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"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that," Katherine groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were pursed.

"What? I don't have the money to call him in France," Scott defended himself, raising his hands nervously at the look on her face.

Katherine rolled her eyes, then flailed her hands in the air. "I'm done, I'm officially done with both of you right now," she sighed. "I'm going to sit over there with Malia. Don't talk to me."

"I'll text you!" Scott and Stiles both yelled at the same time, bickered quietly, then went back to the original argument. Katherine smiled faintly at their attitude, but continued to walk to the bleachers.

She groaned internally, noticing Kira was sitting with Malia while they watched the try-outs. It wasn't that she didn't like Kira. She knew that she was a sweet girl who was crushing on Scott; hard core. She just didn't trust her yet because she didn't know her very well.

She didn't truly trust anyone outside of the old pack.

And there wasn't that many of them left.

She still woke up with severe nightmares. From Peter. The Kanima. The Alpha Pack. And Stiles, her big brother, choking her while being possessed by the Nogitsune.

Hell, there were even days she worried that it was really her brother living in the same house as her.

As Katherine wandered up to the bleachers she heard her phone ding in the back pocket of her black jeans. She furrowed her brows and pulled it out, clicking on the new voicemail before looking at the text.

"Hey, it's — uh — it's Isaac, just checking in. Again. Like always. Um, we're doing pretty good, I heard you were back at school so I just wanted to make sure you were alright and all that. Anyways. Chris says hi, and he sent you something in the mail a couple of days ago so you should be getting it soon. Anyways, um, call me when you finish your classes. Bye."

Katherine smiled faintly at Isaac's familiar voice. He phoned every week, just like she'd made him promise. If she was lucky, Chris would talk to her for a little bit too. She sighed tiredly, then wrote down a reminder to phone him back later. Then she opened the message Ethan sent her.

Ethan: We're okay. I found a job. Jackson says he found a sweater you'd like so you'll get it in the mail soon. Take care of yourself.

Katherine rolled her eyes and typed back a response. She'd be getting a lot of stuff in the mail soon, apparently.

Kat: That's good. I'm happy to know you aren't being an idiot, what job did you

She let out a shriek as she was pulled into someone's arms, stumbling slightly. A lacrosse ball hit the dirt harshly where she had been, and she blinked at it.

"Are you okay?" Someone — the person who saved her from another broken nose — asked worriedly.

Katherine nodded slowly, then turned to face him. "Yeah, I'm — I'm good. Just a little startled, I guess," she answered honestly.

She'd be lying if she said this boy wasn't cute. He had messy blonde hair, was a little bit taller then her, and had the most beautiful blue eyes she'd ever seen. But she didn't have time for that.

She was too busy dealing with a crazy-family-killer-woman-now-back-from-the-dead-turned-werejaguar.

"Are you sure? I yelled, like, twice," he chuckled, letting her go of her sides when he realized she wouldn't fall over.

"Yeah, I guess I was just off in my own little world," Katherine shrugged, smiling up at him. He smiled back, then someone called him.

"I've got to go," he told her, scratching the back of his neck. "And, uh, sorry again for almost throwing you into the bleachers." Katherine chuckled quietly, then shook her head.

"To be honest, that's probably the most normal thing that's happened to me all week," she answered, her mind returning to Kate Argent and poor Derek. "Thanks for that, though."

"Don't worry about it," the boy smiled. Then Katherine turned — almost tripping over her own foot — and climbed up the bleachers to where Malia and Kira sat.

"What was that?" Kira asked, looking up at her while she held a lacrosse stick.

Katherine shrugged and finished her text, then pressed send. She rubbed her eyes tiredly. "I have no idea," she answered truthfully, dropping her bag at her feet.

"Who was that?" Malia asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I have no idea," Katherine repeated with emphasis, flexing her fingers. She sat there and watched everyone do laps, snickering loudly as she watched Scott pick up her wheezing, spazzing brother from the ground at the end.

Her eyes then moved over to the boy who she'd talked to earlier, and her brows flew up when she realized he was doing push ups. Everyone else was laying down, catching their breath.

"Okay what's wrong with you," Malia frowned, looking up from her homework and over to Kira.

Katherine turned as well, almost smiling at how startled Kira was. "Me?" She looked away for a moment. "Nothing."

"You reek of anxiety," Malia scoffed.

Katherine chuckled. "And you're zoned out, watching Scott," she added in. Kira blushed and smiled awkwardly.

"It's distracting," Malia grumbled. "What's going on."

"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen, but now I'm not really sure it was a thing, and I'm starting to doubt it ever was a thing," Kira rambled nervously, avoiding their eyes.

"What do you want it to be?" Malia asked, looking at Katherine, who was looked between the two from where she sat in the middle.

"More," Kira sighed.

Katherine felt some of her distrust fade away — a small amount — and smiled. "He really likes you, you know," she murmured, returning her attention to the field. She didn't pay attention to Kira's expression after that, but Katherine knew she was happy.

Her soft expression turned into a loud snicker when Stiles attempted to pick up a ball with his stick. When he couldn't, he just picked one up and dropped it in. She watched as he threw it right into the goalie's stick, and cackled. "Stiles you suck!" She yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth.

Stiles turned and shot her a snippy look while Scott smiled in the background. "I appreciate all the love and support, KitKat," he yelled back sarcastically.

Everyone in the line behind him laughed, and she could see the boy turned to her and smile. Scott patted his friends shoulder, and Stiles glared at seemingly nothing while mumbling curses.

Alright guys, this is my first Teen Wolf fanfic, so I would love it if you all could comment your thoughts.

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