videos | Willne

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walking out of the London train station I look around for a bit to find a figure with brown hair, I immediately see Gee and wave to get her attention, I walk up to her with my bag and hug her tightly "You're finally back!" gee squealed letting go of me "I've been gone for 2 weeks I'm sure you managed to live alone in our apartment" I laughed at her 

telling her all about my "holiday" even though it wasn't, just a family emergency really, me and gee got into an uber driving us to our apartment as we were still discussing what happened when I was gone or what she did

 the uber came to a stop we got out and I grabbed my bag with me to take into our apartment complex to the lift as our apartment was one of the high ones, as we stepped out of the elevator we walked the lonely corridors whispering along the way to our door,finally home after all of this, making me release a sigh of relief turning on the lights seeing my cat on the kitchen counter. "honestly when you left she couldn't stop meowing looking for you"  

unpacking my bag wasn't much of a struggle because everything had to go to the washing machine, my room was clean just had to organise my room back again such as my skincare and makeup products that I took on the holiday, I sighed in defeat and plopped in my gaming chair, I guess ill have to make up the time to my viewers I'm sure they didn't mind my disappearance. I go on my computer and just do some work-related stuff such as replying to emails etc

as I look over to the time I notice the time is 21:35 at the bottom right of my computer I stretch and get out of my chair, thankfully I answered all the emails. I walked out of my room seeing takeaway boxes on the kitchen counter and seeing Gee on the sofa "didn't want to disturb you as you had a lot of work to do but I did hear aggressive typing sooo" I laughed at Gee "Nope I was typing fast to get it over with" I say grabbing a plate and filling it with the food heading over to the couch to finally relax

as time passed on I feel my phone vibrate on the sofa I open the message and see Will messaged me so I start typing away.

I smile at the text and set my phone down carrying on watching the TV while talking to Gee, as time passes by I say goodnight to Gee placing my plate in the sink and heading to my bedroom to go to sleep finally after having a long day.

the next day:

hearing my phone alarm ring as loudly as possible next to me I groan slightly waking up unplugging my phone from the charger, turning the alarm off and laying on my side scrolling through social media for a bit until I decide to get up to go to the kitchen to make something to eat

 I walk into the kitchen I see a plate of an English breakfast on the counter seeing Gee already eating her breakfast "Aw gee you know you don't have to spoil me" I laugh and smile at her grabbing the plate and sitting next to Gee "don't worry its the last time" me and her laughed and ate our breakfast, as we finished I washed the dishes while talking to gee that I'm going to Wills filming studio to film a video for his channel

I checked the time 11:35 I don't know when will wants me to come to his studio so I'm just going to start getting ready, as I'm doing my makeup I get a phone call from Will "hey lass how are you?"  Will asks me "I'm doing fine just getting ready slowly I'll be over in a bit I'll text you when I'm at the studio what about you?" I put my phone on speaker so I can carry on doing my makeup "I'm doing good just wanted to ask when you'll arrive but you already answered that so I'll see you soon bye lass" I laugh at his response "All alright bye see you soon"

as I finish putting my shoes on I grab my keys saying bye to Gee and heading downstairs to catch my Uber to Will's studio texting him I'm going to be there soon, the ride wasn't long at all I exited the Uber saying thank you to the driver and walking up to the door texting Will I'm here and to let me in

I see him with his messy mullet opening the door "Well long time no see lass come in you know the way" I smile at him and walk past him to the way of the studio "Nice to see you as well knob" he chuckles as we walk to his studio where he films videos with James and Mikey seeing amazon boxes placed on a table and seeing his camera crew, greeting all of them. 

"do you want anything before we start filming?" Will asks me and I just shake my head sitting down in front of the camera while Will sits next to me and we start the camera "Right hello my friends today we're going to be reviewing the weirdest things from Amazon!" I look at the camera and widen my eyes "But where is James or Mikey? Well, tough luck today (y/n) is here your second favourite,  so we're going to be starting with" he catches a box.

As we film for longer the products become weirder, me pulling a green mask out of a box and looking at it "What is this then?" I look at Will and then the camera I put the mask on seeing absolutely nothing just darkness "Well this is a bit pointless unless you want to die or something" Will laughs "Naur don't say that" I take the mask off placing it in the bad bin, as I turn back around Will laughs at my hair smoothening it down so it's not frizzy anymore.

Will opens a pack of socks "oh my god wait  these are the socks that hold hands!" I put one of the socks on while Will puts the other one on "Come hold hands with me then" We both have our feet on the table making the hands on the socks hold each other's hands "That's sick, good bin" he places the one sock he isn't wearing in the good bin. more laughter fills the studio from the camera crew and both of us.

After maybe one and a half hours later we finished filming, making stupid remarks at the products "See I told you I could keep my promise" Will laughed at his comment and I laughed with him, we got up and started to clean his studio slapping the back of his head just to mess around even more, the camera crew disappeared out of the studio.

 it was just me and Will talking on the sofa drinking tea. "so everything is resolved?" I shrug while sipping my tea "I hope so just going to have to wait it out" Will looked at me with empathy, I look down and see that we both have socks on with the hands "Honestly I think I'm going to keep these socks" Will laughs throwing the other pair of socks onto my lap "thanks lad" I look over to the clock seeing it's 13:40 "I think its time for me to go" 

I stand up and place the cup on the table in front of me "It was nice seeing you again" Will looks at me "Of course anytime" we both head out to the exit. As we arrive I smile at him and go on my phone to order an Uber before Will interrupts me "What about I drop you off it'll be easier and won't cost you anything, maybe just another video?" I laugh and put my phone in my pocket "All alright Will lenney"  

We head to his car he opens the door for me, what a gentleman I bite my cheek, he starts the engine and drives, I give him a video suggestion of what he could do, such as dressing up as a police officer and going through stolen items/police evidence we laugh but I think he honestly doesn't mind as he probably still has his costumes from his past videos.

We arrive at my apartment and he gets out and opens the car door for me once again "No need to do this" I laugh and he just shrugs his shoulder while I get out of the car I hug him to say goodbye feeling his arms wrap around my waist and me wrapping my arms around his neck loosely, while pulling away from the hug I look in his eyes and smile "thanks for today" he smiles back and I unwrap my arms around him and so on, we say goodbye to each other and head over to the apartment complex to the elevator feeling my cheeks turn hot, surely I'm not falling for him am I? 

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