Chapter 9 - Draco's POV

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"Are you stalking me or something?" God she hates my guts. I guess I should be happy that she can now move on, but I'm far from it.

"The last time I checked, you don't own the quidditch stands." I smiled, it felt like old times, back when we used to fight with each other to disguise the fact that we both liked each other. She saw me smirking, I let my face fall.

"And the last time I checked, you don't want to be around me." Ouch. She's as feisty as ever.

Well this happens to be the only place I can get any peace around here, at least until you had a shouting match with the bludger. You'd make a good beater." I clapped back quickly, seeing if she'd notice the compliment I threw in at the end.

"Thanks." She noticed. I took that as my opportunity to leave, heading back towards the school, turning around to look at her one more time as she picked up the heavy box of quidditch equipment with ease, her hair blowing in the wind.


"Aren't you going to put the ring back on?" Blaise asked as I lay on my bed, twirling it around my fingers that night.

"It doesn't really belong to me anymore."

"Ahhh so THAT'S why you haven't worn it in 2 years, you gave it to her didn't you?"

"Sure did."

"Soooo, she's given it back?"

"She left it here the other night."

"So it's really over then?"

"I guess so."

"Ah mate I'm sorry."

"I don't believe it for a minute Malfoy." Pansy came in and sat down on the end of Blaise's bed, folding her arms and glaring at me.

"Who said you could join the conversation Parkinson?" I sat up to glare back at her.

"You know what I think? I think you're being some dramatic little baby. The war is over! There's nothing keeping you apart anymore, why are you being like this?"

"You don't get it Pansy-"

"Oh I don't? You mean I haven't been around the last few years watching you fall in love with her? I'm your best friend Draco, she's the one. You only ever find one person like that in your life and you are stupid if you let her go."

"Guess I'm stupid then." I laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I could feel their eyes still on me.

"You know she has a brain right? She can make decisions for herself. You don't get to decide that you can't be together if you both want it."

"Trust me I'm doing her a favour. She's better off without me."

"I actually thought you two were the quite the power couple, she's just boring old Greenwood without you."

"Don't be a git mate." Blaise and Pansy soon left, something about late night quidditch practice for the trials tomorrow afternoon. I probably wasn't going to try out, I promised to focus on school this year, and quidditch would only get in the way of that.

Closing my eyes, I got ready for another night of tossing and turning, another night that Belle wouldn't be in my arms.


She was late for Potions. She's never late for potions. Had something happened? I saw Potter come in, surely if something happened he would have said something? My leg jerked nervously under the table, earning myself a kick from an irritated Pansy.

"Will you stop jittering about like that? You're shaking the whole table!"

There was only one seat left in the class. Right next to me. Of course. Everyone probably thought we'd still want to sit together, that we were still the golden couple, but we weren't.

She eventually came in, panting from running, her face red with embarrassment. Slughorn didn't say anything, she was his favourite student of course he didn't say anything.

She looked around the room for a seat, and her eyes fell on me. I looked down, I didn't want to see the annoyance in her face.

"Look who's the stalker now."

I didn't look at her, I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. I snuck little glances out of the corner of my eye at her, it felt good to have her this close to me again. If we were still together my hand would have been creeping up her leg by now, she'd be completely under my spell. But instead, she was sat absentmindedly throwing ingredients into her cauldron, causing it to erupt with blue smoke.

"Looks like the tables have turned. The student has become the master." God I missed the private lessons she used to give me, when it would mostly end with me pinning her down on the table. God what I would give to pin her down right now.

She glared at me. "And how did you get so good may I ask?" She noticed that I had brewed a perfect potion, I bet she was secretly impressed.

"Been studying. Clearly you haven't been." It's true, I spent ages reading and re-reading the textbook, with her little scribbles all over it, correcting the book and adding shortcuts. It was all because of her.

Seeing Slughorn out of the corner of my eye I quickly threw some lacewing flies in her cauldron, turning it the correct colour and smiled as he praised us both.

"it seems you're going to have some competition for the teaching assistant job this year Miss Greenwood, well done Mr Malfoy."

She seemed annoyed, but I liked it. I liked winding her up, I could feel the tension building us both and I couldn't resist saying what I said as I walked out.

"Bring it on Greenwood."

I knew that would leave her quivering, completely under my spell. I had to stop though, I wasn't supposed to be being like this, this wasn't the plan.

Why did she make it so damn hard to move on?

Dumping my bag on the armchair in the common room, I rifled through it looking for my book.

It wasn't there.

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