Author's Note: This three shot will start from the scene where Rohit is trying to run away from the house again, abhira trying to stop him, armaan coming there and rohit calling him 'sautela' {ps - i don't watch the show on a regular basis, so there might be some differences, please bear with me}.
Rohit [pushes armaan] - Dadisa was right, you are my step brother
Armaan is going to fall because of the impact of the push and is protected by Abhira who catches him in the nick of time. The entire family gets shocked hearing this and Dadisa smirks a little. Tears flow out of Vidya's eyes and Madhav and Abhira glare at Rohit with fury.
Madhav [angry] - Rohit, how dare you raise your hand on your brother.
Rohit - He is not my brother, dad. He is not my blood. He is a traitor. A liar. A cheater.
Madhav raises his hand to slap Rohit but is stopped by Dadisa.
Dadisa - Madhav, how dare you raise your hand on my grandson.
Madhav - And it was okay when he was raising his hand on Armaan? Armaan is your grandson too right? Or have you forgotten that?
Armaan - Dad please, I can fight my own battles, there is no need for you to get into this.
Madhav - No Armaan, enough is enough. The family has gotten away with years and years of ill treating you.
Vidya - What are you talking about Madhav Ji?
Dadisa - Yes Madhav, what do you mean? We have given Armaan everything, even though he has the blood of that gold digger.
Abhira - How can you talk about Shivani Maa in that way Dadisa, she is Armaan's mother.
Vidya - Abhira! Don't speak in between elders.
Manisha - Abhira is right Bhabisa and so is Madhav Bhaisa.
Dadisa [glares at Manisha] - Shut up Manisha.
Manisha [murmuring] - I will stay quiet today Maasa, but I have a feeling that today some people are not going to stay quiet.
Rohit - I have decided that if Armaan is going to stay in this house, then I am not.
Abhira - What is this stupidity Rohit. You are saying all this because you are upset right now, but you have no right to talk to and about my husband like this. No one else other then Papa are taking a stand for him, but his wife is going to stand right by his side.
Armaan looks at Abhira with gratitude and love. Meanwhile, Vidya and the rest of the family members look down, too ashamed to meet Armaan's eyes.
Dadisa - Ey Ladki, don't speak in the matters of this house. You are not family and you should not interfere in family matters.
Madhav - I consider her as my family.
Manisha, Manoj and Chorus Gang (except Charu) - Us too.
Abhira looks dejected as Vidya does not say anything. She feels anger towards Vidya, for not taking a stand for her and Armaan, after everything they have been through. Maybe Madhav is right, Vidya never truly accepted Armaan.
Armaan - Abhira is my wife and no matter what anyone says, she will always be my wife.
Rohit [scoffs] - The same wife that you were cheating on? The same wife that you were ready to forget and marry again? I can't believe Abhira Bhabhi has forgiven you. I can never forgive you.
Abhira - Armaan never had an affair with Ruhi while we were married and for your information your dearest Dadisa and Mom have emotionally blackmailed Armaan to marry his presumed dead brother's widow. Right Dadisa and Ma?
Vidya looks down ashamed of her actions. She can't believe she melted when Ruhi revealed the truth to her. Dadisa meanwhile shows no remorse.
Dadisa - It was all Vidya's idea. I supported her because she was in a miserable condition without you Rohit.
Rohit looks hurt and upset. Vidya looks shocked as Dadisa is shifting the entire blame on Vidya even though it was Dadisa who challenged Manish to get Armaan and Ruhi married.
Madhav - Vidya, look at the lady you always prioritized throwing you under the bus. And Rohit, it was Dadisa, who made it her mission to get them married and forced Armaan. It was never Armaan's choice.
Armaan - Yes Rohit, I agree that I made a mistake before marriage but after Ruhi has become your wife I have never touched her or looked at her like that. It was Ruhi who used to cling to me and manipulate me.
Rohit - Please stop with your lies and you don't need to give me an explanation. You are nothing to me. You are just an illegitimate son of my dad. That's all.
Dadisa - Rohit, calm down. Getting so agitated is not good for your health.
Rohit - I will only calm down once it's decided who is staying - me or Armaan.
Madhav - Armaan is going nowhere Rohit and neither are you.
Vidya - Rohit, please don't leave me again. I am pleading with you, I am ready to do anything so that you don't go away from me again.
Rohit - Anything Ma?
Vidya - Yes, anything. I promise.
Rohit - Okay Ma, then ask Armaan to leave.
Everyone looks shocked. Armaan looks hurt and looks like he is reaching his tipping point.
Vidya - Rohit beta, I..
Rohit - You what Ma? You promised me you would do anything for me to not leave again.
Vidya nods. Armaan looks at the hesitation in Vidya's eyes and understands that no matter what, Rohit will always come first for everyone as he is their own blood. In this moment he decides that the only way he can have a peaceful life for himself, without any insecurities or emotional blackmailing is if he breaks free from the Poddar family.
Armaan - No need to ask me to leave Ma. I don't want you to go through the pain and guilt of having asked your husband's son to leave the house. I have decided that me and my wife are willing leaving.
Everyone looks shocked at Armaan's sudden change in tone. Abhira is shocked too and opens her mouth to say something but then decides to stand by her husband.
Madhav - Armaan, my son, if you go then I am coming too.
Armaan - No dad, you shouldn't have to leave your family for me. I have been a burden on you already.
