Day 1

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-Ruri (In Yuto's body) POV-


I look at myself in the mirror and it's not me! I'm in Yuto's BODY!! What in the world is happening?!?

Then the door flung wide open and I saw the boys come in, and they also have a worried expression on their face. Yuri had the blankest expression while standing there holding a glass of water.

'' You fine, Yuto?'' Zarc asked while walking towards me. I wanted to say, ''Oh no I'm not, I don't know what's happening right now that I'm in Yuto's body and Yuto is in mine!'' but I didn't because I know they're all going to think I'm crazy or whatever.

So I said I'm fine. All of them sighed in relief, '' I think you had a nightmare Yuto, It's still 5 am and why would you shout like a girl? Anyways, you can sleep again.'' Yuya said.

''I'm just gonna put the glass here,'' Yuri said and I just nodded.

They all head to the door and I heard Yuri whisper something like, '' Yuto is being weird today...''

''Hey! I heard that!'' I shouted but then they all ran away, and I laughed.

So I wake up at five and Yuto doesn't? Well, they're like that as always... Speaking of Yuto I wonder where he is right now? I am desperate to see THE REAL ME right now!!

Wait... If I'm here... Then...

YUTO IS IN MY BODY!!!!! Immediately I grabbed his phone and called myself- I mean me- UHHH!!

-Yuto (In Ruri's Body) POV-

When I saw myself I screamed!! Silently though because I don't want to wake the girls up especially, RAY.

Suddenly, My phone- I mean Ruri's phone rang.

That means she's calling me! I answer it and I put the phone on my— her ears— UHHH!! Never mind!


"Yuto, Do you know what's happening?!" She freaked out. Whatever who she was, she's Ruri.

"Listen Yuto, here's you gonna do. Visit me here, in my— no, IN YOUR HOUSE, and let keep this as a secret." She added, emphasizing "IN YOUR HOUSE."

"Okay," I said and she clicks the end call.

I rushed downstairs, too lucky, Ruri is wearing her usual outfit and not her pajamas. There were no classes for today because it's a holiday. When I arrive at Zarc's house, I knock 3 times and step back.

The door open and its Yuya holding his sandwich and he smiled at me.

"'Morning Ruri," Oh yeah, I'm Ruri, for this time.

I smiled back, "Good morning to Yuya, Where's Ruri— I mean Yuto? I need to talk to her— uhh him." He was surprised when I say my name.

"So you will make up with him?" He giggled but I gave him a dagger stare and he pouted. No jokes for today Yuya, me, and Ruri had a problem to settle.

"Okay, okay, Come in, he's in upstairs, by the way, you act weird."


"Forget about it c'mon."

He takes me to MY room and I thanked him before reaching the doorknob.

When I open the door, I saw myself walking side by side, and stop then look at me intently.

"Yuto." She said


That's the first words that came to both of us, everything is silence until I started a conversation.

"Is this real or just a dream?"

She slowly nods. Then she freaks out. "WHY THIS ONE HAPPENED!! DAMN TO THE PERSON WHO DONE THIS!!"

"Ruri, please don't act like a girl in my body," I said.

"Sorry, I can't control my feelings, everything is new, how can I control this?!" She apologized.

"Keep it low," I answered back. "Call me Ruri and I call you Yuto if we are with everyone, we can call our real names when we are in private."


"And... Let's figure this out on how we return in our original bodies."

"Yup you're right, settle it out both of you." A voice said.

"Who are you?" We asked in unison.

Someone came out, it's a fairy, and she held her wand and she gave us a smile of victory.

"I'm Yessha the fairy of LOVE."

"The fairy of what? Love?" Ruri asked.


"So you mean, you're the one who is behind of this?!" I asked in exclamation.

"Hold on Yuto," She gave me a mischievous smile. "Yes, I'm the one who switched your—"


"Ruri, Stop cussing in my body," I said and she gave me a deadly glare I don't know what to do but pouted.

"Hep, Hep. Both of you have to break the spell before you both can return to your respective bodies."

"Spell?!" Both of us asked, again in unison.

"Yup, both of you have to confess on how do you love each other and a sweet kiss," Yessha answered. "I will give you both 5 days to find the reason, if you can't do it, you will stay in that body forever."

Ruri and I blushed. A kiss? Did I hear it right?

"I'm going to leave 'cuz someone is coming, good luck!" Yessha smiled and vanish.


"Yuto?" I look at the door and its Zarc.


"Onii-san." I suddenly cover my mouth! What am I saying! Ruri doesn't say Onii-san on—Oh no!

"What are you saying Ruri? You call me—"

"Nothing," I lied Zarc. Sorry!

"Yuto we have a duel to settle later, you want to do it today?" Zarc asked. I look at Ruri then later she nods.

"Okay, change your clothes and hurry outside, my other alter egos are waiting for you." Then Zarc leaves.

Afterward, she spanks my arm!

"Owww! What was that for?"

"That's for not telling me that you have a duel to settle Yuto!" She scolded.

I grin. "What now Ruri? You spank your body!"

She gave me deadly glares before I change the topic.

"You know how to use my deck right?"

"I'm not too sure but I'll try," she walks towards the door but before she reaches the doorknob, I clasp my hands to her and I saw her blushed.

"Do you hear what Onii-san said? Change your clothes."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," She said and walk towards the cabinet. She stops for a moment then he looks at me.


"I can't choose, help me please."

I walk to the cabinet and find my usual clothes. "Here and close your eyes while changing."

She gave me a smirk. "I know and don't think pervert," She said and walk towards the bathroom, I can't help but only giggled.


The duel seems to be fine, Ruri is good at using my deck while I'm not, because I'm not good at decision making.

A few minutes after, the girls came with Ray, they are surprised to see me here.

"Ruri!" Rin exclaimed and she sat beside me. "Too early huh?"

I nod. "Y-Yuto just told me to come here."

"Yuto? I thought you're mad at him."

Ruri is mad at me?


"Ruri!" I look at Ruri she smiled at me, a smile of victory. "I won!"

I smile back. I think this is the beginning of how we love each other.

-Yessha's POV-

I giggled when I saw Yuto and Ruri together.

"I think my plan work. But let's see how they care for each other." And I wave my wand.


-Alrisk Lightvale and EcrivainHershey_2008

(Edited: 9/2/20)

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