Mr electric

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We get to mount never rest " shouldn't planet drool be a place where kids have endless fun?" Questions max " oh it endless fun alright once u get on ya can't get if " me and sharkboy say at the same time sharkboy leans into my ear and says " you remember everything don't you ?" He says smirking 😏 " yeah " I say " why " I question " never Mind " he says still smirking 😏. " ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " the kids scream snapping us out " let's stop the roller coaster " says lava girl as we all use our powers to get us up and max climbs the ladder . Sharkboy uses his strength to pull the coaster from the back while I push it from the front and lavagirl uses her lava to stop the thing " who knows where mister electric is hiding ?" Questions lg ( lavagirl) " everyone?" I ask " there upside down " says max " go run hide " yells sharkboy as the coaster starts and he grabs onto my waist and pulls me to the front with lavagirl while max is buckled up. " it's showtime " says sharkboy " grinning . " la la la toys endless fun " says a round tin can thingy and has a face of mr electric. " ah if it isn't sharkboy, lavagirl and galexy girl " he says

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