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that night, i stared out the window, getting lost in my thoughts as i watched the different-sized stars glimmer.

it was a beautiful sight, really. almost made me forget about how tomorrow is another day of killing titans.

almost made me forget about what happened earlier.

mikasa hadn't talked me ever since the.. 'incedent.'

though it only happened a couple hours ago, i didn't really understand why she was being so shy about it.. and why she didn't pull away..

"ughhh what the hell!" i whisper-shout in confusion, kicking the blankets furiously off the mattress in a fit.

calming down a bit, i let out a sigh of defeat, accepting the fact that whatever happened isnt a big deal.

i pick the wrinkled blanket up from the dark brown, wooden floor and wrapped it around my shoulders, looking out the window once more.

as i stared at the dark blue canvas, a small, barely visible flash of light fell across it.

i blink in sudden confusion, trying to make sure i wasn't just seeing things.

another flash of light danced across the sky, as if out- doing all the other stars. standing out from the rest.

i remembered as a child, how my brother and i would go star gazing sometimes. we liked to sit on the roof of our home and count the beautiful lights.

i let out a humored breath as i remember how i was always scared when climbing onto the roof. he always had to reassure me i would be ok.

one night, years ago, only a couple stars were visible. i was a bit disappointed that day, but my brother told me we should stay and watch either way.

then, out of no where, a flash of light zoomed across, causing a 6 year old me to freak out. i had never seen such a sighting before. it somewhat scared me.

my brother laughed at my tantrum and told me about what we just saw. he took a huge interest into stars, so he was very educated on the topic.

"that was a shooting star y/n. they're actually made of dust and rock. dad told me that whenever you see one, you have to make a wish!"

that night, i forgot what i had wished for. i hope it came true at least..

letting out a sigh after reminiscing in the past, i decide to try and wish for something. i knew my father probably lied to us just so we could be more interested and involved, but who knows.. maybe something could actually happen..

maybe the thing i wished for long ago had already came true.

i rubbed my eyes out of tiredness and let out a yawn. "ok.. i wish.."

i paused for a moment, trying to carefully think of the perfect wish i would want to get granted.

"i wish.. tch, this is so dumb."

but i kept going, kept trying to figure out what i wanted. it was strange, like i had to wish for something, even though i wasn't 100% sure it would even come to be.

the sky was always a calming thing for me. like a best friend that could never leave, even if the view was blocked out completely.

i guess the image of having the sky as a comforting coping mechanism came from the restless night of talking about it with my family.

"i wish she would love me the way i love her." i blurted out, slightly shocked at my sudden words.

but again, i kept going.

"i wish she knew how i felt about her." my eye brows knitted in defeat, my eyes narrowing down to the windowsill.

"i wish mikasa would like me back."

"i wish all these weird feelings could just, disappear?"

it was strange, the last wish left a bad taste in my mouth, made my stomach whirl with guilt.

"no, i didn't mean that." i say defensively as if the sky could answer back.

and apparently, it did. yet another bright flash of light flew past the sky, somewhat relieving this anxious feeling that kept my chest tight, my breathing less than normal.

it was weird.. i didn't necessarily believe in the "shooting star" theory, but i just kept going.

"ok, i just wish that.. mikasa and i could maybe be more than friends. that's all i want. for her to feel the same way i feel for her."

i closed my eyes and took a couple breathes, trying to relax my nerves a bit. i thought about the time i had a nightmare and mikasa comforted me. i laid on her chest, listening to her heart beat, melting into her arms.

thinking about her touch brought me to my senses a bit.

i shuffled in my blankets, wishing she was here to cuddle me to sleep. but i once again, i fell asleep thinking about the girl i wish i could cuddle into every night.

i woke up earlier than usual in hopes i would at least be able to walk with mikasa to our destination. too many thoughts of what i could have done wrong were bothering me, and her reassurance was just what i needed.

i eventually made it to her room. luckily she was already closing and locking the door, ready to walk out.

"morning mikasa." i say a bit shyly. i didn't know what she was feeling or why she ran off last night, so i tried being as humble as i could.

she just looked at me nodded her head, as if returning the statement.

i couldn't handle the awkward atmosphere any longer, so i walked up to the girl and did the first thing i could think of.

i hugged her.

i harshly wrapped my arms around her waist, my head resting on her chest.

i missed her heartbeat.

i held her tight and closed my eyes, still a bit tired since i had just woken up not to long ago.

"mikasa i'm so so so so sorry if i did anything to get you mad from yesterday. tell me what i did. it's been bothering me a bit and i just don't want to ruin our friendship. please mikasa."

she surprisingly loses up a bit after being tense from my surprise hug.

i felt a chin rest on top of my head, and a pair of arms wrap messily around me. "tch, stupid." she mumbled in her usual, bland tone.

i instantly let out a breath of relief i wasn't even aware i was holding in. "don't fucking scare me like that mikasa." i say, taking in her scent.

the soothing smell of raspberry's and roses made me even more happier to be back in her embrace.

slowly letting go, we started walking side by side to this meeting we had to partake in. "so why did you run off last night?" i curiously asked.

i saw her eyes widen a bit, her cheeks turning into a light shade of pink. cute.

she didn't answer my question. i didn't bug her about it so we just kept walking in silence, a calm but slightly tense aura between us.

"i didn't mean to worry you." she finally said quietly. i simply nodded my head, signaling she didn't have to say anything else.

the alluring view of the sun just barely above the flowing trees brought a grin on my face. "your always looking at the sky." mikasa said, looking at the view as well.

"yeah well, it just reminds me a lot about my family. and it's just beautiful." i replied softly, as if not to disturb mother nature's peace.

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