Chapter 4

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My head hurt. A mixture of fire whiskey and passing out had my head feel like there was a dragon in it. I didn't remember anything from when I passed out last night. I opened my eyes slowly to see that I wasn't in the Gryffindor dorms. I sat up, this room was strangely familiar. The silk sheets, the green banners on the wall.....I was in the Slytherin dorm.

"Good morning" the breath caught in my throat at the sound of his voice. There he was, standing in the doorway, holding a glass of water and a cup of something else, that he set down next to me. His hair was messy, like he had been running his hands through it, and his eyes didn't meet mine, not once.


"Pepperup potion, you'll feel better." He handed me the cup and I examined it, seeing a perfectly brewed potion, bubbling gently. I drank it, feeling better and better with every sip.

"What do you remember from last night?" This time his eyes met mine, as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I remember the first part of the party, then I fell, and I don't remember anything after that.....did we?" I looked down to see my dress discarded, and in its place was one of Draco's quidditch jerseys.

"No, nothing happened. I just thought that the sight of me dragging you through the corridors at night would look weird so I let you sleep in here, don't worry I slept on the sofa in the common room."

"So you changed my clothes?"

He laughed a little. "Oh come on Victoria, it's nothing I haven't seen before and that dress didn't exactly look comfortable to sleep in."

He watched my face flash with confusion.


"It's just.....that's the first time you've ever called me Victoria. You always called me Belle." I looked at him as he looked down. He still looked like Draco, my Draco, but he couldn't be any more different from who he used to be. A year ago we were so in love, prepared to quite literally die for each other. Now he was like a strange to me, an oh so familiar stranger.

"You know you really need to learn how to handle your alcohol." He stood up, an annoyed expression on his face as he paced the room.

"I was fine, it was a party, I had fun."

"Fun? Not remembering anything the next morning is fun to you? Anything could have happened, if I wasn't there-"

"You haven't been there for a year now Draco."

He stopped pacing. For a moment I saw his eyes fill with tears, before he quickly blinked them away and his face turned red with anger.

"I'm well aware of that! Don't you think I have a good reason for that?! Do you know how hard it is to see you, knowing that everytime my arm burns, yours burns too. I can't even look at you without being consumed by the guilt of knowing that I'm the reason you have no family. Every problem in your life is a result of me and I can't let you love me when all I do is get you hurt. You're better off without me, that way you can move on and I can attempt to learn to live without you."

It was like he had ripped my already shattered heart from my chest. My eyes filled with tears as I stood up, grabbing my dress.

"You don't get to decide whether or not I love you. And for the record I still do, I never stopped."

I ran back to the Gryffindor common room, past all the students giggling and gasping at the sight of their head girl, running through the corridors in last nights makeup and wearing nothing but a Slytherin quidditch jersey. The giggling continued when I ran through the common room, and into the bathroom, breathing heavily as I rested my hands on the sink.

I looked at my reflection. My eyes were red from lack of sleep, my skin paler than I had ever seen it, my hair was a mess and my lips were stained from a mixture of lipstick and fire whiskey. For the first time, I looked at myself, and I didn't recognise the girl looking back at me. I was a mess, a huge mess.

I let the tears fall. For the first time in a long time I let the emotion consume me. I didn't stop when Harry and Hermione came running in, when they attempted to console me. I'd lost him, I'd really lost him. He couldn't live with the guilt, but I couldn't live without him.

"Shhhhhh Tori, shhhh" Harry rubbed my back gently as Hermione dabbed at my face with tissues, both of them exchanging worried looks.

"You're going to be fine Tori, we all are" Hermione said, and I just shook my head.

"Why not then? What's going on?" Asked Harry.


"I know." Was all Harry kept saying. Hermione soon left, making an excuse about Ron wanting to play chess, leaving the two of us alone.

"What a mess." Harry said after a while, leaning against the wall.

"You can say that again."

"Why are you in Gryffindor Tori?"

I looked at him, confused.

"Because the sorting hat said so."

"And the sorting hat said so because?"

"I don't know, my dad probably."

"Give yourself some credit Tori. It's because you're brave. You're the bravest person I know. You've been through some major shit, that someone your age shouldn't have to go through. You're allowed to feel angry, you're allowed to feel sad, but what I won't let you feel Tori is nothing. You need to let yourself feel, you need to let it all out. Otherwise you can never move on."

"When did you become so wise Harry Potter?"

"I think I've turned into Sirius."

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