Madhav [getting emotionally] - No my son, you have never been a burden on me. You have been more of a family to me than any of these people ever had. If you are going I am coming with you. I cannot leave you and my daughter to fend for yourselves in this cruel world. I promised Shivani that I would give you all the love that you deserved, but I guess I fell short.
Rohit - Shivani, Shivani, Shivani. I am tired of hearing her name. Because of that bitch, my mom had to suffer so much.
Armaan - Today Rohit, you have crossed a line. You have insulted my mother, my birth mother because of whom I am here today.
Madhav - Mind your language Rohit. You cannot talk about Shivani like this.
Vidya - It seems like you still can't get her out of your head. She took everything from me. You say you have moved on but you clearly can't forget her.
Madhav - It is not me but you who have never moved on, Vidya. I tried to give our relationship a chance, but you chose to live in the past. You chose to feel insecure of someone who has died many years ago. You chose to be the perfect bahu rather than focusing on being a wife. You have failed at being a good wife Vidya and you have failed at being a good mother too.
Armaan - Dad please.
Dadisa - Madhav, If you keep speaking then I am going to forget that you are my son.
Madhav - Really Maasa, when have you ever considered me as your son? You have always put me down because I did not want to be a lawyer and you have always shown your preference for Sanjay. So Maasa, you have already forgotten that I am your son. You have wronged me Maasa, you have wronged Shivani and you have wronged Armaan. I was quiet for so long because Rohit and Armaan loved each other truly, but I guess now that has changed as well. Rohit is starting to be influenced by you, just like Vidya. Today, I am taking a stand for myself, my son and my Shivani. My shivani died because you made her life miserable by snatching Armaan from her. She died suffering the loss of her alive son and love. You wanted Armaan so that you could have a heir, because Vidya was unable to conceive that time. You showered all the love and blessings on my son, that I finally could have the loving family that I wanted. But everything changed when Vidya became pregnant and Rohit was born. You and Vidya both differentiated between Armaan and Rohit. Maybe the world could not see through your deceit but I did. You have always sided and preferred Rohit over Armaan. And today, I have decided that enough is enough. My first son shouldn't have to suffer. It was not his fault. It was mine that I did not take a stand for Shivani. This would have never happened if I had the courage to stand up to you Maasa.
Rohit [emotional] - Are you saying it would be better if I was never born?
Madhav - No Rohit never, you are my special child. But today, I chose Armaan because you have the whole family supporting you but my son has no one. If Armaan leaves, then I leave too.
Rohit - No dad, no one needs to go anywhere. You and Ma are finally happy together.
Madhav - Can you forgive Armaan and move on?
Rohit - I can't do that.
Armaan just goes towards the outhouse and starts packing his bags. Abhira rushes behind him and hugs him from behind.
Armaan - Abhira, I am taking a move that is scaring me. But I am ready to do this for us, for you and for me. I have always tried to do above and beyond for this family but today I have realized that everything I do will be less for them. Dadisa will never accept you and I am ready to break away for a peaceful life. Our life will be better without them.
Abhira - Armaan I agree with you. I am ready to take this step with you. I promise to be by your side always. This family will never accept me. But what about Mom and Papa?
Armaan - I don't know anything anymore Abhira but this time I feel like Dad is also done with the family. And Ma, she will never change. She will always put Dadisa and Rohit over everything.
They quickly finish packing their things and return with their suitcases.
Manisha - You both can't leave, please don't leave us.
Armaan - I am sorry to leave the very few that truly care about me but I have had enough. I am leaving for the betterment of my life and my wife. Half of you will never accept Abhira and my brother Rohit will never forgive me. I'd rather live away from you all rather than seeing y'all hate me and my wife so much.
Sanjay who was quiet, suddenly speaks up to add fuel to the fire.
Sanjay - Where will you go Armaan? You have nothing of your own. Everything you have is because of this family. Think twice, you are making a big mistake by leaving the house and the firm.
Armaan - I never spoke about leaving the firm Mr Sanjay Bansal, but you are already celebrating my departure.
Kajal - Armaan, is this the way to talk to your elders.
Armaan - You know what Bua, I am done with everyone telling me what to do and what to not do. The same husband you are supporting, is the same person who beats you. Who insults you and who has caged you.
Everyone looks shocked at Armaan's statement but a lot of them know that there is truth in what he is saying.
Dadisa - Armaan, how dare you.
Armaan - How dare I do Dadisa? I have always respected you but today is the time I tell you what everyone thinks of you. I am not scared of you anymore. The family is tho. Everyone is terrified of you because of your outdated ideas and traditional mindset. I have always covered up for everyone, but now it is time for everyone to admit to Dadisa what they have been doing behind her back because I am leaving and Armaan bhaiya and beta will no longer be there to safe you all from your dear Dadisa. Goodbye everyone.
Armaan turns around, holds hands with Abhira and begins walking out of the house with their luggage.
Everyone has tears in their eyes but no one dares to move an inch because of their fear of Dadisa.
Madhav looks at the retreating figures of his son and daughter in law and knows that he has to make a choice in the next few seconds.
Madhav - I am leaving too, please don't try to stop me. Rohit I have always loved you and know that you have the family to love you, so you will never be deprived of love. Forgive your father if you can. And Vidya, I really thought this was a new start for us, but I guess you just took 10 steps backward by choosing the family over your husband. Goodbye everyone! Manoj, you have been nothing but a good brother, and if you ever need anything, I always got your back.
Saying this he too runs out of the house, catching up with Armaan and Abhira.
To be continued...
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