Chapter 36

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"So exactly how did you find the place Paige?"

"Well...once upon a time a girl named Paige was really she googled restaurants in town and yea."

"Fantastic story your kids will love story time."

"Shut it Bell!"

"Well anyway before we go,let's make a pledge that there will be no fighting of who's going to pay the bill because we all know guys will pay for their girl."

"Who told you THAT lie." Dean said glaring at Paige.

"Wait what was it that I said?"

"Guys will pay for their girl."

"REALLY! That's so sweet thanks Dean."

"Wait! N- before he could finish Paige had strutted to the other room.

"Gots to be more careful."


"Okay I have the chicken Alfredo, one side steak a chicken fajita,Coke and a sweet tea?" As she placed the plates down she noticed the guy that was eyeing her with a smirk.

"That sweet tea is mine but I think I'm looking at something else sweet."

She remained silent and put the rest of the plates down, she was carrying another sweet tea and the guy that was eyeing her purpely nudged her making her spill it.

"Oh my god,I am so sorry! I didn't mean to,I'll go get you a napkin."

"It's fine Hun,it was an accident no worries,just a few paper towels can help."

"ALICIA! BACK OFFICE NOW!" She couldn't get her feet to carry herself until she saw him walk completely out of the back to where the lady was that she had spilt the tea on.

"Our apologizes mrs,we'll get this cleaned up,we'll have another coming your way on the house." He handed her one of the rags he carried with him. "Let me." He grabbed one of the paper towels off the table and began to rub her where the tea had spilt.

Alicia turned away rolling her eyes knowing he was only doing it for his pleasure.

After reaching the refill area she started to head out when James came back in walking her backwards into the office arena then shutting the door.

"Are you trying to embarrass us!?"

"I didn't mean to! Your perverted friends shoved me!"

"Oh yea blame it on the do know I got you into this business and I can take you out!"

"THEN DO IT! IT'S NOTHING BUT HELL HERE I COULDA SWORN YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS PATHETIC ACT BECAUSE OF WHAT! Man I feel so stupid for believing you the day I met you. You're a pathetic selfish perverted a** hole! FIRE ME SEE IF I CARE!"

The next thing she knew she was pushed up against the wall with her hands being held above her head. "Listen here you bitc*,you obviously don't know who you're talking to.. As for Robert he cares if you're pregnant me,I don't!"

"Coulda sworn you were the one to say that,let me just add clueless to that list of things about you."


"What you're gonna go tell daddy on me."

Without any type of warning he roughly culled her face and kissed her,she kept trying to pull back but his grip would only get tighter. She bit his lip making him jump back holding his lip.

"YOU BITC* and to think I was gonna go easy on you but now,you're getting what you deserve,hope you have fun finding rent money because I sure as hell won't be helping you! LEAVE! And I'll decide if you can come back!"

"GLADLY!" She grabbed her hoodie and bag before storming out.
"This place is nice,nice picking Paige."

"Eh no biggie, a girl was hungry." She looked up to Roman who had his head down with his hands in his pockets.

"Roman...wanna pick the table?"

"Anywheres good." He said not lifting his head.

"Food always cheers up someone,maybe he'll join me for karaoke."

"In your dreams Paige." Roman said chuckling slightly.

"Hey,the next person to bring down karaoke will be walking back to the hotel!"

"Paige...babe last time I checked,it's MY car we drove,nice try though." Dean said smirking and kissing her cheek.

"I hate you all you know that."

"Sure you remind us every hour and day,we love you too Paigie!" Marti pulled her into a tight hug smirking knowing Paige wasn't wasn't  the hugger.

"IS IT TO LATE TO SAY SORRY!" Both Marti and Paige put their mics on the stands before jumping into this random weird dance from the sprinkler to the Cupid shuffle as the music continued to play.

"Hey is that your girlfriend up there,bro she's entertaining!"

"Wha...nope...I don't know either one of them."

"She's kinda hot too."

"and now I know her, 3 months she's my weird screaming will smile while hurting you super kicking chair swinging girlfriend who hates being center of attention until it comes to karaoke,back off."

The guy eyed Dean for a few seconds before leaving his chair going back to his table.
(P.S no I'm not a Bieber it just came into my head.)

"I'll be back Ambrose,try not to kill anyone and remember chairs are meant to stay ON the floor."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Roman was headed towards the exit just to get fresh air when he passed by the register and recognized the girl. She happened to look up when he stopped.

"Oh look,it's the shot shot shotter,glad to see you can still walk."

"Oh and you're still in your moods huh,say have you gotten yourself some chocolate?"

" a**...I like what's your deal saw you walk in with a group you were the only one frowned."

"I wasn't frowning I was admiring you guys bright floors...why you so moody?"

"Ladies first huh,okay...well you saw me at the bar which I work there too then maybe a few weeks ago this new girl came and he shoved me out of my position changing my hours which totally screwed up my no hate to the new girl she's actually really sweet and precious,kinda felt bad for her boss was really handing it to her and she's pregnant...well looked like it,never got to talk to her but she's really pushing herself."

"Wait...did you happen to catch her name?"

"Nope meant to but didn't have time I think we have the same break schedule though."

"I've gotta go for a run...thanks for not slapping me for ending such a jerk."

"Hey I'm I'm quit one myself,truths...have fun on your run."

God I can't believe him,to think I was dumb to fall for him in a FRIEND WAY and now I realize it's been 6 weeks too long.

(I'm just putting weeks because I don't remember what I put last time but she had been gone for a while.)

I don't wanna quit...I can't keep getting my hopes up everytime I try I fail , I hurt someone...why am I such a bad luck...all I've ever wanted to do was help people and at least try to prove myself wrong of who I think I am but no...maybe I just need to sleep this off and things will be better in the morning...hopefully.

Around later that night: finally after hours of stairing up at the ceiling I had fallin asleep, I have no clue where I get this worrisome crap from but it's really annoying,worse than this social anxiety I suddenly heard a loud crash from the kitchen. I jumped sitting up straight in my bed.

I heard door being opened then slammed.

"Ali dear,where are you." It was James,I started glancing around the room trying to thing of something I could use for self defense but nothing...there's no way I can physically fight him.. That's when my eyes slander to the window and I thought of one

I got off the bed and quickly went to the wid ow opening it and climbing out, thank you side house ladders. I don't know where I'd go but I had to get away some how. I'm honestly glad this baby weight hasn't kicked in much. I was still able to run jog whatever...wobble run. I'd made it around the the front yard a few feet away from the house when I heard my name being yelled.

"There you are little one,running away so soon,I just wanted to come check up on you!" I looked back and saw James looking at me from the window bridge he started to crawl out..

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