone turned to Naruto. He had a serious look on his face and had his eyes glued on Chidori which made me smile underneath my mask,
"If them fighting for their lives isn't "important" enough for you then leave" He says as he turns just enough for Kankuro to his his face and the Sand Ninja quickly goes silent. 
It was obvious that he boy didn't fear Naruto but anyone even myself would go silent by the completely serious look on Naruto's face since he was almost never serious about anything and was always hyper,
"Tch, whatever. The only reason i'm still here is to watch a fight but this isn't a fight, its just a freaking staring contest" Suddenly his eyes and everone elses eyes widened when three senbon needles inbed themselves in the wall right beside his head. Everyone looks down at the battle field to see that it wasn't Chidori or even the Mist Ninja, nope it was the grey wolf with a blue mane. The ribbons wrapped around its paws held senbons in them so it was obvious who had thrown them,
"You think this is some starring contest?" The wolf growled at the Sand Ninja,
"This is a battle between two Mist Ninja. Do you even know what that means child?" He growled out while glaring at the Sand Ninja. The boy shut his mouth quickly but you could still see the fear in his eyes and he kept glancing at the senbon needles.

Everyones attention went back to the battle when one of the wolves took a step forward. It was the black wolf with the hat and red eyes. Its hat hid its eyes from view but we could see its muzzle pull back, showing its teeth in a smirk,
"I guess everyone is getting bored of this fight. Then lets show them just what a pack of wolves can do?" He said to the others. The wolves all barked and took a step forward, except for the shadow like wolf who stayed where it was standing behind the Mist Ninja, ready to pounce once he was distracted.
The wolves all smirked and one by one they braugh out their weapons that they had. The grey wolf that had a sword on his back reached back and grabbed the hilt in his mouth and took it off of his back, the purple wolf who had a battle ax on its back grabbed the hilt in his mouth, the light brown wolf did the same with his sword and the other wolves all got into stances that was obviously meant for battle.Chidori took a step forward and the wolves moved out of the way. She had become pale and was panting like you would if you were in pain which meant that this fight would end soon. She reached behind her and grabbed the hilt of her sword then held it to the side, her arm completely straight...and it was pointed at the Sand Ninja. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and glared,"Are you so eager to see blood that you want to anger my wolves? Anyone of them could kill you in a heartbeat, the only thing holding them back is me" Then she turned her attention back to the Mist Ninja and smirked,"Lets end this" She said as lightning rippled threw her blade. The Mist Ninja smirked and braught out his twin Katana's,"I thought you'de never say that" He said as he got into a battle stance.

//Chidori's P.O.V\\

I took a deep breath as I get ready to charge at him. I focused my lightning chakra into my palms then into my blade which was what was causing the electricity to show on my sword.
'This is for you to Haku' I thought.

(WATCH THE VIDEO BEFORE GOING ANY FURTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

///Kakashi's P.O.V\\\

The smoke cleard from their last attack. Both Chidori and the Mist Ninja had their blades inbedded in the ground and were leaning against the weapons to help prop themselves up right; both of them were panting and covered in wounds.
The first one to move was neither Chidori nor the Mist Ninja, it was the wolves. They attacked the Mist Ninja so violently it surprised us all even though we knew how violent they could be. 
The Mist Ninja was so tired and weak he didn't even have enough energy to protect himself as they tore him almost literally to peices.

//Chidori's P.O.V\\

I looked up, still panting and watched my wolves attack him. While some used their weapons the others used their teeth and claws causing his to cry out in pain. I flinched and looked away, my body shaking. I closed my eyes tightly then opened them when I felt power go threw my body.
I heard the others gasp but I didn't care. I snarled from my wolf form causing my wolves to stop in their attacks and look at me with fear and respect in their eyes. I glared at them,
"STOP!!!!" I shouted at them but to Sensei and the others it sounded like a bark since I didn't usually talk in this form. 
I had put all my strength into the command that some of them like Yoh and Ichigo collapsed. All of them whimperd and backed away from him; some of them had to help Yoh and Ichigo since they had collapsed.
I limped over to him and turned back into myself and crouched by his side. He was a bloody mess! His left shoulder was basically shredded, flesh and clothing laying around, blood pooled around him. His right leg was obviously broken and so was his other arm, he had many gashes in him from my wolves that used their blades. He was covered in bite marks and claw marks. He looked......unrecognizable,
"I......I-I'm sorry" I whispered to him. He opened his eyes and looked up at me, causing me to gasp. There was no hate in his eyes but there was.............respect? Why would he respect me? I had a bounty on my head because of who my father was and yet here was my enemy with nothing but respect in his eyes while he lay here from wounds that MY wolves caused, he lay here with broken limbs because of ME and yet he respected me?
"Why are you sorry?" He chockes out. I blink,
"I'm the one who was caused you this pain" I whisper again. He chuckles,
"No...I'm the one who did this. By challenging you and your wolves when I knew I wouldn't win" My eyes widen in surprise but he continues,
"I-I'm going back to my village *cough* so that I can tell the Mizukage to t-take the bounty o-off of you *cough cough*" Some medical ninja come over and check over him,
"He'll be alright. Just needs some rest" I nod and stand up.
I look up when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Kakashi-sensei smiles down at me,
"you did good Chidori" he says softly. I smile and nod,
"Thank you sensei" 

//Kakashi's P.O.V\\

Chidori smiles,
"Thank you sensei" She says. She goes to take a step towards Naruto and the others when they come down from the watching platforms but suddenly her knees buckle and her body falls forward. I catch her and hold her in my arms, her eyes are closed and her breathing is even showing that she had passed out from exaushten,
"Kakashi-sensei!!!!!!!!" Naruto and the others shout. The stop and get around me to make sure Chidori was alright,
"I-is she ok?" Sakura asked. I smiled and nodded,
"She's exausted is all" I tell them. The Hokage, the Chunin and the other Jonin walk up,
"Kakashi, will you take her back to her home after the Medical Ninja check on her?" The Hokage asks me. I nod,
"Of course" I say

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