Yami Yugi X Reader X Yugi Muto

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For YukiTori15 :)


Kaiba enjoyed bossing his employees around, and you were no exception.

"Y/n! Coffee!"

Sometimes you wondered why you'd taken the job. It was very hard work and sometimes exasperating. Often, you didn't make it home until well past midnight.

However, it was worth it with the pay you got.

"I said coffee, you moron!" Kaiba splashed the coffee back in your face. "Not this abomination of cream and sugar!"

You sighed and took the cup. Sometimes, you and your friends Yami and Yugi would joke about how Kaiba liked his coffee iced and black, like his heart. Today was clearly no exception.

As you were refilling the cup, two hands covered your eyes. "Guess who?" a deep voice asked teasingly.

"Yami?" you exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my best friend, what's wrong with that?"

You chuckled. "Aww, Yami!"

Yugi popped up on your other side. "After your shift, d'you wanna go to lunch with us? We're free today and we know you're getting off early!"

"Sure thing, stalkers!" you piped, taking the coffee back in.

Kaiba drank it and nodded. "Better. You're dismissed for the day."

You practically ran out of there, dashing to your favorite restaraunt which was conveniently right next to KaibaCorp.

Yami and Yugi already had a plate of (food) at your favorite table and you gasped. "Aww, thanks guys!"

"No problem!" Yugi said, handing you a glass of (drink). You smiled.

"You two are just the sweetest!"

Both blushed and looked down. You giggled. "Cute~"

"W-What?" Yami exclaimed, looking up.

You giggled again and sat back. "Nothing!"

Yami was quiet for a moment, then he said, "Y/n. We both have something really important to tell you."

Yugi nodded, reaching for your hand. You let him take it, glad for a familiar touch from your cru- BEST FRIEND.

"Well, we had to tell you sometime," he added. "Y/n, I love you."

"And I do too," Yami said, setting his hand on top of Yugi's so all three of your hands were connected in the middle of the table.

You smiled and started crying. "That just makes me......so happy!" You jumped out of your seat and hugged them both. "I love you both too!"

Without another word, the three of you quickly finished your meal and went back to the game shop, sitting on the couch. Yami kissed you first, smiling into it. Yugi kissed your neck gently from behind. You held both of them as the three of you drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Hope you liked it! I did my best......fluff is getting awkward to write for some reason.

*bangs head on wall* BAD ALY, BAD ALY! NO EXCUSES!


See you next time on the Card Game Channel!

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