Chapter 18

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Later that afternoon a few hours before Smackdown,Alicia and Paige and Marti were all training in the ring working on new moves sets.

"Man this is so messed up I couldn't hit the ropes as much as I use to it's like since I've been out I've lost energy."

"Girl please,it's maybe because you just haven't done it in a while you did better than me and I haven't done them in a while." Marti replied.

"Um no,I don't think so." She slid out of the ring and walked over to the scale they had close to the curtain. They both were stood waiting for Alicia to come back when they heard screaming from where she was,they both climbed out of the ring going over towards Alicia.

"What? What's going on?"


Paige sent a glare towards Alicia rolling her eyes.

"Girl...sure hospital food is gross and may do that but come on you still look great boo."

"UGH!" She headed towards to Roman's locker room not bothering to knock barging in.


Roman glared towards Alicia before turning his attention back to his phone, Deans phone going off.

"Ah Roman says he's not talking to you." He read from his phone.

"Are you really being this childish!"

Deans phone rang and he read out. "You wanna play hard ball I'm throwing the curve."

"UGH FINE! Dean can I borrow a shirt just for tonight."

"Sure." Walking over to his suitcase he grabbed one of his Ambrose Asylum shorts handing it to her, she was about to put it on when Roman stood up and snatched the short out of her hand.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS you know what forget it,maybe I'll just change my mind about you managing me tonight what d-

Before Alicia could finish Roman wakes over pushing her against the wall holding her arms down to her side smashing his lips against hers.

"Hey Xavier you know what we gonna do ton-...Big E stopped in his tracks along with Kofi.

"Ah...maybe we should...come back...another time."

"Right." They all turned around slowly backing out Big E quickly jumping into song "Roman gettin booty! Roman gettin booty!"

Letting go of Alicia Roman continued to gaze into Alicia's eyes with a smirk.

"Jack a** she mumbled getting her arms free shoving him back. "Be ready or I'll really change my mind."

Making her way down the steps with Roman behind Alicia fist bumped and hugged a few fans as she made her down,she wasn't use to going down the steps afraid of tripping and falling but knew Roman was behind her and wouldn't let that happen.

Nikki and Brie were already in the ring standing there with their usual bitc*y expressions.

Reaching the barricade Roman hopped over first bridge turning and helping Alicia over who had the title around her waist.

"Thank you."

"Go kick some a** baby." He whispered in her ear giving her a quick peck on the lips then making his way to the other side of the ring

After placing her title in her corner the bell rings and Nikki quickly takes Alicia down with some punches.

Alicia rolls them over and lands a few punches of her own brides standing up and waiting for Nikki to get back up nailing her with a clothesline.

Rolling onto the apron Nikki leans into to the ropes trying to get herself back together when Alicia ran forward drop kicking her off the apron...the next thing completely shocking everyone... Roman catching her and standing there with her in his arms while she had her arms wrapped around his neck smirking at him.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Running to the opposite rope Alicia bounces off and baseball slides to their side knocking Nikki out of Roman's arms. She slid out of the ring shoving Roman.


Not listening to Roman's response she went right back to Nikki picking her up and throwing  her back into the ring.

"I CAN PLAY GAMES TOO NIKKI!" She waited until Nikki started to slowly stir back to her feet before picking her up over her shoulders and mocking Nikki with her rack attack and getting the pin.

Instead of getting her hand raised she grabbed her title and slid out of the ring ignoring Roman's presence heading straight backstage.

About an hour after Smackdown ended Alicia and Roman go back to the hotel which they were sharing along with Dean and Paige who were in the second room. (It's a two bed room hotel)

"But seriously I bet they'll have make up se*."

"DEAN! Stop talking about our friends se* life! Now I'm glad Bray kicked you that hard."

"I'm just saying! Alicia's pretty pissed off and we ALL saw what happened so...and say if it were you,and I did it."

"I'd kick your face in and do some crazy ish that you wouldn't have even seen in CZW."

Roman's unlocked the door and let Alicia In first, walking in after her he put his bag on the bed closest to the window.

"What the hell was that!"

"Look...Alicia...I didn't...okay...she was right there and it just happened."

"Oh so even AFTER you caught her you continue to hold her why the hell couldn't you have just dropped her a** she's got enough add on back there!"
"I'm sorry baby" he says

"Yep because now that's not only gonna be the top Trend on Twitter but the big talk of every interview,like I don't have enough crap coming at me!"

" you want me to go to her room grab her and drop her into the pool?"

"Your a** is sleeping on the couch!" She says rolling her eyes

"Baby....come on...."


Over in Dean and Paige's room Paige looked up from her phone and saw Dean smirking.

"You're an idiot you know that."

"She just threatened to chop him off..Alicia's really pissed I take back that make up se*."

Paige rolls her eyes shaking her head turning her attention back to her phone.

"How in the hell do I put up with you luv."

back over in Roman and Alicia's room

"Alicia...I'm sorry...this was a stupid mistake." He said following her over to the bathroom.

Alicia slammed the door in his face. Sighing Roman heads back to the bed room grabbing one of the covers and pillows getting himself comfortable on the couch.

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