Not Fair!

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Yuri was watching his counterparts get tickled mercilessly in amusement, thoroughly enjoying the show. It was quite entertaining to see them getting tickled and unable to escape. Yuri was just glad that he hadn't done anything to deserve getting punished. After all, he had been the only reincarnation that never resisted Zarc's influence. If anything, Zarc was probably pleased with him!

Zarc passed by Yuri on his way back to Yuya after summoning the Speedroids to tickle Yugo. Then, the Demon Duelist paused and looked at the Fusion cabbage. "Ah, yes, my little Fusion Yuu. You must be feeling so left out, hmm? Watching my other Yuus get attention while you just hang there all lonely. Well, don't you worry, you're next!"

Yuri's eyes widened and he stared at Zarc, speechless but not for long. "W-what? No! No, that's not fair! That's not fair!"

Zarc tilted his head as he approached his Fusion Yuu. He had an amused smile on his face. "How is it not fair? If anything it's not fair that you haven't been tickled yet when my other Yuus have!"

"B-but...! I'm the only one that didn't resist your influence!" Yuri protested. "Why do I have to be punished?! I never did anything to deserve that!"

Zarc chuckled. "Oh, Yuri, Yuri, Yuri! I'm not just tickling you all as a punishment! I'm doing it to bond with all of you! It wouldn't be fair if I bonded with my other Yuus and not with you!~"

Yuri sputtered in indignation, trying to squirm away as Zarc reached him. The asparagus unfastened Yuri's jacket and unzipped his jumpsuit underneath. He then squeezed Yuri's exposed sides, eliciting a sharp squeal from the cabbage. "NAHAHAHA! NOHOHO! IT'S NOHOHOHOT FAIHAIHAIR! IT'S NOHOHOT FAIHAIHAIHAIHAIHAAAAAIR!"

"Aww, you still think it's not fair, hm?~" Zarc teased, tickling up and down Yuri's sides and ribs. "Well, perhaps you're right. After all, I did summon a few monsters to tickle my other Yuus, didn't I?"


"Why do you think it's not fair, hmm?" Zarc asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I did tickle my other Yuus' death spots. If anything, it would be 'not fair' if I didn't tickle yours too!"

Yuri shrieked in indignation, trying his best to bite Zarc's hands. Unfortunately for the cabbage-head, he couldn't reach. Zarc just laughed in amusement at Yuri's attempt to bite him. "Oh really? You know, you remind me of the biting Predator Plants! Fly Hell, Moray Nepenthes, those kinds of monsters. And they've got vines and leaves that resemble hands, too! They'd be perfect to tickle you!"

Zarc drew the cards and summoned the two Predator Plants, along with Starve Venom. "We can't forget Starve Venom, too. After all, all of my other Yuus are being tickled by their favorite dragons! It wouldn't be fair if you didn't get the same treatment!"

Without even having to be told what to do, the three monsters eagerly began tickling Yuri. The cabbage-head squealed and thrashed around, trying to escape to no avail. "NOHOT FAIHAIR! NOT FAIHAIHAIR! NOHOHOT FAIIIIR!" he wailed through his laughter. Zarc just chuckled and watched for a few moments, before turning and heading back to Yuya.

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