Chapter 32

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The cabin was already lit up when I arrived. The glow of candles shone from the windows and as I pushed open the door I was greeted by my fiancée, sat on the bed waiting for me.

"Good evening Mrs almost Malfoy."

"Good evening Mr Malfoy."

"I believe I owe you a prize."

"I believe you do."

He stood up, walking slowly over to me, before grabbing my hips and pushing me until my back was against the wall. He crashed his lips onto mine hungrily, before pulling away and making his way down to my neck, biting gently.

"What do you want your prize to be?" he whispered in my ear.


"I'm yours. You. Can. Do. Whatever. You. Want. To. Me." He said, while leaving kisses over my skin between each word.

I pushed him back so his body fell onto the bed, and my legs straddled his lap as I climbed on top of him, taking my sweatshirt off in the process. He removed his own shirt, and I kissed my way down his whole body, hearing his breathing increase.

"I want you in control." I said suddenly and he opened his eyes to look at me.

"But you won Belle? It's your prize."

"And I want you in control, that's the best prize I can get."

"Well if you're so sure..." he grabbed me, flipping us over so he was on top, and grabbed his tie from the floor.

"Sit up." He commanded and I did as he said. He slipped his tie around my head gently, covering my eyes. I adjusted to the darkness as he placed a kiss on my neck. He pushed me back down gently before he paused, and something cold touched my chest.


He gently slid the ice down my body, making me gasp as the cold travelled down my body. Before I knew it Draco's lips were on mine as he gently deposited the ice in my mouth, his tongue dancing against mine.

I felt him straddle my lap again, and then the familiar feeling of him inside me washed over my body, causing me to let out a deep moan.

"God I love it when you do that" Draco said in my ear. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him in closer to me and he groaned in response.

The minutes sped by as the speed increased, the tension rushing through my body until I couldn't stand it anymore and released it, sighing heavily. Draco followed almost at the same time, pressing his lips to mine again softly whilst undoing the blindfold. I blinked in the sudden light as he looked down at me. I pulled him in closer to me and he collapsed down next to me.

"Did you like that?" He asked and I nodded, exhausted.

"Good girl."


"Hey Tori isn't that your owl?" Ron said at breakfast the next morning when the post came. I hadn't gotten a single letter since retuning to school, not that I expected any seeing as I didn't have any family to write to me, so I was surprised as to who would be writing to me now.

Blink, my owl, dropped the parchment onto the table and set herself down in front of me. I fed her a piece of toast, stroking her feathers softly.

"Bet that was nice to not be sitting in the owlery all day huh" I said to her, and she ruffled her feathers and flew off happily.

"Who's it from?" Harry asked.

I opened the letter and saw the familiar writing of Molly Weasley. My eyes scanned the page and before I knew it my eyes were welling up with tears.

"What's wrong Tori?"

"Bloody hell not more bad news I hope"

"No, no it's good, here, read it." I pushed the letter over to Hermione who read it out loud for the group.

Dearest Victoria,
I'm sorry to hear about what happened with Draco's father, don't let him bother you, you're perfect as you are.

I've been talking to Mrs Malfoy and we have come up with an idea.

I know your mother would have loved to have been here for your wedding preparations, but as she isn't I was wondering if you would do me the honour of letting me make your wedding dress? Narcissa has said she will buy the material, any material you want, and also buy some for your bridesmaids, if you choose to have any. I do hope you say yes.

Take care my dear,

"Wow, that's so lovely of her"

"So Tori, bridesmaids? What's going on with that?" Ginny asked, her face filled with hope.

"Well obviously you two" I said, nodding at Ginny and Hermione, who beamed at me, "and I'm going to ask Pansy, three bridesmaids I think that's a good number."

"Perfect" Hermione said, as her eyes travelled upwards as I heard a voice behind me.

"Good morning Gryffindorks" Pansy said as she sat down next to me, snatching the letter up from the table.

"Oh thank god Cissy is getting the material, otherwise you'd be wearing a white woolly dress down the aisle."

"Oi!" Ron said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh calm down Weasley it's a JOKE. Anyway bridesmaids hmmmm?" She said, looking at me expectantly.

"Pansy Parkinson, will you do me the honour of being one of my bridesmaids?" I asked and she smirked.

"Seeing as you asked so nicely Greenwood...but put me in a pink dress and I will kill you. I mean it."

"No pink, got it."


On the way to our first class, charms, I pulled Harry aside.

"What's up Tori?" He asked as we walked together.

"I was wondering if....if you would walk me down the aisle. It's just, I don't have my mum or dad to do it, and I was thinking of asking Arthur or Molly or even George but I thought, we've been through so much together that there's no one else I'd want to do it."

I looked up at Harry who swallowed hard before saying "urgh yeah, brilliant." He blinked furiously and I knew he was blinking back tears. I hugged him quickly and he wrapped his arms around me gladly.

"What is it with weddings and everyone getting emotional? It's weird."

"It's emotional because we're all growing up. It's kind of scary."

"I don't think I'm scared anymore you know. I was, but things have fallen right into place and it's nice. I'm not worried anymore."

"Who would have thought that we would have ended up here? Me dating my best mates sister and you getting married to Draco Malfoy?"

"Life is just weird isn't it Potter?"

"It certainly is Tori."

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